The Choir Association of St John’s College, Cambridge


held on Saturday 21 January 2017 in the Divinity School, St John's College.

Present: Mr Simon Robson Brown (in the Chair), The Dean of Chapel, Miss Caroline Marks (Choir Administrator), Rev Tony Bushell, Mr Christopher Carnaghan, Mr Neil Chippington, Mr Tom Cogan, Miss Lynda Collins, Mr David Garrett,Mrs Nan Guest, Mr Selwyn Image, Ms Jane Jackson, Mr Tim Jones, Mr Lawrence Kidman, Ms Jill MacMahon, Mr Martin Redfearn, Mr Alastair Roberts, Ms Sophia Wellbeloved, Mr Philip White (admin assistant).

Apologies for absence were received from: the Acting Director of Music, Mr Dominic Collingwood,Mrs Gillian Flinn, Mr Dan Jordan, Mr David Wheeler, Garth Bardsley, Grayston Burgess, Brian Coleman, Peter Davis,Brian Coleman, Rupert Forbes,Elizabeth Griffin, Edward J Hart, Jonathan Hellyer Jones, Paul James, Huw Lewis, Adrian Lucas, Rev Victor Malan, Bruce Mathers, Anne Mathewman, David McCord,Mark Metcalf, Malcolm Parr, Robin Smallwood, Timothy Terry, David Wilson.

Note: Andrew Nethsingha is currently on sabbatical. The Acting Director of Music is John Challenger.

  1. Chairman's opening remarks

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the AGM andthanked them for attending. He introduced Neil Chippington, Headteacher of St John’s School to the meeting.

  1. Minutes of last AGM

The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 16 January 2016 had been circulated with the agenda. It was unanimously agreed that the Chairman sign these as a true record.

  1. Choir Association Activities 2016

Caroline Marks said that HelenCocks had left to take up another appointment, and James Beddoe, a current Lay Clerk,has taken on this vital administrative function. There had been 160 at the Epiphany tea last January, and 240 at the summer Garden Party. The London Drinks event had again not been very well supported, but with Tony Bushell’s help with arranging an excellent venue at the Inner Temple it is hoped that this April the event will prove more convenient and popular.

  1. Income and Expenditure for the financial year ended 30 June 2016

Caroline circulated the report on income and expenditure for the financial year ended 30 June 2016. She explained that there had been some extra expense this year; particularly the London Drinks event, where the venue had proved rather costly.

The Committee had agreed that the annual donation of £500 from David Wheeler, to support needy choristers be recorded and acknowledged in the minutes.

  1. Choir Activities

Caroline Marks gave a detailed presentation on another very full year for the Choir. She highlighted the introduction of the new logo, which will be used on CD labels and all publicity material. She said that the Christmas CD had sold very well, and had featured in the charts for many weeks.

The Epiphany Carol Service continues to become even more popular, and Caroline made special mention of the Lent Meditation service, and encouraged members to come.

The USA tour was a great success, and the Choir sang to packed audiences of as many as 1000 at Stanford University, Washington, New York, Greenwich Atlanta and St Louis.

The special service to mark Christopher Robinson’s 80th birthday had been very well attended.

Projects underway include a new CD of music by Kodaly, a new video for Classic FMand the publication of Phillip Moore’s canticles in memory of John Scott.

The next Choir tour being planned is to Denmark.

Caroline thanked members for their on-going support for the Chapel and Choir, and was particularly pleased with the response to sponsorship of the Harvey CD, ‘DEO’, which has been shortlisted by BBC Music Magazine for an award. She urged all members to vote for it!

  1. Proposed revisions to the Association’s constitution

Duncan Dormor explained that these revisions (already circulated) were to clarify and re-order some priorities. There was some advice from the floor on a number of items of detail, and a few inconsistencies, which meant some slight alterations to the wording. Duncan agreed to implement these suggestions and re-draft the paper.

It was proposed by Simon Robson-Brown, seconded by Duncan Dormor and agreed by show of hands that, with the amendments, the re-drafted constitution be submitted to Council for approval.

Post meeting note – approved by Council on 2 February 2017.

  1. Election of Chairperson

The Dean briefly took the Chair, and thanked Simon Robson-Brown for his work over the past few years. Simon had indicated his willingness to stand for re-election. Nominated by The Dean and seconded unanimously by those present, it was agreed that Simon be re-elected to serve as Chairman for a further period of 3 years.

  1. Election of Committee Members

Dominic Collingwood, David Garret and Selwyn Image were eligible for re-election, and had indicated their willingness to serve for a further period of 3 years.

Nominated ‘en bloc’ by The Dean and seconded unanimously by those present, it was agreed that they be re-elected.

The Chairman paid tribute to David Wheeler, who had served the maximum 9 years on the Committee, and thanked him for his support and dedication.

9.Any other business

Responding to a question about the status of membership cards, the Dean said it was hoped to set up an improved administrative regime shortly, and these issues would be addressed. He thanked Philip White for helping with some of the tasks over recent years.

There were other questions concerning copyright for the new logo and the ‘pirating’ of CDs. The Chairman agreed that these matters should be looked into.