IVCC Healthy LifestyleRubric
IVCC General Education Goal #7: To recognize what it means to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle in terms of mind, body, and spirit. This goal is intended to assist students in developing a lifelong, holistic approach to health maintenance, because students thus equipped can utilize their skills and knowledge to create positive change in themselves and their communities.Note: For the purposes of assessment with this rubric, essay questions on a test asking how course increased understanding of health and wellness, projects, presentations, reflection exercises, and essaysare examples of assignments appropriate for scoring with this tool.
A health conscious person: / Emergent / Proficient / Exemplary
Describes a healthy lifestyle
Does the student possess a holistic view of health? /
  • Can’t consistently identify factors that contribute to or detract from a healthy lifestyle.
  • Identifies components contributing to health and factors that result in unhealthy outcomes.
  • Makes associations about factors that contribute to or detract from a healthy lifestyle that are often overlooked by other students.

  • Requests direction to resources or does not exhibit knowledge of available resources.
  • Investigates and is knowledgeable about resources to support a healthy lifestyle.
  • Exhibits strong knowledge of available resources and is able to direct other students to supports for a healthy lifestyle.

  • Sees wellness on a singular plane.
  • Acknowledges the individual is a holistic system with wellness extending beyond the physical aspects.
  • Acts or provides examples that exhibit full understanding of the individual as a holistic system.

Assesses personal wellness
Can the student identify controllable factors affecting his or her own health and develop a plan to achieve or maintain wellness? /
  • Does not fully consider environment as a factor in achieving wellness.
  • Evaluates their environment and behavior.
  • To the extent possible, prepares an environment conducive to personal and community wellness.
  • Evaluates environment and behavior with a well thought out criteria.
  • Envisions and advocates for an environment conducive to personal and community wellness.

  • Sometimes fails to recognize triggers of destructive behaviors.
  • Recognizes triggers of destructive behaviors.
  • Demonstrates advanced awareness of influences that may trigger destructive behavior in self and others.

  • Reveals evidence of engaging in relationships that not advantageous.
  • Identifies signs of constructive and supportive relationships, and develops strategies to avoid destructive relationships.
  • Practices strategies to assure relationships are supportive and constructive.

  • Identifies healthy choices in one’s own life.
  • Approach to wellness is not systematic, and somewhat less successful than those taking a planned approach.
  • Identifies healthy choices in one’s own life.
  • Can create a plan to achieve and maintain balance and wellness.
  • Makes adjustments to an improvement plan based on measured progress.
  • Maintains a systematic approach to wellness which includes goals, targets, and progress checks.

Understands societal and individual impact of choices and actions
Can the student identify less controllable factors and outside influences? /
  • Misses the connection between social-emotional status and the effect on learning and goal achievement.
  • Discusses how social-emotional status affects the ability to learn.
  • Addresses the connection between self-worth, self-esteem, and the ability to achieve goals.
  • Provides persuasive evidence linking social-emotional status to the ability to learn and to achieve goals.

  • Provides little evidence of understanding that individual choices affect society.
  • Mistakenly assumes a healthy lifestyle is a simple matter of choice.
  • Understands that knowledge is transformative and that individual choices affect society.
  • Understands the power to make positive choices may be obstructed by mental or medical factors that are not easily controlled.
  • Understands that knowledge is transformative and that individual choices affect society.
  • Compels others to understand limits to the ability to make positive choices.

  • Readily assumes that all individuals prioritize in the same way.
  • Can articulate that individuals prioritize choices differently leading to diverse outcomes for the whole culture.
  • Embraces the individual choices that result in diverse outcomes for the whole culture.