Make a Kahoot:

1.  Go to:

2.  Get a free account

3.  Login with your email address and your password

4.  Click on the purple button (top of the page on your left): NewK!

5.  Choose: Quiz, Survey of Discussion

When using Quiz pupils will immediately see whether or not an answer is correct and they will get points for a correct and quick response. At the end of the quiz there will be a winner, this will not be the case when you choose Survey. At the end of a survey you can print the answers and check who answered the questions correctly. When you choose Discussion your pupils can give their opinions.

6.  Press Quiz: Enter the name of your Quiz and what it is about. You can also add a photo or video. Click on Ok,Go! (top of the page on your right)

7.  Click on the purple cross to make a question: Fill in the question + 2, 3 or 4 answers. Point out with a check which answers are correct. You can also add a photo or video. (You can also set a timer to decide how much time pupils can take to answer a question and you can decide whether or not pupils should get points for a correct answer.

Click ‘next’ (top of the page on your right) to add a question.

8.  Click ‘Save’ if your Kahoot is ready and click ‘I’m done’.

9. Via ‘Public Kahoots’ on top of the website you can check out Kahoots from others and copy them.

Play Kahoot teacher instruction:

On your computer or laptop, you must have a connection to a screen in your classroom. The pupils read the answers from this screen/ On their device they will only see coloured buttons.

1.  Go to

2.  Log in

3.  Click on ‘My Kahoots’ (on top of the page on your left)

4.  Choose one of your Kahoots

5.  Click ‘Play’ and choose playing individually ‘Classic Mode’ or playing in teams: ‘Team mode’

6.  Click ‘Play’

Pupils can login via their device with the pin code that will appear, their names will pop up on your screen in the classroom. You can delete inappropriate names.

Playing Kahoot pupil instruction:

Pupils can play Kahoot on their mobile phones, Chromebook, iPad or laptop.

1.  Go to

2.  Enter the code you will see on the screen in your classroom

3.  Enter your name

4.  Play!