Tracking #: 2010-25 Form 1, Page 2
1. Curriculum action(s) proposed: Check all items below that apply to this proposal.
_X_ *New Program College Credit
_X_ Bachelor Degree X BS _BAS _ BSN
___ Program Modification ___ Associate in Science
___ Associate in Applied Science
___ Program Inactivation ___ Associate in Science Transfer Option
End term program: __________ ___ Associate in Arts
___ Technical Certificate
___ Program Reactivation ___ Advanced Technical Certificate (ATC)
___ College Preparatory
_X__ New Course(s)
___ Course Modification(s) Non-College Credit
___ Course Inactivation(s) ___ Workforce Certificate
End term course: _________ ___ High School Credit
___ Course Reactivation(s) ___ Other (Specify: ________________)
___ Internal Articulation Agreement College Credit or Non-College Credit
___ General Education Requirement ___ Applied Technology Diploma (ATD)
(the following information must be College __ Non-College __
General Education Requirement -- Prerequisite to upper division program, ____ ____
Institution Name
2. Identify the effective semester for implementation: __Fall Term, 2011 (20121)_______ _. This term should be a future term that would not affect current students negatively. All actions in this package will be effective during the term indicated, unless otherwise reflected. Example: Fall Term, 2007.
3. Proposal Actions.
Program Information, if applicable program layout must include information about “Record of Conviction of a Crime”, drug screen, background check, immunizations and any other information required for licensing or certifying agents. New programs and significant program modifications must submit a program assessment plan, fiscal projections worksheet, capitalization plan and minutes of Advisory Committee meeting detailing employer support for the new program or changes. N/A
Dean/IPMs - If a program is no longer active or students will not be able to complete the program as originally registered, program POS change has been completed for each student __ (mark signifying you will be responsible to assure this has been completed.
3. Proposal Actions: (continued) Form 1, Page 3
a. Program Information (Program layout for college catalog must be included-see most recent catalog for
format and inclusion, you may request from Curriculum office) OCP and workforce credit information must
be included for all PSAV programs.
Program Title: Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences with Concentrations in Biological Sciences & Biochemistry
Program Code: T300
Degree Type: B.S.
New or modified program name: Same
State CIP number: 26.0102
SOC NAV# (if appropriate, assigned by MEI): N/A
Industry Certification: No.
b. Course Information (if applicable) (list prefix, number and title, credit hours and contact hours. Course Outlines must be included for all new and modified courses.
*New Courses
=============== ======================================= ======= =======
BCH 4024 Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 4 4
*BCH 4034C BSC 4035C Advanced Biochemistry 4 6
*BSC 4933 MCB 4203 Selected Topics in Biological Sciences 3 3
CHM 3130C Chemistry Instrumentation 4 7
CHM 3120C Elementary Analytical Chemistry 4 7
CHM 4410 Physical Chemistry I 3 3
CHM 4411 Physical Chemistry II 3 3
*CHM 4932 CHM 4253 Selected Topics in Chemistry 3 3
*HSC 4653 HSC 4652 Ethical Issues in Health Sciences 3 3
HSC 4730 Health Science Research 3 3
HSA 3113 Health Care Trends and Issues 3 3
IDS 4936 Biomedical Degree Capstone 3 3
MCB 3020C Basic Biology of Microorganisms 4 6
MCB 4404 Microbial Physiology and Genetics 3 3
MCB 4503 Virology 3 3
*PCB 3023C PCB 3103C Cell Biology 4 5
*PCB 3063C PCB 3513C Genetics and Molecular Biology 4 6
PCB 3713C General Physiology 4 7
ZOO 3713C Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy 4 4
*Number changes per SCNS Approved 2/9/2011
Course Modifications: (course outlines are located at: and may be used to insert in package so modifications can be applied. Please make sure all changes are shown on outlines.
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Course Inactivations:
4. Please describe how current and past students are affected by this change indicating how you plan to identify and resolve individual issues and how you plan to communicate these changes to affected students.
This program represents a new baccalaureate offering at the College and will not adversely affect current or past students. Rather, it provides the opportunity to pursue higher level science course work toward a baccalaureate degree in biomedical sciences. Because this program is a new offering it will be important to disseminate information in a timely manner to all stake-holders to maximize the potential positive impact of this program. Program information will be shared with students through electronic communications, a presence through the Colleges existing web site, and orientation/ information sessions hosted by program leaders. Informing all student success offices at the College about the nature of the new program will also be important to enhance student recruitment and retention. Communication with key faculty is also central since they will have regular direct contact with the student cohort.
5. Should this course be offered in distance learning or other unique instructional format (please specify which
format)? Why or why not? For assistance, see website:
The upper division offerings of this program will largely be traditional, although technology assisted curriculum will be encouraged whenever appropriate to enhance student success and retention in all courses. In order for our students to have a competitive edge, it is essential that we offer authentic wet–lab learning experiences and build strong cohort relationships. The originators of this proposal suggest that these goals are best accomplished by initially limiting hybrid/online course offerings to the below upper division courses:
HSC 4652 Ethical Issues in Health Sciences
HSC 4730 Health Science Research
HSA 3113 Health Care Trends and Issues
MCB 4503 Virology
The leaders of this program will coordinate with Open Campus Deans to develop a plan of course offerings in this program.
6. Include appropriate background information. The following questions are information to include in your response.
Is this a state requirement? What is the requirement and why must we implement it? Has history shown
students need this course/program for some reason? Will this meet some specific workforce, university
transfer or student success need? Are there partners, grant requirements, faculty collaborations or other
reasons leading to the development of this course/program?
· Through extensive survey and advisory processes the originators of the state proposal were able to unequivocally support a regional need for this curriculum. In November of 2010 the State Department of Education gave high accolades to the proposal and encouraged us to proceed with developing the curriculum and working toward program accreditation through our regional accrediting body, SACS.
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· Planning for the Biomedical Sciences B.S. Degree program began in March, 2009. The internal planning began with a core group of administrators, faculty and program development staff that held a series of meetings to discuss curriculum, state benchmarks, research, marketing, community needs, student surveys and proposal development. The team reviewed similar programs at other accredited institutions and determined that Florida State College at Jacksonville should focus on producing graduates for direct entry into health sciences careers with the ability to staff laboratories, clinical programs, pharmaceutical companies, medical manufacturing companies, research programs, health departments, zoos and museums. This strategic decision differentiates the Florida State College at Jacksonville biomedical sciences program from other regional programs which primarily focus on post baccalaureate professional programs.
· This program is best offered as a baccalaureate degree in order to provide more opportunities for employment, advancement, and entry into graduate programs.
· This program will meet the workforce needs the area continues to growth and emerge as a specialty health care travel destination.
7. Write a rationale/need for the above action(s). This response should address the following questions. Is there
a need for this course/program in our service district? How will this impact student success for upper division
instruction or job placement? If the College already has a similar course/program, why are we developing this
program/course and what are the differences between the programs and courses? How many students and
what businesses or transfer institutions will benefit? Does this course/program support a College goal or
· Yes, there is a need for this program in our service district. There are no regional colleges offering a biomedical sciences degree and the University of South Florida offers the only other biomedical sciences baccalaureate program in the state system.
· This program will meet the workforce needs that were established by the College’s marketing department. Ulrich Research Services Inc. conducted an Employer Needs Assessment in January of 2010. Their analysis of the data revealed that the current and projected demand for professional workers with a bachelor degree in Biomedical Science outweighs the current supply of baccalaureate-degree graduates for the northeast Florida counties.
· Also indicated in the Employer Needs Assessment was a need for the specialized, work-related training of the type currently offered by Florida State College Jacksonville to potential employees.
· Despite the current economic conditions there are 325 job openings projected over the next five years with 65 job openings projected each year including the fifth year (Employer Needs Assessment).
· A bachelor’s degree will impact student success by increasing their opportunities for job placement, retention, and advancement to leadership positions within the various local industries.
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· There is no similar course/program at FSCJ for students seeking a baccalaureate degree.
· Yes, this program supports the college goal to “Prepare students for distinctive success, and as outstanding citizens, in the global knowledge economy.”
8. Programs, articulated agreements, or courses affected by this proposal:
a. Identify other existing programs of study or courses that this proposal will affect, and explain how they will be affected. (Program title, program code, required or elective)
Students working toward an A.A. degree would be able to apply for admission to this program. Students in A.S. programs would also be eligible to apply upon completion of the general admission requirements.
b. If there are existing internal or external (inter-institutional) articulation agreements that will be impacted by this proposal request, please contact as appropriate:
Students completing this baccalaureate program would be well situated to articulate into the Physician’s Assistant 3+2 Program with Nova Southeastern University. Our College currently has an agreement with NOVA regarding the 3+2 program. The Biomedical sciences B.S. program would enhance this current relationship and strengthen the position of both of our institutions.
9. Fiscal Notes: This response must include specific information on the financial impact to students and the
institution. This section should be concise, unless there are special circumstances related to the
course/program. This section should address the following questions. Will there be unusual costs to students?
Are faculty salaries to teach course/program higher or lower than standard rates? Will additional staff or
faculty be required and if so, what are the costs to the institution? Will the institution have to purchase
additional equipment, supplies, software, and/or materials not currently owned by the college? Are there grant
or business partnerships that will provide funds to establish the course/program? Will business partnerships
cover the course/program costs?
The funds for operating this program have already been secured by the College.
10. Financial Information:
Special fees: (Fee form must be completed and sent to Finance on all special fees; form is located at website: Budget and Department must be filled in for all new
programs and courses. Contact Finance if you have any questions.)
Budget number: To be established __ Department: _To be established_
Special fees to support laboratory course work will be submitted for approval at the March 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting.
11. If you selected this course as a General Education Requirement, you must identify which category below.
The course outline, next to course topic must identify the goal number the course topic addresses (a
package with the selection criteria will be provided by Curriculum Services).
(Place an "X" next to category).
The proposed courses are not general education courses.
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Category I. -- Communications A __ B __ C __
Category II. -- Humanities A __ B __
Category III. -- Mathematics __
Category IV. -- Natural Sciences A __ B __
Category V. -- Social Environment A __ B __ C __
12. Evaluation: This response requests specific information on how you will assess the effectiveness of the
course/program as it benefits students and the college. This section is also concise but should address the
following: credit transfer course: review of student enrollment, completion and grades, as well as students
ability to move to higher level courses if applicable; credit or non-credit workforce: review of student
enrollment, completion, job placement, as well as business involvement in development, revision and evaluation
of the course/program and student success; and, adult education courses should include the same information
as credit transfer courses but should also include job placement analysis.
Whenever appropriate, transfer credits of “C” or better from A.S. programs or the generalized A.A. program will be considered toward completion of the program core requirements. This program will be reviewed annually using current methods in place at the college to include monitoring enrollment and student progress, monitoring graduation rates, and conducting general surveys of students. Assessment data, goals, and plans for improvement for this program will be integrated into the College’s Weave Online program, which is in alignment with our current process for tracking institutional efficacy. The integrate leader of the program, Dr. Norman, also participates in the College’s assessment task force and the baccalaureate council and will collaborate with these bodies to ensure compliance with State and SACS standards.
13. Do you feel that this proposal will have any special impact on the recruitment and retention of disadvantaged
students? If so, please explain.
All locations of the Florida State College at Jacksonville currently serve disadvantaged students; this program would be no different. The B.S. in Biomedical Sciences program will provide access to a baccalaureate education that previously was only accessible via traditional university route. Thus, this program represents a unique opportunity for disadvantaged students and non-traditional students who otherwise would not have had access to a high quality advanced science education due to the high cost of tuition and time constraints.