Approved 10/20/2008, rev 11/8/10, 10/8/12.
The Starksboro Public Library is dedicated to fostering a community of readers. Thus, the Starksboro Public Library collection represents a wide range of experiences and viewpoints.
All residents of the town of Starksboro are entitled to access all material of the Public Library collection. Residents from other communities are also welcomed to sign up to use our materials at no cost. The collection includes:
- Adults’ books
- Children’s books
- Young Adults’ books
- Publications
- Audio/Visual Material
- Electronic media
Parents are responsible for monitoring the material their children borrow. Selection of materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that children may have access to the material.
Access to the internet is available to all. The library director cannot select materials available on the internet and will not monitor internet use.
Inter-library loans will be encouraged when requested material is not available at the library.
The library will provide access to materials for people with disabilities through the Vermont Department of Libraries’ Special Services Unit.
The Starksboro Public Library will conform to federal and state guidelines regarding confidentiality of all patrons. This confidentiality extends to all contacts with patrons including:
- borrowing history
- requests for materials
- recommendations for materials
- donations of materials
- concerns or complaints of any kind.
The Starksboro Public Library Policy on Access observes and supports the Library Bill Of Rights formulated by the American Library Association. A copy of the Library Bill of Rights is appended to this Material Selection Policy in its entirety.
Material considered for inclusion in the Starksboro Public Library collection is judged by weighing faults against virtues for each item. Consideration is given to the needs of the Starksboro community. Material is selected because of the value and the content of the work as a whole, and the contributions the material will make to the collection.
Material selected for the Starksboro Public Library collection is considered by at least one of the following criteria:
- overall purpose
- timeliness or permanence
- importance of the subject matter
- readability and popular appeal
- authoritativeness
- reputation of the publisher or producer
- reputation and significance of the author, artist, or composer
- format and price
- quality of the writing or production
- local author and setting if above criteria have been met.
Attempts will be made to present different view points on issues to the extent possible.
The Starksboro Public Library Board or its designated representative, the Library Director, selects material and makes purchase decisions based on evaluation of the existing collection and recommendations from the following sources:
- reputable professional selection aids including recommended lists, book reviews, and journals,
- recommendations of the Vermont Department of Libraries and the Vermont Department of Education,
- other librarians,
- community members
Expenses for library materials will be met by the library budget.
Gift materials are judged by basic selection standards and are accepted or rejected by these standards. After acceptance of gift materials, the library director will determine the gift’s proper disposition.
Material which is no longer useful in the light of stated objectives will be systematically and regularly weeded using professional methods and aids in order to have the best possible collection given the available space.
The Constitutional guarantee of intellectual freedom will be the basic guide for all matters regarding reconsideration of material in the Starksboro Public Library collection. The right of access to information requires that weight be given to diverse and controversial points of view. The policies of the Starksboro Public Library Board regarding reconsideration are as follows.
- Final decision for reconsideration of material rests with the Starksboro Public Library Board as duly elected representatives of the Town of Starksboro to oversee and manage the operations of the Starksboro Public Library.
- Any individual wishing to request reconsideration of material must follow the Procedures for Reconsideration of Material.
Concerns or complaints about material within the Starksboro Public Library collection will be referred to the Starksboro Public Library Board or its designated representative. (The Starksboro Public Library Board will select a representative from the board once yearly.) The designated representative will guide the reconsideration process. The Starksboro Public Library Director or the Starksboro Public Library designated representative may discuss the material informally with the concerned individual. If necessary, a formal review will be initiated. The steps for a formal review are as follows.
- Complainant will file objections in writing on a form provided entitled Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of Material.
- The written request or complaint will be referred to a Materials Review Committee. The committee will include the designated representative of the Starksboro Public Library Board, the Public Library Director, a Starksboro Town Select Board member, and a resident of Starksboro selected by the Starksboro Town Select Board.
- The Materials Review Committee will review the material with this Selection Policy as a guide. The value of the material will be considered as a whole.
- The material being reviewed will not be removed during the reconsideration process.
- The committee will report on its deliberations to the Starksboro Public Library Board. The committee shall provide recommendations for reconsideration to the Board.
- The Starksboro Public Library Board will make a decision on the complaint and shall direct the designated representative of the Starksboro Public Library Board to take appropriate action. A decision to sustain or deny a complaint shall not be interpreted as other than a policy decision. A decision shall not be interpreted as judgement of any party involved. The designated representative of the Starksboro Public Library Board will notify the complainant in writing of the action to be taken.
This policy will be reviewed yearly. Consideration for changes in the Policy shall occur during one of the scheduled meetings of the Starksboro Public Library Board.
The Starksboro Public Library will conform to federal and state guidelines regarding policy initiation and review, public comment, and reconsideration of material. All meetings of the Starksboro Public Library Board are open to the public.
The Library Bill of Rights/American Library Association
The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.
Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves.
Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide
information and enlightenment.
Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
A person's right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
Adopted June 18, 1948.
Amended February 2, 1961, and January 23, 1980,
inclusion of "age" reaffirmed January 23, 1996,
by the ALA Council.
Spanish Language Version of the Library Bill of Rights [also available].
Refer to Interpretations of the Library Bill of Rights [*]
Copyright © 1999, American Library Association.
[*]Interpretations of the Library Bill of Rights may be obtained by writing the ALA:
The American Library Association
50 E. Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2795
fax: 312-440-0901