Before submitting the Francis Harvey Green Library Exhibit Request Form please read the Francis Harvey Green Library Exhibit Policy and complete the checklist below.
Exhibit Request Checklist:
Review theFrancis Harvey Green Library Exhibit Policy.
Decide on relevant exhibit materials and create a list of suggested library materials (if assistance is needed in finding or deciding on library materials for exhibit, please contact the Special Collections Librarianor a reference librarian).
Submit the Exhibit Request Form (at least four weeks in advance) along with the list of suggested library materials.
Applicant exhibitors will receive a response within one weekof application.
Meet with member(s) of the Exhibit Committeetoreview the exhibit request.
Contact Exhibit Committee to schedule time to install exhibit.
Contact Exhibit Committee to schedule a time to remove exhibit (if not removed within 30 days afterthe exhibit end date materials will be considered property of Library Services).
Francis Harvey Green LibraryExhibit Request Form
Exhibit InformationSuggested Title:
Preferred Location (check one):
2nd Floor cases (2) near elevators
2nd Floor cases (10) near QVC Information Commons / Number of cases requested:
Preferred Dates of Exhibit (DD/MM/YY – DD/MM/YY):
Alternate dates (DD/MM/YY):
Requesting Party’s Information
Name: / Department/Organization:
Email: / Phone:
Additional Contact Information (optional)
Faculty/Staff Contact: / Phone:
Exhibit Description
Please provide a short description of the exhibit including a list of materials being exhibited as well as library materials if necessary. If assistance is needed identifying materials please contact a reference librarian ( or 610-430-4400) or the Special Collections Librarian ( or 610-436-3456). Also list any events associated with the exhibit; provide a web link if available (use back or additional sheet if more space is necessary).
Describe any special needs or requirements for the exhibit.
I certify that I have received, read, and understood the F.H. Green Library Exhibit Policy prior to submitting this application. I understand that unforeseen circumstances may require that the library remove the exhibit or any portion of the exhibit and that I will be notified if such circumstances arrive. I release the library of any liability for the security or welfare of the exhibit at any time, including transport, installation, display,and dismantling.
Signature ______Date ______
Approval (Library Use Only):
Signature of Exhibit Committee Chair ______
Signature of Library Administration ______
Rev: 03/03/2011