Quick Manual



Quick Start

Step 3 (1): Categorize items in buckets

Step 3 (2): Group together similar items

Step 4: Discuss and add remarks to items

Step 5: Conclude the meeting and generate the report

Template Management: Create your own meeting flow (with voting)


This is the Quick Manual for TeamSupport version 2.0[1]. Let’s start explaining how the basic functions work.

Quick Start

TeamSupport allows you to Quick Start a standard meeting which consists of the following steps in the process. First log in as facilitator via the link: choose “Quick Start”.

N.B. How to add a voting step in the process will be explained in the Template Management section.

  1. The chairman or facilitator defines the purpose of the meeting.
  2. Participants generate ideas based on the meeting purpose. Invite participants to the meeting by providing them with the meeting link[2] through for example e-mail.
  3. Together with the participants the facilitator categorizes and groups the generated ideas.
  4. The ideas are discussed and formalized.
  5. The meeting is concluded and the meeting report is generated.

General note: if your web browser seems to be frozen, refresh the screen by pressing F5 will make it work again. If not, please contact us by mail or by phone +31 15 268 2636.

Step 3 (1): Categorize items in buckets

Navigate to the “Categorize” step and categorize the items into specific buckets by drag & dropping.

Step 3 (2): Group together similar items

The next step is to group together the items that are similar or related to each other. This can be done in several ways:

a)Drag & drop the items you want to group together in the drop area and press “Create Group”.

b)Drag an item onto another item and drop that item on it to group them together.

The grouped items result in:

Double click on the newly created group to edit the group name (default group name is set to the label of the first item).

Step 4: Discuss and add remarks to items

Step 5: Conclude the meeting and generate the report

  1. Send instruction to the participants via the Messages tab in the menu bar.

Template Management: Create your own meeting flow (incl. voting)

  1. In the “Home” screen go to “Template Management”.
  2. Press “New session” to create your own meeting flow including a voting step.
  1. Drag & drop the available modules in the “Session” window to create your own session flow.
  2. The options in the Brainstorm module and the Voting module can be edited.
  1. In the voting module choose a voting method and press “Add”.
  2. Provide a description for the vote.
  3. Edit the voting settings.
  4. Pick the number of intervals
  5. Move the arrow to edit the label for each interval
  6. Choose if you want the participants to be able to see the voting results after he/she has cast his/her vote. Otherwise, participants see the final voting results after everyone has cast their votes.


[1]Depending on your account some features might not be available. You can purchase the extra modules via our website.

[2]Right click on link and choose “copy shortcut” or “copy link location” and paste in e-mail message to the participants.