SLU’s research evaluation – ‘Quality and Impact’ (KoN 09) 081216
Last edit 090219
Please, PI respond and comment before January 30! Either to Dag private or start up a discussion with more of the UoA!!
Dags texts in red (where I have not heard from PIs, I wrote instead but if PIs object, please suggest something more suitable!
Anders’ Fries in blue.
Jon Hallander in brown
KoN Self-Assessment: Instructions to UoAs
This Self-Assessment document is intended to give an overview of each Unit of Assessment (UoA), with sufficient detail to enable evaluation of scientific quality as well as relevance and impact. The document includes the following sections:
A. Strategic analysis by the UoA - Research 2
C. Figures & Facts 6
Each UoA is asked to fill in all relevant sections. It is the responsibility of the UoA Coordinator to lead and document the strategic discussion needed to fill in sections A of this document,
This competence description of forest genetics was done late 2007, the formulations in the strategic document by the faculty is shown below. My intention was that it should be discussed within the UoA, but first the professorship must be settled and when that was done it seemed to be no interest for continued discussions and that some felt these discussions very unpleasant or was not interested in participation and it was pointed out that KoN replaces the discussion, but this document now offers a background for the discussion.
Skogsgenetik Genetik & växtfysiologi D Lindgren
Inom detta område studeras förädlingsteori, populationsgenetik och kvantitativ genetik, fröplantager, fröförsörjning, genmigration, släktskap, genetisk populationsstrukturer, genetisk kontroll av olika egenskaper och organisation av genetisk kontroll på kromosomer.
Övergripande mål:
-Vi vill utveckla metoder och kunskaper som i varierande tidsperspektiv är eller blir operativt användbara för skogsträdsförädling.
- Vi vill utnyttja de olika samverkansmöjligheter som på olika sätt blir aktuella.
- Vi vill täcka hela kedjan från grundforskning till praktisk tillämpning
- Det finns en forskarskola i skogsgenetik och förädling med 10 doktorander, varav tre faller inom skogsgenetiks område vid institutionen, dessa skall disputera 2009 med goda avhandlingar.
- Det skall komma ut minst 8 vetenskapliga artiklar (i tidskrifter med referee-system) om året från kompetensområdets forskare vid institutionen, även annan typ av publicering skall förekomma.
- Innehållet i minst en uppsats om året skall kunna direkt implementeras i svensk skogsträdsförädling och fröförsörjning.
- Kännedomen om lokaliseringen av delar av den genetiska kontrollen av ett antal egenskaper på tallens genom skall förbättras.
- En förnyelse av den skogsgenetiska kompetensen måste till när den nuvarande professorn pensioneras genom att en ny professor tillsätts, som i samma tjänst förenar kompetenserna av de tre skogsgenetikprofessurerna som fanns för tio år sedan (Anders Persson, Gösta Eriksson, Dag Lindgren). Vi föreslår att ämnet formuleras skogsgenetik och skogsträdsförädling.
- Förädlingsteori och molekylärgenetik byggd på det nya konceptet ”Breeding Without Breeding” verkar vara en lovande utvecklingsmöjlighet.
- Ersättningstjänster för gruppens två forskarassistenter tillskapas på docent/lektorsnivå, i första hand är det akut med den i kvantitativ genetik.
- En förstärkning av fröplantageforskning har hög nationell prioritet. När forskarskolan går ut 2009 bör någon av dess innehavare fångas upp med en forskarassistent. Denna kunde formuleras mot fröplantageforskning.
(N.B. the abstract must not exceed the size of this frame)
The UoA is concerned with forest genetics, population genetics, quantitative genetics, in particular the interface with tree breeding. breeding theory, seed orchards, breeding strategy and tactics, “breeding without breeding”, Bayesian statistics, gene migration, relatedness in natural and bred populations, evolution, genetic population structure, pollen migration patterns, genetic control of different characters (in particular wood and fiber characters and adaptation), the organization of the genetic control on the chromosomes, interaction among molecular markers versus quantitative and population genetics. Much of the work is focusing on the species which dominates Swedish forests and forestry (Scots pine and Norway spruce)
Abstract (brief description of the UoA’s research profile)
SLU’s research evaluation – ‘Quality and Impact’ (KoN 09) 081216
Section A. Strategic analysis by the UoA – Research [1]
Part A of this document is designed to help the UoA to reflect on the present and future status of their work, and to develop and to communicate a common research strategy that meets the objectives of high scientific quality and, where appropriate, relevance for the development of industry and society in general. The information given in Section A should relate to the data given in Section C of this document.
The maximum size for the entire section (A1-A5) is set according to the size of the UoA:
< 6 researchers 6 A4 pages (Times New Roman, 12 p)
6-20 researchers 7 A4 pages
> 20 researchers 8 A4 pages
including the questions/instructions. Please note that excess information will be deleted!
A1. Mission of the UoA and Summary of present research activities
Describe the mission of the UoA. Give a summary of the current research activities including interdisciplinary aspects and important academic, industrial and societal networks.
Analyse the research environment in terms of suitability of present organisational placement within SLU, access to infrastructure and facilities within the university (cf. section C 2).
This UoA is the only University unit in Sweden, with responsibility for forest genetics of the current forests and analyses consequences of genetic changes. The Science how they can be efficiently but safely be improved. The UoA works in cooperation with researchers in plant physiology, biotechnology and silviculture at SLU and Umeå University (this could however be improved), and also with other institutes (Skogforsk), forest industry and governmental organisations. (En reservation för det efter kommatecknet: det kanske inte faller under denna punkt. Bara SLU och ” within the university” nämns så det efter kommat ska nog strykas)
A2. Scientific Quality
Scientific quality is characterized by original ideas, state-of-the-art methods, high productivity and prominence in advancing knowledge within the research field. The UoA is asked to make a brief analysis of their present standing by answering the following questions:
i) What are the most important scientific achievements/breakthroughs of the UoA during the last 5 years (2004-2008)?
PI, Please fill one per PI or two in ranking order.*Creating a Modern Scientific basis for Seed orchards (the seeds the future forests are created from) from own research at UoA (30 papers 2004-2008) a PhD thesis, an international conference and setting up an international (IUFRO) research network.
*Development and implementation of novel methods which facilitates estimation and optimisation of genetic parameters in tree breeding.
* Phytochrome pseudogenes show signs of unconstrained evolution.
* Development of techniques to collect and treat wood samples and techniques for analyses of wood and fibre traits
* Detailed information on genetic parameters of wood and fibre traits in Scots pine, and their connection to growth. This has resulted in four accepted articles since 2004 (totally 11).
ii) Which research institutions are suitable for benchmarking of the UoA, i.e. which research groups, etc., national or international, does the UoA compare itself with? How does the UoA perceive their own ranking compared to these?
PI, Please fill The forest genetics at North Carolina State University in the US and Department of Forestry, University of Vancouver, in Canada.iii) What is the ‘niche’ of the UoA in the global research arena, i.e. what distinguishes the UoA’s research from other groups in this scientific field?
PI Please fill a point each. Assesments of breeding strategies.Analyses of function of seed orchards with molecular tools.
iv) What are the weak points of the UoA?
10 persons but only one with employment guaranteed more than about a year (and he is part time retired and soon retires completely.Men en professor kommer I alla fall att finnas (för den dras väl inte in, som det ser ut nu!).
Too little interaction within the UoA. A weak point with our department is that there is no copublishing between geneticists and plant physiologists.
The subject does not seem to be able to initiate long-term (>3 years) projects (either together with other units or the UOA itself.
Insufficient PR function and recognition. One reason is difficulties to get acceptance of Forest Tree Breeding in the Forest Master education.
The UoA runs out of doctorands in a year!
The interaction with other parts of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and SLU could be improved.
The education system of the faculty is not a good recruition ground for research students. The research school in forest genetics and breeding recruited 11 students but only one came from our faculty!
v) What are the most important obstacles for further successful development?
Will and support for the existence of a forest genetics group; difficulties to get funding for non-molecular related work. PI Please comment!That the leadership of the department and UPSC does no interact well with the UoA about the development of the UoA
Weak interaction within the UoA.
To small share for the subject in the Forest Master education.
A3. Recognition and Leadership
Recognition and leadership is characterized by the ability of the UoA to create a successful research environment that receives attention from the scientific society, as well as society in general.
i) Describe the most important measures taken during recent years to promote an attractive and creative research environment.
Recruitment of two junior research fellows and five doctorands, unfortunately, one doctorand died.Arranging some, but not so many, seminar days on forest genetics and tree breeding with slightly increasing external interest.
Arranging an international seed orchard conference which increased interest for the subject and created some inspiration.
UPSC bought two new coffee-automats, thus it is easier to keep staff awake
ii) How does the UoA promote PhD education and encourage young researchers to qualify as Senior Research Fellow/Associate Professor (“docentkompetens”).
It is not a task for the UoA to support PhDs or PIs (the UoA exists just for the evaluation); PhDs are a responsibility of the responsible PI. It is self-interest for PIs to become “docent”. Junior Research fellows get almost all time for own research within their expertise and thus get excellent opportunities to qualify as docent.The UoA still makes it a goal to produce three doctors in a little more than a year The number of PhD:s are not so high, and therefore they get good personal help
A4. Relevance and Impact
Relevance and impact is characterized by ability and potential of the UoA to contribute to development of industry and society in general.
i) What is the present impact of the UoA on relevant sectors of society? Give examples.
* Seed orchard research. A PhD-thesis, a large international conference and close interaction of the UoA with the major Swedish seed orchard manager initiated revisions of Swedish Seed Orchard tactics and in quick implementation of research results in practical orchard management. It also created a raise in international interest and the formation of a global network.* Continues revision of breeding tactics and strategies, deployment philosophy for bred material, PI fill in!
* Present results on wood characteristics that can advice tree breeders and other parts of the forest sector
ii) Describe how the UoA views the value and importance of interactions with stakeholders in a short-term and long-term perspective. What are the benefits for the research?
Contribute to a better future for Mankind and the people, who will live in Sweden by addressing relevant problems!Contribute to a sustainable development of the forest gene resource!
Improve the general status of the Swedish forests to fulfil the demands from industry and the public, but maintaining high genetic and biological diversity.
These ought to be goals the stakeholders can agree on!
SLUs first point in its formulated strategy is gene resources at UPSC. Forestry wants a sustainable development of Swedish Forests and says this UoA can have a considerable role in this. Can’t these interests meet?
Interaction with forestry (mainly Skogforsk) has been pleasant and feels important, but not favourable to SLU forest genetics. Its continued existence is now more threatened and fragile than at any time before. In a SLU wide perspective it has been reduced since 1995.
UoA has wanted to assist in better orchards, better seeds, better knowledge of gene diversity and its variations. UoA has emphasized the most economically important species. Stake holders have found it important, but not important enough to sustain a strong UoA. Thus the UoA may reconsider the value of a close tie to Skogforsk and forestry at end of 2009.
PI fill in!
Outlining breeding strategies that can reach not only today’s but also future breeding goals. These include use of wood for among others energy production with continuously developing new advanced techniques (biogas etc), production of wood chemicals and fibre traits for new uses of the wood.
Designing breeding programs which take advantage of new developing techniques for propagation, such as different types of vegetative propagation and developed techniques in seed orchards.
Improve the general status of the Swedish forests to fulfil the demands from industry and the public, but maintaining high genetic and biological diversity.
iii) Based on the present situation, describe briefly the strengths and weaknesses, respectively, regarding the UoA’s contribution to development of industry and society in general. (Use key-words, max. 5 bullet-points for strengths and weaknesses, respectively)
Each PI is invited to mention one strength and one weakness!Loss of historic continuity. Trees life for a century, forest genetics should preserve records and a long time memory and follow processes for long, a high-tech laboratory environment is not suitable for that.
- The presentation of results for industry and society from the research of UoA is sometimes weak or lacking.
+ Seed orchard research is met with interest from industry and society and is encouraged, although not economically supported to the same degree.
Good copublishing with silviculture (wood character, seeds and larch)
iv) What external factors (circumstances, activities, etc. outside the UoA or SLU) does the UoA regard as opportunities, and threats, respectively. (Use key-words, max. 5 bullet-points for each aspect)