Ambrose Avenue PPG
Minutes of October 10, 2016, meeting
Present Roly Buss (Chair), Ray Hardisty (Secretary), Mary Russell, Terry Smith, Andrea Anderson, Linda Meredith, Pam Robertson, Brian Palmer, Marie Board-Vorster, Gwen Standen and Sharon Kendall.
2 Apologies: Shirley Califano, Marilyn Rivett, Mavis Knight, Tony Friedlander, John Crookenden, Jo Hill and Maurice Newbolt.
3 Minutes of the group meeting on September 12. Members accepted the report as a correct record.
4 Matters Arising:
Members noted the following items were still in progress:
a) Phone system cut offs.
b) Use of audio trial on Ambrose TV information monitor
c) Uploading extended PPG details to information monitors
d) Moving Tollgate surgery check in screen nearer to entrance door.
5 Practice Report.
Sharon reported:
a) The new system for prescriptions seemed to have settled down well.
b) That Ambrose Pharmacy was part of a national company managed by a full pharmacist.
c) The new phlebotomist had started and walk-in services resumed for blood tests at Tollgate.
d) That the mobile phone text message servicer provider had said the present system did not allow patients to cancel appointments on the push of a button when they receive reminders but that future upgrades should permit use of such a facility,
e) The annual Flu Day had gone smoothly on October 1 but numbers of patients attending were lower for the second year running. Pharmacies had notified the Practice that some 350 of its patients had received jabs elsewhere, including home visits, and that this meant a reduction in Practice revenue. Arrangements had been made for patients who had missed the annual day to receive jabs but if the trend for people to go elsewhere continued, the Practice would have to review arrangements for the annual day as the current system was not beiong cost effective.
f) The patient group’s report on comments made about Ambrose surgery and suggestions on remedying the situation had been forwarded to the lead GP.
6 Group comment on the Practice Report
a) Members welcomed the pharmacy information, the good news about the phlebotomy services and the improvements to the prescription service.
John’s queries raised by email were noted:
(i) Are 4 prescription clerks working the hours of 2 full time equivalents sufficient to meet the needs of more than 15,000 patients?
(ii) Do they need an extra phone extension at their new base as all share one line?
He also mentioned that he had been ‘cut off’ the day before after he was in the queue waiting for prescription clerks to answer the phone and had dialled again.
b) They were also pleased to report on Ambrose had been forwarded to the board.
c) They were very sympathetic over the flu jab finances and felt patients considered they were assisting the Practice by going to a pharmacy for their jabs without understanding that it meant payment for the service would go elsewhere.
7 Update on PPG membership. Ray reported
There were 19 active members and 180 supporter members of whom 19 received items by post.
Membership to both groups is currently open but it was felt that an active group larger than 20 would be difficult to manage and creation of an Operations Plan was suggested. Ray said this could be considered before the AGM in March but that any restriction on numbers would have to automatically lead to stricter attendance controls on ‘active’ members to ensure effective patient representation.
8 Supporter Newsletter.
. a) October: Feedback involved three patients contacting Ray over repeat prescription issues, particularly over the interpretation of the 72-hours turnaround promise. Two emails of general thanks were received.
a) Members discussed and approved the November draft.
9 PPG Report detailing patient comments over Ambrose surgery
This was approved unanimously.
10 Planned Outreach.
a) September 19 and October 1 information stalls days feedback. Members noted:
i) Patients had donated £641.47 towards special activities to assist fellow patients regarded at lonely. Further organisational talks on what form the activity will take are to be held with the Practice..
ii) Ambrose Pharmacy had offered to pin small business card-sized adverts for PPG membership to prescription bags. Ray presented a draft which was agreed and he will now liaise with the pharmacy over their use.
iii) Full explanation of the 72-hour prescription turnaround promise should be part of ongoing patient education.
iv) Despite text messages to qualifying patients and surgery signs, a significant number of patients seemed unaware of when Flu Day was.
v) Patients are still hazy about what a Nurse Practitioner can do and, again, education might improve the situation.
vi) Confirmation of the ongoing information monitor and surgery layout concerns at Ambrose.
b) Out reach plans: Ray outlined the plans for the next outreach on Tuesday October 18 when there would be stalls at both surgeries. Two members offered to look after morning stints at Ambrose and Tollgate. Ray was asked to circulate everyone by email to try and fill the afternoons.
c) Future outreach: Ray said another day at both surgeries was planned on Wednesday November 16 during national Self Care Week.
d) Mothers and toddlers. Content and wording of the draft survey was approved. It will be called Parent Survey. Ray to liaise with the two members who had offered to take it to locations outside the surgeries.
Marie handed Ray a completed survey form.
11 Replies to queries raised with the NEECCG through the Health Forum.
Replies were tabled to four queries raised by the PPG over medicines management, Practice prescribing controls and future planning issues
Members accepted the content and decided on no further action at the moment..
12 Local Health Matters.
Ray tabled the Colchester Local Health Matters October agenda.
13 PPG Summit
Ray mentioned that the third PPG Summit would be held at Stillwaters Church, Colchester, on Thursday November 17 and that ll members were invited to attend.
14 Any Other Business
15 Outcomes. Members agreed they were:
a) Efforts to assist with constructive steps to ease the burden on lonely patients taking a big step forward with the final support from Flu Day.
b) The PPG report on Ambrose surgery going to the board.
c) Ambrose Pharmacy offering free publicity to the PPG.
d) The Parent Survey questionnaires being drawn up and agreed.
18 Next meeting: Monday November 14 at 6pm in the Tollgate Surgery. Meet in the foyer by 5.55pm to be escorted to the meeting room.