Last Quiz Study Guide ESRM 323: Silviculture
1. Explain the major differences between the seed-tree and the shelterwood method of stand regeneration.
2. There are three sub-systems to the shelterwood silviculture system. List them, describing how they are applied giving example objectives which they each satisfy.
3. What is the q-factor, how and why is it used in the selection system of silviculture, and what role, if any, do normal yield tables play in managing pure uneven-aged stands?
4. How might pure uneven-aged stands be defined both administratively and ecologically?
5. Describe three advantages and three disadvantages that group selection has compared to the single-tree selection system.
6. How are pure uneven-aged stands formed naturally most often?
7. Explain the differences between crown differentiation and crown stratification.
8. What aspects do you consider important in managing mixed species stands?
9. Many mixed species stands have been the object of high-grading practices during the last century, how would you manage these stands to become commercially productive? Explain it.
10. Name two foliage and two root diseases for the PNW; indicate host species and relative importance in the Olympic peninsula area.
11. Name the six management practices you as a silviculturist can use to prevent/control disease/pest outbreaks and, for two specific cases give examples of them.
12. Describe the principal effects of bear foraging on young, Douglas-fir trees. What can be done silviculturally to alleviate this problem?
13. Deer browse is an important problem in the PNW, especially for certain tree species. Describe what happens to a tree after it’s browsed, name two species that have the potential to be heavily browsed, and describe what can be done to prevent it.
14. Describe what ‘working circles’ are and how they facilitate timber management.
15. What log characteristics are used in sorting at the landing when shipping to potentially different buyers (mills)?
16. What environmental / economic factors should be considered when choosing a method to fell timber in a stand?
17. Name seven things that soils can (or can’t) provide to benefit plants and brief reasoning behind how they provide them (or don’t).
18. What three components define soil texture and describe how soil texture influences the availability of oxygen and water, both available and unavailable.
19. Describe three major processes (geological time scale) that contribute to the formation of soil and what their major textural / structural properties are.
20. Name the various riparian management zones, describe where they are located and tell what determines their size.
21. How do WA Forest Practice rules address wildlife habitat when using the clear-fell harvest regeneration cutting method?
22. Describe what is meant by ‘green up’ according to WA Forest Practices Rules.
23. Describe three silvicultural system alternatives to clear-felling that could be used to produce even-aged stands and conjecture when / where / why they might be employed.
24. Approximately how many large trees with furrowed bark should be left after harvest, and where, to ensure adequate bat and cavity nesting bird habitat? How do these wildlife species use these trees?
25. Name and describe the four stages of stand development and comment on the quality / suitability of each for bat and cavity nesting bird habitat.
26. Describe what the difference is between “fine-grained” and “coarse-grained” species is and how managing for them might differ.
27. Describe what “Edge Effects” (sensu Aldo Leopold) are and how they differ from the “Effects of Edges.” Give an example of the effects of edges on a particular wildlife species.
28. How many terrestrial mammal species are there in Washington state and what proportion of them use forest as habitat?
29. Describe how small forest dwelling mammals might use fallen logs as habitat.
30. What silvicultural actions can be taken to increase local diversity of small mammals?
31. List the major emphases of Sustained Yield Management (SYM). Briefly describe how Sustainable Forest Management principles enhance SYM.
32. What are the two major Forest Certification programs used most frequently in the Pacific Northwest and who are the principal architects of the two programs?
ESRM 323: Silviculture Last Quiz Study Guide p. 2