Martin Taylor

Head of Environmental Management


Green Lane, Heywood,

Lancs OL2DY

Tel: (01706) 925505

Your Ref:

Our Ref: FOI : 9923

Date: 2 March 2015

Dear Selena

RE: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – Home to School Travel and Transport Training and Equalities

In response to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, Rochdale MBC is happy to supply the following information:

The Department of Education updated its Statutory guidance on Home to school travel and transport for local authorities in July 2014.

Please provide all information on what the council has undertaken to meet its duties under s44 Training and Equalities, as given below. Please include types of training, training materials, types of personnel required to undergo training, and training undertaken.

S44 Training and Equalities

All local authorities should ensure that all drivers and escorts taking pupils to and from school and related services have undertaken appropriate training, and that this is kept up to date. It is also considered good practice for those responsible for planning and managing school transport to have undertaken appropriate equality training. This training could consist of (but is not restricted to):

• an awareness of different types of disability including hidden disabilities; • an awareness of what constitutes discrimination; • training in the necessary skills to recognise, support and manage pupils with different types of disabilities, including hidden disabilities and certain behaviour that may be associated with such disabilities; • training in the skills necessary to communicate appropriately with pupils with all types of different disabilities, including the hidden disabilities; and • training in the implementation of health care protocols to cover emergency procedures.

The Council can confirm that all SEN drivers and passenger assistants (escorts) will have received S44 Training and Equalities training during courses being delivered in February and May 2015.

We feel that we have fulfilled your Freedom of Information request. However, if you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request or wish to make a complaint or appeal against any decision we have made in response to your request you should write in the first instance to:

The Internal Review Panel

The Information Governance Unit

Rochdale MBC

Number One Riverside

Smith Street


OL16 1XU


Should you further disagree with the decision following the appeal you may wish to contact the Office of the Information Commissioner:

Office of the Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Tel: 0303 123 1113

Fax: 01625 524510

Should you have any queries, please contact me.

Yours sincerely

Environmental Management

“Working towards a cleaner, greener environment”