“This course is designed to give students a mathematically sound introduction
to algebra. The student is given the opportunity to develop fundamental algebraic skills
and concepts based on the structure of the system of real numbers such as equations,
inequalities, problem solving, polynomials, factoring, graphs and functions, simultaneous
equations, irrational numbers, square roots, relations, functions, and variations.
Because graphing activities are integrated throughout classroom presentations and
textbook activities, a graphing calculator is required for this course. The TI-83, TI-83
Plus, or TI-84 Plus are the recommended calculators.”
*Source:CouncilRockSchool DistrictAcademic Planning
Grading PolicyYour gradeis going to consist of homework, quizzes, cumulative reviews and test grades.
Class ExpectationsRespect my right to teach and your classmates’ right to learn.
Come to class prepared everyday.
Uphold all of your student responsibilities and conduct yourself accordingly.
Most importantly…always put forth your best effort
Academic IntegrityEvery student is responsible for his/her own learning. A student may not share their work with another student unless given discretion to do so by the teacher. Failure to commit to this expectation will result in disciplinary action. This applies toall parties involved!
Required MaterialsYou are expected to bring the following materials to class daily: textbook, a 3-ring binder with an ample paper supply, a TI-83+; or TI-84 calculator, pencils, a colored pen and graph paper.
HomeworkHomework is usually assigned daily and on weekends. Your name, the date, and assignment (if appropriate) must be written in the top right corner of your paper. Attempt all assigned work even if you cannot complete the problems. In order to receive full credit, you must have the work when I am checking it in class. No late work will be accepted.
ClinicYou may arrange to make up work or get extra help after school between 2:15 PM and 3:00 PM on Tuesday and Thursday. If you know you are going to be absent from class, pick up work before leaving school or arrange for another student to get your work.
Graphing Calculator UsageGraphing calculators are used in virtually every mathematics class at South on a daily basis for the purpose of providing an alternative, visual approach for enhancing mathematics instruction. These calculators are used in every level of mathematics, and are required for successful completion of the PSSA, PSAT, SAT, ACT, AP Calculus AB/BC, and AP Statistics exams.
Scope & SequenceThroughout the year, we will be covering the following topics:
Introduction of Algebra
Working with Real Numbers
Solving Equations and Problems
Factoring Polynomials
Applying Fractions
Introduction to Functions
Systems of Equations
Rational and Irrational Numbers
Quadratic Equations
Survival Hints for ClassBe prepared for class. Everyday you should have the following with you: notebook (3-ring binder with sections preferred), paper, 2 pocket folder, writing instrument (have a few different colors), textbook, calculator, and YOUR ENTHUSIASM!!
Be in your seat and ready to go with your homework out when the bell rings.
NEVER bring your cell phone or headphones to my classroom. I will take them if I see them.
Be respectful of everyone in the classroom. This classroom is OURSwe all want to feel safe to express our ideas and to talk openly.
BE ORGANIZED! The better organized you are the easier it will be to study and find materials.
HAVE FUN! I am looking forward to a great year and learning some wonderful mathematics with you!