Employee Leave Brochure


The online, paperless leave system!


In order to access the E-Leave System the first time, passwords must be reset.

You should receive an email from the system with a temporary password. If not, from the TCL homepage, select Employment from the bottom of the website.

Select E-Leave from the Frequently Requested Websites list.

You may receive a message about webpage certification error. Click “Continue to this website (not recommended)”.

Click on the Forget your password?link from the main login page.

The next screen will ask you for your User Name. Enter your User Name and click Submit.

You will then receive an email with a link to reset your password. You must access your email to retrieve this link.

When you click on the link, it will take you to a page that allows you to create a new password.

The next screen tells you that your password change was complete and you can click on Continue to get into the system.

If you are asked to change the password again, just press cancel.


E-Leave “error message”

When using E-Leave some employees are having issues with the “date must match the leave year” error.

You will get an error if you are running E-Leave using Firefox or IE9 without enabling “Compatibility View” mode. For assistance, call Latesha at ext. 8253.

  • Employees can enter leave request from any computer.
  • Employees will have to inform their supervisor that leave has been requested for approval. Requesting leave does not mean automatic approval.
  • Each day of leave must be entered individually.
  • Each type of leave (sick, annual, etc) must be entered individually.
  • Leave cannot be keyed in future calendar years.
  • Supervisors/managers will need to log into the E-Leave system to review all leave requests for approval or denial. (To decline a request, the supervisor/manager must email Latesha McComas with the information so she can remove it from the system.)
  • To void a leave request that has been approved by your supervisor and the date has passed, email Latesha McComas with the information and reason for requesting the void. The supervisor will be contacted by HR for approval. (see supervisor section for further instructions)
  • Annual leave and Faculty Non Work Days should be requested in advance except in the case of an emergency.
  • Sick leave requests should be keyed within 3 days of returning to work or in advance for scheduled appointments or medical treatments.
  • Medical certification is required if 3 consecutive days are missed due to illness. The Supervisor is responsible for alerting HR to expect the documentation.
  • Leave guidelines and definitions are included in the system, so certain types of leave will require additional information such as leave requested for FMLA or Leave-Without-Pay or absences for more than 3 consecutive sick leave days. Contact the Human Resources Office for assistance with these types of leave. All documentation must be sent to HR. The Supervisor is responsible for alerting HR to expect the documentation.
  • If an employee does not have enough leave, the system will not allow the leave to be keyed. The employee must email Latesha McComas and CC their supervisor to request these days to be processed as Leave Without Pay (or requested Banked Personal Leave for Faculty).
  • Supervisors/managers will not immediately receive an e-mail when a leave request is keyed, but if the leave request is not approved within 7 days the system will generate an email reminder.
  • See the Leave Regulations at the end of this guide for more information.

Contact the Human Resources Office at ext. 8253 or ext. 8248 for assistance.

E-Leave System

From the TCL homepage, select Employment from the bottom of the website.

Select E-Leave from the Frequently Requested Websites list.

You may receive a message about webpage certification error. Click “Continue to this website (not recommended)”.

Use the User Name and Password that were e-mailed to you to log in to the system.

This is what you will see when you login.

You can view your leave balances on the left side of the screen and request your leave on the right side.

To enter new leave, select the Leave Type by using the drop down box.

  • If you select Sick Leave – Family or Funeral Leave, you will also need to select the specific Family Member’s relationship to you.
  • You will select the leave in quarter hour increments from the drop-down menu.
  • Leave must be entered individually for each day.

If you are Staff, you will see:If you are Faculty, you will see:

The Future Leave Tab shows your current balance with pending leave requests and future accruals for the remainder of the year.

Non-Exempt Employees

(forthose who must submit FLSA Timesheets)

The FLSA Timesheet must be completed at the end of each workweek.

  1. To enter your timesheet, click on the Non-Exempttab.
  2. Select the date from the Week Ending box.
  3. Enter the time you worked each day.
  4. Click the box below to verify that you have all leave entered properly and then the Submit Time Sheet button will become active.
  5. Click on Submit Time Sheet to route the timesheet to your supervisor for approval.


  • You must key in leave requests prior to completing the timesheet for that week.
  • The Hours Worked must be selected from the drop-down menu. The system does not calculate your time worked even though it will show the leave taken.

When completing the weekly timesheets, you still have to select the hours worked for each day. See example below.

Weekly total should always equal 37.5 hours.


To approve requested leave for all employees:

  1. Click the Approval tab.
  2. Click the box under the employee’s name and click on Approve Selected Days.

To approve weekly timesheets for non-exempt (FLSA) employees:

  1. Click on Approval tab.
  2. Click the Approve Weekly Timesheet (Non-exempt employees) tab.
  3. Click the box beside the employee’s name and click Approve Time Sheet.

To cancel leave:

  • If approved leave needs to be cancelled prior to the date, a supervisor can delete the transaction through the following steps: 1) click the “View Transactions” tab 2) Select the Employee’s name 3) Enter the date range for the system to display 4) Select Approved from the drop-down menu 5) Click the “Retrieve” button 6) a red “x” will appear at the end of the date transaction line. 7) click the red “x” and delete the transaction.
  • If approved leave needs to be cancelledafter the date, the employee must send an email to with the date and reason for cancellation. A message will be sent to the supervisor to ask their approval to delete the leave request. Once the supervisor approves, HR will delete the transaction.

View Transactions

Click the “View All Transactions” Tab

Input the dates you wish to view. You can ask for specific leave (sick, annual, etc) or leave “All” selected. You must select Pending or Approved. Click Retrieve.

Leave approved will appear. You can download to Excel by clicking “download to Excel”.

Password Problems

If you are having problems getting logged into the system, click on the Forget your password? link from the main login page.

The next screen will ask you for your User Name. Enter your User Name and click Submit.

You will then receive an email with a link to reset your password.

When you click on the link, it will take you to a page that allows you to create a new password.

The next screen tells you that your password change was complete and you can click on Continue to get into the system.

If you are still having problems, contact Human Resources at ext. 8253 or ext. 8248.


(This section is copied from the Employee Handbook)

An application for leave must be completed and submitted through the online leave system, E-Leave, any time an employee does not meet his/her normal work hours. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all absences are recorded properly. Failure to report leave taken is considered a falsification of work/time records and could be construed as being paid for hours not worked in violation of the South Carolina Wage Payment Act and may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.


During their first ten years of service, all permanent full-time employees other than teaching faculty earn 15 days annual leave per year. (See section 5.3 Faculty Nonwork Days.) Leave is earned at the rate of 1.25 days (9.38 hours) per month for each full month in pay status. Leave for permanent part-time employees will be prorated. The maximum annual leave that may be used in one calendar year is 30 days. An employee may carry over from one calendar year to the next any unused annual leave credit up to a maximum of 45 days.

Annual leave must be approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor. To the degree possible, requests for specific periods of annual leave shall be honored. However, consideration of workloads and similar factors may necessitate change.

The maximum number of earned or accumulated working days of annual leave that may be used in any one calendar year shall not exceed 30 days without prior approval of the President for extenuating circumstances.

Permanent full-timeemployees earn bonus leave credits after having been employed by the state for more than 10 years (see chart below).

Upon separation from state service, an employee will receive compensation for up to 45 unused annual leave days. If an employee transfers to another South Carolina state agency without a break in service (within 15 calendar days), all accumulated annual leave will be transferred to the new agency.

Earning Rate
Years of Service / Days Per Year / Hours Per Month
1 – 10 / 15.00 / 9.38
11 / 16.25 / 10.16
12 / 17.50 / 10.94
13 / 18.75 / 11.72
14 / 20.00 / 12.50
15 / 21.25 / 13.28
16 / 22.50 / 14.06
17 / 23.75 / 14.84
18 / 25.00 / 15.63
19 / 26.25 / 16.41
20 / 27.50 / 17.19
21 / 28.75 / 17.97
22 & over / 30.00 / 18.75


The following legal holidays are granted to permanent employees, with the exception of teaching faculty (see Faculty Nonwork Days):

New Year’s Day – January 1

Martin Luther King’s Birthday – Third Monday in January

George Washington’s Birthday – Third Monday in February (accrued)

Confederate Memorial Day – May 10 (accrued)

National Memorial Day – Fourth Monday in May

Independence Day – July 4

Labor Day – First Monday in September

Veteran’s Day – November 11 (accrued except during even years)

Thanksgiving Day – Fourth Thursday in November

Day After Thanksgiving

Christmas Eve – December 24

Christmas Day – December 25

Day after Christmas – December 26

The College does not close on all legal holidays and, therefore, employees are not always able to take the holidays as they occur. In this case, the holiday will be accrued for use when the College is closed during the Christmas holidays.

An accrued holiday will be used for Election Day during even years.

The Human Resources Office issues each January a calendar of holidays in order to allow employees to plan vacations and plan for accrued holidays to cover the mandated College closing.

Employees on leave without pay will not receive credit for holidays falling during the period of leave without pay.

When a legal holiday falls during a period of sick leave or annual leave, that day will not be counted as a sick or an annual leave day.

Holidays that fall on Saturday will be observed on the preceding Friday; holidays that fall on Sunday will be observed on the following Monday.


Faculty members do not accrue annual leave. In lieu of the accrual of annual leave and in recognition of normal State holidays, provision is made to grant faculty nonwork days (Personal Leave), per thirty-nine (39) week academic term, as follows:

Less than 10 years23 days;

of continuous State service

10 years but less than 15 years24 days;

of continuous State service

15 years but less than 20 years25 days;

of continuous State service

20 or more years26 days;

of continuous State service

Nonwork days are granted based on the number of completed academic years of continuous State service as of the beginning of the fall term.

A number of faculty nonwork days are scheduled within the institutional academic calendar in keeping with institutional policy and procedures. Faculty are required to observe the scheduled nonwork days, unless specific prior approval is granted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The remaining faculty nonwork days may be taken with the prior approval of the Division Dean provided there are no departmental/divisional activities at which attendance is required. Unique situations may qualify for use of personal/emergency nonwork days at other times. The number of days requested should not be greater than the number of days accrued in a given year.

Full-time faculty who are employed during the summer term are granted additional nonwork days at the rate of .38 days per week of full-time employment.

Faculty may carry forward up to five (5) unused nonwork days each academic year to be “banked”. Faculty members may accumulate up to forty-five (45) unused nonwork days. Once personal leave is carried forward and “banked”, these days may only be taken with the approval of the President.

Upon separation of employment with the Technical College System, the faculty member shall be paid a lump sum payment for banked and unused nonwork days not to exceed forty-five (45) days, and without deducting any earned nonwork days taken during the calendar year the faculty member separates.

For additional information refer to TCL Procedure 6-1-601.25.


All permanent full-time employees including teaching faculty earn 15 days sick leave per year. Leave is earned at the rate of 1.25 days (9.38 hours) per full month of service. Leave for permanent part-time employees will be prorated. Employees may accumulate up to 195 days in any calendar year and carry over for one calendar year to the next any unused sick leave up to a maximum of 180 days (1350 hours).

Use of Sick Leave

The absence of an employee for the following stated reasons shall be charged against earned sick leave credits:

a.An illness, injury, or temporary disability incapacitating the employee to perform his duties;

b.An exposure to a contagious disease substantiated by a physician’s statement testifying presence on duty would jeopardize the health of fellow employees or the public;

c.Appointment for medical or dental examination or treatment when such appointment cannot reasonably be scheduled during nonwork hours. To the degree possible, examination appointments must be approved in advance by the supervisor;

d.Sickness or temporary disability due to pregnancy. In addition to use for sickness or temporary disability due to pregnancy, sick leave may also be used for child delivery.


An employee who is absent because of illness mustnotify his/her immediate supervisor as early as possible. Arrangement for absence must be made in advance for elective surgery or diagnostic observation requiring sick leave of three days or longer. Employees not notifying their supervisors of their absence in a timely manner may be subject to unauthorized leave, which could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Application for Leave

Leave Requests must be keyed into the online leave system (E-Leave) anytime an employee does not meet his/her normal work hours.

A statement is required if an employee is out three (3) consecutive days due to illness or injury. This statement must sent to the Human Resources Office immediately.


Employees earning sick leave as provided in this section may use not more than ten (10) days of their sick leave annually to care for ill members of their immediate families. For purposes of this section, employee’s “immediate family” means the employee’s spouse and children and the following relations to the employee or the spouse of the employee: mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, or legal guardian and grandchildren.

An adoptive parent may use up to six weeks of his/her accrued sick leave to take time off for purposes of caring for the child after placement. The employee may request the leave authorized by this section only if the employee is the person who is primarily responsible for furnishing the care and nurturing of the child.

Family Medical Leave Act

In complying with the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the College provides up to 12 weeks job-protected leave to “eligible” employees for certain family and medical reasons. Employees are eligible if they have worked for a covered employer for at least one year, and for 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months, and if the company has at least 50 employees within 75 miles.