Planet Flyer
You may work on this project individually or with a partner. If you choose to work with a partner, at the end of the period each day, you will need to email the project to your partner so that both people have a copy of it on his/her Chromebook.
Project Description:
You will be given a planet and your task is to research that planet and make a flyer (in Google Docs using the Newsletter template) that includes the information below.
2 points – Title Page (name of your planet, your first and last names(s), date and period)
2 points – Length of Day (rotation)
2 points – Length of Year (revolution)
2 points – Number of Natural Satellites (moons)
2 points – Distance From the Sun
2 points – Position in the Solar System
2 points- Size (diameter) – Bigger or smaller than Earth
2 points – Atmosphere (If it has one, what is it made up of)
2 points – Gravity - More or less gravity than Earth
1 point – At least One Interesting Fact (added to your paragraph)
2 points – Pictures (at least four)
5 points – A paragraph explaining why your planet should be the next planet explored (use your interesting facts).
4 points – Source sited page. (Google does not count as a source!)
Sources: On my website I have some websites listed under “Planet Research”