TERM 22018
In Year 9, Humanities and Social Sciences consists of Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography and History.
Students develop increasing independence in critical thinking and skill application, which includes questioning, researching, analysing, evaluating, communicating and reflecting. They apply these skills to investigate events, developments, issues and phenomena, both historical and contemporary.
In Economics, students are introduced to the concepts ofspecialisationandtradewhile continuing to further their understanding of the key concepts ofscarcity, making choices,interdependence, and allocation and markets. They examine the connections between consumers, businesses andgovernment, both within Australia and with other countries, through the flow ofgoods,servicesand resources in a globaleconomy. The roles and responsibilities of the participants in the changing Australian and global workplace are explored.
Following exams, students will study the influence of the Industrial Revolution on the movement of peoples throughout the world, with a focus on the transatlantic slave trade.
WEEK / WA CURRICULUM CONTENT DESCRIPTION / LESSON TOPICS / ASSESSMENT TASKS1 / Australia'sinterdependencewith other economies, such astradeand tourism,trade links with partners in the Asiaregion, and thegoodsandservicestraded (ACHEK038)
The nature ofinnovationand how businesses seek to create and maintain acompetitive advantagein the market, including the global market (ACHEK041) / Review the circular flow model which students studied in Year 8.
Understand why nations trade.
Students to define and give examples of imports and exports.
Explains Australia’s trade relationships and the impact of trade on different sections of the Australian economy.
2 / Why and how participants in the globaleconomyare dependent on each other, including the activities of transnational corporations in thesupplychains and the impact of global events on the Australianeconomy(ACHEK039) / Students to define globalisation.
Students to explain advantages and disadvantages of globalisation.
Students are to explain types of protection such as tariffs and quotas.
Describes the reasons for protection.
3 / Why and how participants in the globaleconomyare dependent on each other, including the activities of transnational corporations in thesupplychains and the impact of global events on the Australianeconomy(ACHEK039) / Students to define Free Trade Agreement and describe why they are important for Australia.
Evolution of the Chinese economy.
TNC’s case studies: Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds, Starbucks.
4 / Why and how participants in the globaleconomyare dependent on each other, including the activities of transnational corporations in thesupplychains and the impact of global events on the Australianeconomy(ACHEK039)
The nature ofinnovationand how businesses seek to create and maintain acompetitive advantagein the market, including the global market (ACHEK041) / Students to define transnational company and investigate case studies of how transnational companies operate.
Students to explain what global supply chains are and investigate case studies of how they operate.
Students to research and write a report on a Transnational company and global supply chain. / ASSESSMENT TASK: TNC REPORT.
5 / The way the work environment is changing in contemporary Australia and the implication for current and future work (ACHEK042) / Understand the participants in Australia’s workforce; employers, trade unions and governments.
Best places to work 2018.
Students to understand skills and qualifications they will need to find work in the future.
How to write a resume.
6 / Why and how people manage financial risks and rewards in the current Australian and global financial landscape, such as the use of differing investment types (ACHEK040)
The ways consumers can protect themselves from risks, such as debt, scams andidentitytheft (ACHEK040) / Students to define investment and understand the different types of investments that exist.
Understand the difference between good and bad debt.
Students to explain how the Stock market operates.
Students to understand what financial risks are and how they can impact them. Students to understand how they can protect themselves from these risks.
8 / The influence of the Industrial Revolution on the movement of peoples throughout the world, including the transatlantic slave trade and convict transportation(ACDSEH018) / Students to understand why slaves were used and taken from Africa to America.
Students to explain how the transatlantic slave trade operated.
9 / Experiences of slaves upon departure, their journey abroad, and their reactions on arrival.(ACDSEH083) / Students to explain how slaves were captured and transported from Africa to America and the conditions on board the ships.
Students to explain what happened to slaves on arrival in America.
10 / The short and long-termimpacts of the movement of peoples during this period(ACDSEH085) / Students to explain impacts of slavery on African Americans and reasons for its abolition. / ASSESSMENT TASK: