Parish of Corio/Lara
St Francis Xavier Church, Corio
St Anthony of Padua Church, Lara
Archdiocese of Melbourne Australia
1st Sunday in Advent
Feast of St Francis Xavier
Sunday 3rd December, 2017
Today’sGospelis from St. Mark 13:33-37 - Timely Living and the End of History
From your own experience, waiting for exam results, the birth of a child, the dying of someone you love, isn’t it extremely rare for time to pass in the measured way that our clocks and watches suggest? Isn’t time a very mysterious, elastic dimension in which we live? And have you found that often the anticipation of a future event affects our sense of present time. It can dictate what we do in the meantime. Sometimes that future event never materializes, which can leave us feeling somewhat foolish, sometimes disappointed, sometimes relieved. But what if we knew with certainty that some major life determining event would most definitely occur, even in the remote future? Wouldn’t that create within us a certain attitude, a certain way of life, in anticipation? That is what this Gospel story is really about. Our Lord portrays himself as the Master who goes away on a journey. It is certain that he will return, even if no-one in his household knows exactly when. Jesus of Nazareth, who has journeyed through the gateway of death to Heavenly glory will definitely return and be revealed clearly to be: the Lord of all history, the Sovereign of all time. What do we do in anticipation? How do we spend our time, meantime?
Our Lord, the Master, indicates we have a choice. We can close our eyes and enter into the world of dreams where we create our own fantasy futures, or we can stay awake and alert to do what our Lord wants us to do in anticipation of his return. As the Gospel story tells us: ‘He left his servants in charge, giving to each his work.’ We are his servants. He has left you and me – his servants – to do a particular work, to fulfil a particular role in this phase of human history. Each of us has a unique task, an irreplaceable role in the history of humankind. Be alert, be on the watch for the promptings of the Holy Spirit Who will tell you with a deep sense of certainty what that role is. For most, it will be when you love someone dearly, real love, the willingness-to-die-for-the-other love of a spouse or partner or child. No-one else could do it. For others, it will come in work or some expertise when you know that this task was for your talent alone. No-one else could do it. For others, it can come in a moment of sporting endeavour or artistic exhilaration. No-one else could do it. Or it can come when one takes a stand for something believed to be right, persevering against the odds for the sake of justice. No-one else could do it. At that moment, you know why you were ‘put on the planet’ at this time and no other – why you were loved into existence for ‘now’ rather than a hundred years previously or in the future. You must be true to that one task or role given to you by the Master, Jesus Christ.
Then, when he comes in all his Glory at the end of history, he will find that you had anticipated His advent with the timely living of every moment of your existence.
Then you will hear the marvellous words: 'Come, good and faithful servant, come, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world.’ © Fr Michael Tate
PARISH PRAYER We, the people of Corio/Lara Catholic Parish give thanks and praise to God the Father. By the power of the Holy Spirit, may we become more like Jesus: listening to the Word of God and celebrating the Eucharist; sharing each other’s lives and forgiving one another; respecting creation and taking responsibility for our world. Like St Francis Xavier, may we offer light to those in darkness, and warmly welcome all people. Like St Anthony of Padua, may we nourish the hungry with wise words and kind deeds. St Francis Xavier, pray for us. St Anthony of Padua, pray for us.
6th Dec / THURSDAY
7th Dec / FRIDAY
8th Dec / SATURDAY
9th Dec / SUNDAY
10th Dec
12.30pm Craft Group Lunch
7pm SVDP Corio / 8.45am Rosary
9am Mass, Corio / 9am Rosary 9.15am Mass, Lara.
6.30pm Rosary, Novena. / 9am Mass, Corio. / 9:15 Mass- Lara
7:00pm Bingo
7:00-9:00pm Adoration, Corio / 2.30pm, Bible Sharing Group
6.00pm Mass Corio
7pm Volunteers Dinner / 9am Mass Lara.
10:30 mass Corio.
9th Dec 2017
7pm Corio / V Adamko
J Van Galen
Welcomers- L Sagor / D Rose
K McCarthy
CLEANING- F Geerts & P Fitzgerald
10th Dec 2017
9am Lara / T McManus
M Drake
Welcomer- N Meade &
J Muhlebach / N Meade
B Lee
M Titford
G Foley
R Shannahan
S Jackson
10.30am Corio / YOUTH MASS / M Leszyk
R Buaya
L Pollard
M Neri
S Grootveld
NEXT WEEKS READINGS- Is 40:1-5,9-11; Ps 84:9-14; 2 Pet 3:8-14; Mk 1:1-8
Recently Died: Cathy SzondyAnniversaries: Jim Robertson
Sick: Nicholas Francis, Emily Gilson, Kirk Watson, Greg & Sally Brown, Jessica de Grandis, and Mary Christensen
Baptisms: Zahli Squires
Prayer Intention of Pope Francis for December 2017: For the Elderly: That the elderly, sustained by families and Christian communities, may apply their wisdom and experience to spreading the faith and forming the new generations.
Vocation View: It’s Advent; almost Christmas! A season of dreams come true. Be on guard. The Lord may call you to follow Him.
Children’s Liturgy: The celebration of the Word for Children is held during Mass in Corio every Sunday. Lara Term 4: Dec 3, 10, 17.
St. Anthony’s, Lara - Working Bee Dec 9th - 9.00-12.00. Any queries call Frank on 0418340492.
St. Francis Xavier Church, Corio - Working Bee, Dec 16th, 9.00-12.00. A sausage sizzle will follow. Any enquiries to Fernando Victoria
These are the final working bees of the year and all help would be greatly appreciated to have the churches and grounds looking nice for Christmas. Thank you.
After many years of dedicated service as one of the Sacristans at St Anthony’s Lara, Marie Titford is retiring at the end of November, due to health issues. Therefore we are urgently seeking a new person to fill that shared position as soon as possible. If you are interested please speak to Angela, Marie, or Fr Pius or let the Parish Office know. Marie and Angela would be happy to speak to anyone about what the ministry entails.
SPECIAL APPEAL MELBOURNE OVERSEAS MISSION – next weekend, 9th & 10th December we will have a second collection for this Archdiocesan appeal. Envelopes are available.
St Vinnies are requesting donations of suitable goods which will be made up into Christmas Hampers. Please donate some festive fare for those in need it in our Parish. Also cash donations to the Poor Box would be greatly appreciated!
2018 SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN ATTENDING STATE SCHOOLS- If you have children attending local state schools, or know of anyone who does, who are eligible for the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation, please be advised that enrolments are now open. The children need to have been baptised and are in at least grade 3. Please note Confirmation classes for these children will begin on 11th February 2018. Please call into the Parish office to enrol.
ADULT VOLUNTEERS CHRISTMAS DINNER – will be held this year on Saturday night the 9th Dec with Mass at 6pm followed by the Dinner at 7pm in the Xavier Centre, Corio. All Parish Volunteers are invited to attend and there is a clipboard in the Foyer to sign up for catering purposes.
COLUMBAN CALENDAR: Calendars for 2018 are on sale in the Piety Stalls. They are still only $9.00. Get in early before they all sell as they make a lovely Christmas gift.
THE YEAR OF YOUTH 2018 – commences this weekend. This is an exciting opportunity in the life of the church to focus on young people. The Year of Youth invites the church into dialogue about the importance and life-giving presence of young people in the Church and society. It calls for dialogue and active engagement focused on the reconnection and renewal of a new generation of young people in the life of the Church. “Dear young people, Jesus give us life, life in abundance. If we are close to him we will have joy in our hearts and a smile on our face” Pope Francis
Geelong Catholic Diners’ Club Come join us for a two course evening meal, an interesting guest speaker and the opportunity to meet new friends. Appetizers begin at 6:15 pm on Tuesday, December 12, for only $33 per person. We meet at Capri Receptions located at 258 Pakington Street, Geelong West, previously known as Berkeley Lodge. Since Christmas is almost here, we will be entertained by Paul Kerry, one-man jazz musician and a Christmas raffle. For more information and reservations, please phone or text Michael Belleville at 0431 959 584 by Friday, December 8, the deadline for catering purposes.
Advent Candles: What do the Advent Candles stand for? First candle: Candle ofHopeso prayers on this day focus on hope. Second candle is a symbol of God'sPeace, reminding Christians of the Prophets who said that the Messiah would be born. The third candle, candle ofLove represents John the Baptist who baptised Jesus. The forth candle is the candle ofJoyreminds Christians of Jesus' mother, Mary. The fifth candle reminds Christians of the birth of Jesus.
6th December - St. Nicholas of Myra
Saint Nicholas, bishop of Myra, is undoubtedly one of the most popular saints honoured in the Western world. His memory has survived in the unique personality of Saint Claus — the jolly, rotund, white-bearded gentleman who captivates children with promises of gifts on Christmas Eve. Considered primarily as the patron saint of children, Nicholas is also invoked by sailors, merchants, bakers, travellers and pawnbrokers, and with Saint Andrew is honoured as the co-patron of Russia. Our present-day conception of Santa Claus has grown from this version. Catholics should think of Nicholas as a saint, a confessor of the faith and the bishop of Myra — not merely as a jolly man from the North Pole who brings happiness to small children.
8th December – The Immaculate Conception Through the centuries the Church has become ever more aware that Mary, "full of grace" through God, was redeemed from the moment of her conception. That is what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception confesses, as Blessed Pope Pius IX proclaimed on December 8, 1854: "The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin." This link between the privilege of Divine Maternity and Mary’s Immaculate Conception results also in her superiority with respect to us. She is a perfect image of the Church in heaven, the new triumphant Jerusalem, that won’t have any marks nor will there be pain and death.'…she was to be a worthy mother of your Son, your sign of favour to the church at its beginning, and the promise of its perfection as the bride of Christ, radiant in beauty’. Also in heaven Mary is not and will never be only a disciple, but her Son’s most exalted. She is and will always be the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church, the Queen of the Angels and Saints.
NOVENA to our Mother of Perpetual Help is on every Wednesday with a Rosary at 6.30pm followed by Novena of Mother of Perpetual Help at St Francis Xavier Church, Corio.
Parish Care Group: Carers are there for you at both Corio and Lara. The Care Group was established to support members of the Parish who are experiencing grief, loneliness or difficult times. If you would like a carer to visit you please ring the Parish Office or Pam Fitzgerald in Corio area on 5275 2507 or Lou Schepers in Lara Ph 0413 802 623.
BINGO: Is held in the Xavier Centre, Corio every Friday night starting at 7.30pm. There is a friendly atmosphere, great prizes, cool drinks and supper available for sale and free tea and coffee.
Fr Pius Kodakkathanath Parish Priest
Pauline Gilmore & Diane Saliba Secretaries
Bill Geerts Chairperson, Parish Pastoral Council
Maria Scala Principal, St Francis Xavier School, Corio Ph 52751974
Natalie Heard Principal, St Anthony’s School, Lara Ph 52821415
PARISH OFFICE 143 Bacchus Marsh Road, Corio 3214 VIC
TELEPHONE 5275 4120. email Web:
OFFICE HOURS Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri - 9.00am - 4.00pm (1-1.30pm Lunch Break) Wednesday – Office Closed
WEEKEND MASS TIMES-Saturday- 7.00pm, St Francis Xavier, Corio. Sunday-9.00am - St Anthony’s Lara, 10.30am - St Francis Xavier, Corio.