Human Relations Ch 10: Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics
Additional Readings
Bethel, S. (2009). A New Breed Of Leader: 8 Leadership Qualities That Matter the Most in the Real World. New York: Penguin Group.
This book provides real-life examples of powerful people and examines the importance of developing personal versus position power. It provides “how-to guides” and action check lists to help guide the 21st century leader toward a better understanding and use of power.
Forbes, S., Prevas , J. (2009). Power, Ambition, Glory: The Stunning Parallels Between Great Leaders of the Ancient World and Today and the Lessons You Can Learn.
A unique illustration of the power and vision shared by leaders throughout history. A study of six powerful historical figures (Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, etc) compared to six similarly powerful modern-day leaders reveals dramatic similarities in many of the skills and abilities that made them who they are. Excellent parallels are drawn regarding the needs for power and how they pushed for it.
Goldstein, M., Read, P., Cashman, K. (2009). Games at Work: How to Recognize & Reduce Office Politics. San Francisco: CA: Jossey-Bass
Office politics and games people play to get ahead can be very destructive and have a negative impact on the work place. This group has written about twenty-two of the more common violations using real-life examples of interpersonal dynamics and offers practical advise on avoiding the pitfalls of games at work.
Thayler, L., Koval R. (2009). The Power of Small: Why Little Things Make All the Difference. New York: The Crown Publishing Group.
This small book is filled with stories about how “random acts of kindness” brought about powerful changes in peoples lives. The short stories illustrate how the smallest gestures can result in more personal power and pay off in many other positive ways. Emphasis is placed on the importance of going the extra mile to show kindness and appreciation to others. We know from the material in Chapter 3 that this results in the greatest influence.