Section 9.100: Program Administration
Section 9.200: Program Development
Section 9.300: Certification Process: FireInstructor I& Fire Instructor II
Section 9.400: Term of Certification
Appendix A: Fire Service Instructor Evaluation Form
Section 9.100 Program Administration
9.101:The purpose of this policy is to detail the procedures and guidelines for certification as a Fire Instructor by the CMCB. The policy is intended to:
- ensure fire service instructors are qualified by completing a certified program,
- outline the procedures necessary to successfully complete the certification process
9.102:It is the intent of the Board that the policies set forth herein meet the requirements of the NFPA Standard 1000, Fire Service Professional Qualifications Accreditation and Certification Systems.
9.103:The Fire Service Instructor certification program is designed to meet the certification requirements of member departments of the board.
9.104:This policy and all procedures contained within shall be established by the Board. The Chief Training Officers of each department is responsible for the policy locally.
9.105:This policy shall apply to all personnel pursuing certification as a Fire Instructor through programs sponsored by member departments.
9.106:The board may grant a variance of this policy when such a variance meets the intent of the NFPA Standard 1041 and its additions, and is in the best interest of the Board or member department. Any such request for variance must be submitted in writing to the Board through the appropriate chain of command.
9.107:This policy and its procedures shall meet or exceed any requirements for Fire Instructor I set forth in the current edition of the NFPA Standard 1041, Fire Service Instructor and its additions as approved and adopted by the Board(NFPA 1041, Annex A).The Board shall be considered the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) as specified in the standard.
9.108:It is the responsibility of the Fire Instructor candidates to demonstrate they meet or exceed the requirements of this policy.
9.109: All appeals from the Fire Instructor candidates shall be filed according to the appeals process specified in Chapter 1, Section 1.500 of the Policy and Procedure Manual of CMCB.
SECTION 9.200 Program Development
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9.201: The Board shall develop a curriculum and evaluation instrumentwhich meets the requirements of NFPA 1041Standards and its additions.
9.202: The evaluation process shall be reviewed by the Board.
9.203: The Board shall ensure that the evaluation process meets the following criteria:
- the process evaluates the current body of knowledge in adult education, performance evaluation methods and fire service training,
- the minimum passing scores on the evaluation process represent real job requirements,
- each test item is valid,
- test construct is appropriate,
- all written and performance evaluation instruments are valid and objective.
9.204: The Board shall provide all materials necessary to conduct the evaluation set forth in Section 9.203.
9.205: The Board shall review the evaluation process annually.
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9.301-I:The candidate shall make application for certification following the procedure set forth in Chapter 3, section 3.100.
9.302-I:Each candidate must submit documentation of successful completion of an instructor training program for entrance into the certification process or have completed the CMCB curriculum for Fire Instructor I. The candidate must submit a course description including learning objectives and proof of successful completion. The submittal will be reviewed and approval may be granted for certification testing.
9.303-I: The evaluation process, to include challenge testing, for certification for Fire Instructor I will include a written evaluation consisting of fifty (50) questions from a validated test bank. In addition to the written exam, there will be a performance evaluation consisting of a twenty (20) minute presentation from a prepared lesson plan. The candidate shall be evaluated in the following areas during the presentationon a Fire Service Instructor Evaluation form (Appendix A):
- use of prepared instructional material
- use of verbal and nonverbal communication
- facilitation of 2-way communication
- proper use of audiovisual materials
- use of an evaluation tool
- proper learning environment
9.304-I:Refer to Chapter 3 regarding the testing process.
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9.305-I:Refer to Section 9.400: Termof Certification regarding term of certification.
Reference for Written Test Questions
(See Reading List for CMCB Written Test Questions)
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9.301-II:The candidate for Fire Instructor II must be certified as a Fire Instructor I. Certification must be from an International Fire Service Accreditation Congress or National Board of Fire Service Professional Qualifications accredited program or CMCBCertificate of Compliance.
9.302-II:The candidate shall make application for certification through a portfolio process following the procedure set forth in Chapter 3, Section 3.700. Each candidate must submit a portfolio demonstrating competence in each job performance requirement for review. The portfolio shall be submitted to the candidate’s Chief Training Officer. If the candidate is the agency’s Chief Training Officer, the portfolio shall be submitted to the Board Chair.
9.303-II:The Chief Training Officer shall verify all signatures and materials contained within the portfolio and forward the portfolio to the Board Chair for review.
9.304-II:Refer to Chapter 3 regarding the portfolio review process.
9.305-II:The following NationalFireAcademy courses have been evaluated for applicability to Fire Instructor II. A candidate who verifies successful completion of a course shall receive credit for the listed job performance requirements during the review process.
R114 – Fire Service Course Design
- 5.3.2
- 5.3.3
- 5.5.2
- 5.5.3
- 5.5.4
R342 – Training Program Management
- 5.2.4
9.306-II:The following Emergency Management Institute courses have been evaluated for applicability to Fire Instructor II. A candidate who verifies successful completion of a course shall receive credit for the listed job performance requirements during the review process.
E601 – Management & Supervision of Training
- 5.2.2
- 5.2.3
- 5.2.5
- 5.2.6
E604 – Course Development
- 5.3.2
- 5.3.3
E605 – Instructional Delivery
- 5.4.2
K606 – Evaluation of Training
- 5.5.2
- 5.5.3
- 5.5.4
9.307-II:Refer to Section 9.400: Termof Certification regarding term of certification.
9.401:The certifications issued by Colorado Metropolitan Certification Board will remain valid as long as the person is an employee in good standing with one of the member departments. In cases of termination of employment and/or retirement, the certification would be valid for up to one year from the date of termination or retirement
Chapter 9 – Fire Service Instructor
Source: NFPA 1041 Date: ______
IFSTA, Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 7th edition
Exam Prep: Fire Instructor I & II by Ben Hirst
StudentInstructor: ______
Evaluator: ______
Topic: ______Length of Presentation: ______
Competency RatingSatisfactory / Unsatisfactory
1. Clearly stated purpose of presentation and established relevance and benefit to the learner Comments:
2. Implemented motivation strategy according to lesson plan. Comments:
3. Incorporated appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication techniques in presentation. Comments:
4. Asked appropriate questions to facilitate 2-way communication during presentation. Comments:
5. Engaged students in active learning process. Comments:
6. Presented and applied all content points identified in the lesson plan. Comments:
7. Properly used audiovisual materials and equipment. Comments:
8. Facilitated application of manipulative skills as identified in lesson plan in a safe manner. Comments:
9. Summarized presentation. Comments:
Evaluator Student
Signature: ______Instructor Signature: ______