Criteria for student learning (add rows as needed) / Below Basic / Basic / Proficient / Exemplary
Content / Students use 5-10
Of the give vocabulary words correctly in the fiction story. / Students use 10-13 of the given vocabulary words correctly in the fiction story. / Students used 13 -14 of the given vocabulary words correctly in the fiction story.
An appropriate invention was designed. / Students used 15 of the given vocabulary words correctly in the fiction story.
An appropriate invention was designed.
Conventions / Difficult to understand because of mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling and capitalization. / Many mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. / Some mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. / Very few mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.
Presentation / Students cannot be heard and mispronounce some of the vocabulary words. / Students speak distinctly, but mispronounce some of the vocabulary words. / Students speak distinctly and pronounce each vocabulary word correctly. / Students speak loudly and distinctly. They pronounce each vocabulary word correctly.

Writing & presentation Rubric for Invention

Writing & presentation Rubric for Invention

Criteria for student learning (add rows as needed) / Below Basic / Basic / Proficient / Exemplary
Content / Students use 5-10
Of the give vocabulary words correctly in the fiction story. / Students use 10-13 of the given vocabulary words correctly in the fiction story. / Students used 13 -14 of the given vocabulary words correctly in the fiction story.
An appropriate invention was designed. / Students used 15 of the given vocabulary words correctly in the fiction story.
An appropriate invention was designed.
Conventions / Difficult to understand because of mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling and capitalization. / Many mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. / Some mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. / Very few mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.
Presentation / Students cannot be heard and mispronounce some of the vocabulary words. / Students speak distinctly, but mispronounce some of the vocabulary words. / Students speak distinctly and pronounce each vocabulary word correctly. / Students speak loudly and distinctly. They pronounce each vocabulary word
Criteria for student learning (add rows as needed) / Below Basic / Basic / Proficient / Exemplary
Content / Students use 5-10
Of the give vocabulary words correctly in the fiction story. / Students use 10-13 of the given vocabulary words correctly in the fiction story. / Students used 13 -14 of the given vocabulary words correctly in the fiction story.
An appropriate invention was designed. / Students used 15 of the given vocabulary words correctly in the fiction story.
An appropriate invention was designed.
Conventions / Difficult to understand because of mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling and capitalization. / Many mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. / Some mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. / Very few mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.
Presentation / Students cannot be heard and mispronounce some of the vocabulary words. / Students speak distinctly, but mispronounce some of the vocabulary words. / Students speak distinctly and pronounce each vocabulary word correctly. / Students speak loudly and distinctly. They pronounce each vocabulary word correctly.