Notes on Deli Palvot Rogers
Funeral Director of Owens Pavlot Rogers Funeral Service
What are the educational requirements for funeral directing.
Answer. They are changing. Now a funeral director must have an associates degree in mortuary science. This is a 2 year degree.
What does a funeral director do?
ANS: We help the family of the deceased family member make the final arrangements for the deceased person, arrange any religious service, plan for calling hours, embalm the deceased and repair any damage that may have occurred (if the family is planning an open casket), order caskets, make arrangements for cremation, contact cemeteries for plots, help families make decisions about how to celebrate their loved ones life and counsel those who are grieving. We also retrieve the dead body from the home or hospital and bring it to the funeral home.
What do you like most about your job?
Answer: helping people on the “worst “ day of their life
What do you like the least?
Answer: being on call 24/7. We never know when we have to work. Also making arrangements for a teenager.
What is an expected salary for a funeral director?
Starting salary might be 29,000. An owner of a business may make up to 70,000 but it really depends on the area you are in and how busy you are.
How do you prevent getting a blood borne disease?
While performing the embalming procedure, we gound ourselves, double glove our hands and wear protective eye wear.
What are done with the remains of the deceased?
1. The remains can be buried
2. the remains can be cremated
a. buried on land or at sea
b. scattered - There isn’t a law in NY regulating this.
c. kept in an urn and kept in your house
d. incorporated into glass (paperweight)
e. built into a coral reef
f. put into fireworks
g. put into ink and made into a tattoo
h. made into a diamond or jewelry
i. Launched into space
Can your dog be buried with you?
Yes, but only if he is already cremated
What is the purpose of a wake and funeral?
They are ceremonies that honor the deceased. They allow for a transition from life to death and help the survivors accept the death as a reality. They also help the survivors heal.
If you want to be an organ donor, sign the back of your license and let your family know. You must die in a hospital to donate your organs.
· Register to become a donor by indicating your desire when you apply for or renew your driver's license or state ID card. (You must be at least 18 years old to become a donor.)