MAARS Updates- ASI’s12/17
Transcript Follow-Up: based on November ASI discussion:
Question to state ed: Is a district able to report numerical grades to sate on a 1-5 scale vs. 0-100 scale? (Student Class Grade Detail currently requires 0-100.)
State Ed Answer: Student Class Grade Detail is used for research and analysis and that is where we will be collecting post-secondary credits. The district will have to convert it to 0-100.
The SMS systems can support this on the backend.
Testing Updates:
3-8 Assessments:
- All 3-8 Ordering: closes December 15th
- CBT Schools- CBT Technology Readiness Checklist in Nextera Admin due Dec.29th – letters regarding this sent to Principals and DTC’s within 2-3 days following CBT order placement
Test Read Ordering Frequent Questions:
Q: Text to speech through Nextera admin would allow the student to take the CBT version.
A: Yes. Text-to-Speech is the computer-delivered mechanism for the Test Read testing accommodation.
Q: If a student uses a text to speech software outside of the nextera admin system, word prediction software or needs human read test- they have to order a paper version of the test and the student needs to test on paper.
A : Correct, the student tests on paper. The following FAQ clarifies:
Q: There is still no option of human read aloud while student takes in the nextera system, correct?
A: Incorrect, we made a change this year to allow for a student to test on computer with a human reader. The change was made after the fall roadshows and communicated out in the weekly call. I have an FAQ that is in review and hope to publish by tomorrow; here are the options:
- NYSITELL: Effective February 1, 2018, a new edition of the NYSITELL will take the place of the 2014 edition of the test currently used for the statewide identification of ELLs/MLLs. Until January 31, 2018, continue to use the 2014 Edition of the NYSITELL.
Beginning February 1, 2018, with the new NYSITELL, schools will be required to contract with a Regional Information Center (RIC) for answer sheets and examination data processing services. The use of uniform scannable answer sheets will allow for collection of student demographic information and student response data for each test question. This information will be reported by each regional data center to the Student Information Repository System (SIRS).
CBT Trainings:
Feb. 7th CBT/ Nextera Admin Training: Regional CBT Winter Training Session Registration: Use the registration link for operational schools and districts. The agenda will be posted soon for the CBT Winter Training Session. Operational schools have first right to attend. So Register Now:
Regional CBT Winter Training Sessions,
This New York State Regional computer-based testing (CBT) Winter Training Session is intended for school/district-level administrators and will focus on administrative and software preparation for computer-based testing, including technology readiness. The training will provide information on the Nextera Admin and Nextera Test Delivery / Nextera Secure Browser platforms. Attendees will learn how to organize classes, add/edit students, set testing accommodations, and more in the Nextera Admin system. Attendees will learn more about how student test data is transmitted to Questar and how to troubleshoot issues that may occur during CBT administration.
Users who cannot attend in person on Feb. 7th should register for the Statewide Webinar on Monday, February 12, 2018.
ScorePoint Training: Training sessions specifically for ScorePoint will be held from March 5-9th, locations to be determined after the ordering system closes. More information will be forthcoming.
Premier Vendor Scoring:
Premier has made the final decision to move forward with the establishment of a Premier scoring site in the Rochester area. Their advertisements for scorers and leaders will be published soon on Craigslist and in the Democrat & Chronicle. Again, typically they run scoring evening and weekends with current teachers and some retired teachers during the school hours.
Remember, if using Premier, this is done as a cross-contract with Sullivan County BOCES.
Secure Courier Service will be to and from MAARS. Once Premier determines the timeline for assessment pick-up/drop off, MAARS staff will communicate with participating districts to finalize arrangements.
MAARS CORE Service Updates:
- eDoctrina Support- based on the volume of component districts utilizing eDoctrina we have increased our capacity to support the product. This included conducting trainings and/or supporting districts with the Assessment Module (including Formative, Summative and Benchmark Assessments) that would not need to be paid to the vendor. This includes:
- Basic Navigation/Settings
- Answer Key Only Assessments
- Answer Sheet Types
- Scanning Options
- Utilizing NYS Free Question Banks
- Teacher-Completed Scoring
- Creating Online Assessments: Building, Administering and Grading
- Data Verification and Analysis
- Data Reporting
- iReady Support-based on the volume of component districts utilizing iReady we have increased our capacity to support the product. This includes:
- Basic Navigation/Settings
- Data Verification
- Report Prioritizing and Analysis
- PSAT Testing: College Board Partnership- Our districts can now contract with us to offer the PSAT/NMSQT to 10th graders in the fall, or the PSAT 10 in the spring, during the school week to get additional benefits including:
- Cost Savings
- Access to College Board data through the k-12 score reporting portal and BOCES-level training to help implement goals around data-driven instruction
- BOCES-level professional development for PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10 coordinators, administrators, teachers, and counselors to prepare for assessment administrations and help inform instruction and curriculum post-administration
**Reminder- Naviance User Group Reminder: Jan. 22nd, 2018 9:00-3:00 15 Linden