Institute of English, University of Opole
English Philology
BA level, part-time
Diploma Seminar in Linguistics
Diploma Seminar focus: The Great Conspiracy: How texts create realities
Tutor: Dr Jolanta Szymańska
The theoretical framework in this seminar is based on a premise that any text communicated within the public sphere produces a particular reality or its image instead of merely reflecting fact. The images of people, objects or facts established in texts through linguistic choices made by the authors develop specific mindsets, allowing particular social groups to exert significant control over others. As such, all texts have a profound influence on the ways humans perceive the world in a general sense.
The first part of the seminar (winter semester) concentrates on the theoretical issues connected with the approaches to text and discourse analyses. Students are exposed to lectures and engaged in discussions concerning methodologies of critical reading and analysis based on textual data operating in selected areas of human communication (both general and specialized or institutionalized discourses). During the second semester (spring), having decided on their individual topics, students complete the projects in the written form.
Diploma Seminar inCulture Studies/Linguistics
Diploma Seminar focusOrganizational Culture and Business Communication
Tutor: dr Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska
In the first semester of this seminar, students explore selected areas of corporate culture and communication (institutional, organizational, promotional, commercial) in order to identify the dominant genres, formats and linguistic properties. They become familiar with the current theories of interpersonal, group and public communication, as well as selected research orientations and methods of analyzing business-related texts and organizational cultural practices. Students get acquainted with case studies of organizational behavior, intercultural aspects of business contacts and business etiquette. They learn about communication technologies and media tools used in business.
In the second semester, drawing on their knowledge of theories and practices of business communication or organizational culture, students pursue individual research projects. They choose a specific topic related to these spheres and analyze a sample of available texts/practices. The projects are aimed at description and evaluation of effectiveness and properties of those texts/practices in the context of a given theory of communication/culture. The conclusions from the projects may include practical implications for business training.
Suggested reading:
Richmond, Virginia et al. 2005. Organizational Communication. Pearson
Stokes, Jane. 2003. How to Do Media and Cultural Studies. SAGE