Civic Engagement Field Report #2

Once you have filled out this Field Report, upload it to

NOTE: Incomplete forms may not receive credit.

Replace this box here with YOUR profile photo by using the “Insert” tab and choosing “Picture”:

  1. Your Name:
  2. Class you are taking:

☐ Poli 1 Day ☐ Poli 1 Night ☐ Poli 1 Online ☐ Other ______

  1. Your Email Address:
  2. Your Phone Number:
  3. Today’s Date:
  4. Partner, TA, Familia:
  5. Chat Partner:
  6. TA:
  7. Familia # (if applicable):
  8. PAST HOURS YOU ALREADY REPORTED: Note: you will notget credit for hours you already submitted. Please look at your last field work report to see how many hours of credit you got credit for and how many points you earned from these hours. List them below by date/day/hour approved:
  • Date:Time:Hours/points awarded:
  • Date:Time:Hours/points awarded:
  • Date:Time:Hours/points awarded:

(Add new rows as needed)

  1. NEW HOURS: New Dates for which you are submitting timecards (you may include any hours you submitted before but did NOT get hours for):
  • Date:Time:Hours Claimed:
  • Date:Time:Hours Claimed:
  • Date:Time:Hours Claimed:

(Add new rows as needed)

  1. Total # of hours you are requesting credit for in this period:

(Min 2 NEW hours - Max 8) No more than 50% of your reported hours can come from "meetings." The rest must come from actual mobilizations or work time with your field placement.

  1. Hours from mobilizations or work projects:
  2. Hours from meetings:
  1. Name of organization/placement:
  2. Name of Contact Person/Volunteer Coordinator/Supervisor:
  3. Area Code and Phone Number of Organization:
  4. Email Address of Organizational Contact:
  5. What Term/Key Concept did you write about in your Reflective Essay Below: ______

I) Journals/Photos Here:For each time you worked, you must type in a Journal and insert Corresponding Photos here showing you were there. Make sure each photo is properly labeled explaining where and when it was taken and what it depicts. Make sure each photo is clear. Each Journal Entry should explain in 2-3 sentences what work you did, what new you learned, how it relates to the class material. Each Journal should clearly indicate the date, time, and your exact location when you did your field work.

[Insert Journals and Photos Cards Here]

II) Time Cards:Insert images of your SIGNED timecard(s) here. Make sure they are signed and dated with sign-in and sign-out times clearly visible as well as the name and contact information for your supervisor. Make sure your timecard is clear and legible.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT YOUR GRADE: You receive points for field work in part based on the number of hours you report. Your work will be evaluated based both on the number of hours you put in as well as the quality of your reflection on this field work. You will receive up to 10 points of class credit for each documented hour of your work depending on the quality of your journals, the quality of the work you report, the thoroughness of your documentation of your field work, etc.

[Insert Time Cards Here]

III) Term Project Update:Provide a 50-word update of your progress on your Term Project Outreach

[Insert Term Project Update Here]

IV) Reflective Essay Here: Each week you have been learning new key terms from your assigned readings and videos from class. Some of these key terms are listed below. Choose ONE of these terms, and use between 350 and 500 words explain:

a) What does this term/concept mean and where is it from? (Be sure to refer to the assigned class material!!!)

b) How is it relevant to any aspect of your Civic Engagement Field Work? Why is it important? How does it help you think about politics in a meaningful way. Demonstrate your understanding of how the idea/term you are writing about can be applied to politics in the real-world to deepen your analysis and to help make you a better organizer and advocate. Be specific. Reference both your field work and the term you have chosen.

What Term/Key Concept did you write about in your Reflective Essay Below: ______

Word Count of Your Reflective Essay: [fill in # of words here]

[Insert Reflective Essay Here]

Below is the list of terms/concepts you can choose from. Pick ONE term to discuss:

V) Terms to choose from:

STOP. PAY ATTENTION. Make sure you are dealing with the ENTIRE term from whatever bullet you choose below, not just one or two words that you pick out from the term.

Oppression and Democracy: Gender and Politics

  1. The Art of Listening and the origins of and solutions to oppression (Jackins). NOTE: if you pick this term do NOT just talk about listening. There is a deeper analysis of the roots of and solution to an oppressive society. If you do not get this, you are missing the point.
  2. Control and De-valuation of the female body (1): Planned Parenthood & Reproductive Rights (Warren, Clinton, Tuma, et al)
  3. Control and De-valuation of the female body (2): Rape, Campus Rape, Sexualization, and “Like a Girl” (Quereshi, Kort, Wiltz, et al)
  4. Women’s Poverty and Labor Exploitation: "Making Unpaid Labor Count" & Straight Facts/Women in Poverty
  5. Male Oppression- The Man Box, Rules of Masculinity, the Mask You Live In, Tough Guys & Nothing to Lose but My Chains, The Human Male, Does Sexism Hurt Men? (Porter/Kimmel/Katz/Jackins/Green etc)
  6. Oppression: Systematic & Institutionalized & Group Mistreatment (Yuen, Osajima, Lipksy, Jackins, Sherover-Marcuse, Siebel Newsom (Miss Representation)

Oppression and Democracy: Race and Politics

  1. Structural Racism and Wealth Inequality-- The Black-White Wealth Gap, Mortgage Lending, It Pays to Be White, etc (Conley & Kampen, Jackson, Yuen, J. Wick Lims)
  2. Racism and The Criminal Justice System- The New Jim Crow, (Alexander, Kerby, Troutt, )
  3. Internalized Oppression (Osajima, Lipsky, Yuen, Sherover-Marcuse)
  4. White Privilege- It Pays to Be White, The Invisible Knapsack, White Socialization, and the Hidden Wound, and Making Whiteness Visible… (Jeannette Wicks-Lim, McIntosh, Wise, Presnetsova, Butler)
  5. Racism and Asian Americans- Pacific Islanders- "The Con-fusion Ethic," Jeremy Lin, Osajima, Wise, etc
  6. Racism and Immigration Laws (Stories Project Video with Karla Navarro; Anonymous- American Dream, Villalon, Real American Dream, Deutsch cartoon, et al)
  7. Environmental Racism- Eco-Apartheid and Climate Change (Jones, Klein)

Oppression and Democracy: Social Class and Politics

  1. "The Stories Project - Successes from California's Community Colleges," (FA PAC Interns)- Fighting Class Oppression through Access and Investment
  2. Internalized Class Oppression: The myth of scarcity; the myth of isolation; the myth of division; and the myth of despair. (Yuen and Weaver)
  3. Ripping Off Young America & Minimum Rage (Taibi, Willis)- Classism, Struggle and the Next Generation
  4. Workers Fight Back: San Jose, Seattle (Min Wage/Fight for $15), Wisconsin (John Nichols and Wisconsin protest videos), City Life/Vida Urbana (Bill Moyers), USW The Fighting Spirit… and other forms of organized resistance to classism
  5. The Structure of Class Oppression: Divided We Fall and How Classism Works (Yuen & Weaver; Richard Wolf video; and the Wealth Inequality Video)
  6. Class Exploitation and Public Policy: Taxes, Budgets, Pension Funds, and Poverty Policy, Student Loans: Classism and Social Policy (Jack Rasmus, Dean Paton, Yes! Magazine timeline, Chuck Collins, Matt Taibi)
  7. Classism and the Work Place-The Speedup, Workplace Surveillance, Warehouse slaves, Minimum Rage (Bauerlein, McClelland, Bruder, Willis)