1. ------IND- 2005 0345 SI- EN- ------20050722 ------PROJET

Pursuant to the first indent of the third paragraph of Article 6 of the Public Roads Act (Uradni list RS, no. 29/97, 18/02, 50/02 – odl.US, 110/02 – ZGO-1 and 126/03 – ZDRAS-A) the Minster of Transport, in agreement with the Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning, issues the following


on road design


Article 1


(1) This regulation prescribes the technical requirements, conditions and standards that must be respected in preparing the project design and technical documentation intended for road construction and the use and maintenance of roads, in order to ensure traffic safety and rationality in the construction and maintenance of roads and road elements.

(2) The provisions of the building construction regulations that regulates preparation of the project design and technical documentation intended for the construction, use and maintenance of structures and the provisions of the public roads regulation that regulates the technical specifications shall be used in road design, regarding the composition, contents and shape of the project design and technical documentation intended for road construction, use and maintenance, unless otherwise provided by this regulation.

Article 2

(types of project and technical documentation)

(1) The project design documentation intended for road construction shall, in terms of the intended use, be divided into the following projects:

1.  the preliminary design is the preliminary design made in compliance with the regulations on the construction of structures (PD) for the purpose of choosing the most suitable alternative for the route within the framework of the spatial plan and for obtaining the project conditions from the competent authorities;

2.  the preliminary design project is the design project made in compliance with the regulations on the construction of structures (PDP) for the purpose of choosing the final and most suitable option for the route, including the decision concerning the best method for its realisation; in the case of national roads, appointing the competent authorities and obtaining their project conditions in the procedure for determining the design guidelines, and in the case of intended maintenance work in the public interest, as well as the basis for initiating negotiations with the concerned owners of land and owners and managers of legal structures within the road protection zone;

3.  the main design project is the design project for obtaining a building permit according to the regulations on the construction of structures (BAP – Building Application Project) for the purpose of obtaining a building permit where the building construction regulations requires it prior to commencement of the work, or in the case of intended maintenance work in the public interest, s well as arrangements with the concerned owners of lands and owners and managers of legal structures within the road protection zone and their consent;

4.  the project for tender is the project for a tender made in compliance with the regulations on the construction of structures (PT – Project for Tender) for the purpose of selecting the most suitable contractor for the road construction or for maintenance work in the public interest, which in the case of a granted tender serves as the technical part of the tender documentation;

5.  the road implementation project is the project for implementation made in compliance with the regulations on the construction of structures (BIP – Building Implementation Project) for the purpose that, in the case where a building permit is required, the construction work can be implemented in accordance with the conditions prescribed in the permit, or in the case where a building permit is not required, the construction work can be implemented in accordance with the purpose of the maintenance work in the public interest.

(2) The technical documentation intended for the use and maintenance of roads shall in terms of its intended purpose be divided into the following projects:

  1. the “As-built” design represents the completed work made in compliance with the regulations on the construction of structures (ABD – AS-built Design) for the purpose of providing insight into the work actually completed and possible changes of the main design project or the road implementation project at an expert technical examination after the completed work in the case where a building permit was required and also to verify upon technical examination whether the road construction or reconstruction was done in accordance with the building permit, and in order to obtain a use permit for the road;
  2. the road maintenance project is the project for maintenance and operation of a structure in compliance with the regulations on the construction of structures (POM – Project for Operation and Maintenance) for the purpose of maintaining the road in a state that ensures the prescribed extent of road safety in accordance with traffic regulations, and that the road and road structures can fulfil the prescribed basic requirements during the entire duration of their use, and that the environmental impact is in accordance with environmental protection regulations throughout the entire time of its use;
  3. the project for entry into the official road records is the project for entry in the official records made in compliance with the regulations on the construction of structures (PER – Project for Entry in Records) with the purpose of registering the road in the collection of spatial data in accordance with the regulations on spatial planning and into the database intended for the long-term ensuring of road safety and the rationality of road construction and maintenance (hereinafter: the Roads databank).

Article 3

(meanings of professional terms)

(1) Individual terms used in this regulation shall have the following meanings:

·  A road ditch serves for the collection and drainage of surface water from the road and slopes along the road and underground water from the road drainage system;

·  A road tunnel is an underground construction on the road course intended for conducting traffic below ground, in order to ensure the stability and durability of the tunnel construction, which also includes the arrangement and construction of elements for ensuring road safety in the area between the tunnel's entry and exit portals;

·  The road axis is a curve in space consisting of geometric elements on the ground plan and longitudinal section that usually runs down the middle or edge of the carriageway;

·  A road section is a part of the road designed for a specific design speed;

·  Dynamic tractrix describes curves that trace the turning of the front left and rear right wheels of the relevant standard vehicle and serve for verifying the appropriateness of the access curve at crossroads and access roads and for determining the widening of the driving lanes in curves;

·  A gallery is a road structure intended for protection against major landslides or snow avalanches designed in a road cut of rectangular or arched shape with openings on the lower side of the cut;

·  The geometric elements of the road axis are the straight, the arc and the transition curve;

·  HCM – Highway Capacity Manual – an American manual for determining the dimensions of transport surfaces;

·  A split-level crossing allows the crossing of transport routes on two or more elevation levels;

·  Canalised crossroads are crossroads through which traffic is managed and guided with the help of horizontal signs and traffic islands;

·  Road construction elements are: the wearing course, base course and sub-base, the quality and thickness of which is calibrated for the expected traffic load on the road, taking into account the local climatic and geomechanical conditions;

·  The gutter and gully serve to drain surface water from the carriageway and cut slopes and are connected to the road ditch or the road drainage system;

·  A low traffic road (LTR) is a regional road, local road or local way bearing a traffic load of up to 500 vehicles per day;

·  The traffic weaving lane serves for vehicle intersection and access;

·  AADT – Average Annual Daily Traffic;

·  Road capacity is the maximum number of vehicles that can, with respect for all safety criteria, drive through a specific cross-section of the road in a specific unit of time, and depends on the state of the road, distance from roadside obstacles, the climb and descent, share of freight vehicles and visibility;

·  The crossfall of the carriageway is the ratio between the elevation differences of the edges and the carriageway width and is necessary for reducing the lateral thrust in a curve and for transverse drainage of surface water from the road surface;

·  The overtaking lane is a driving lane generally intended for overtaking slower vehicles;

·  A traffic study is an analysis of the existing traffic flow and forecast traffic flows;

·  Road clearance consists of the traffic clearance, the safety width and the safety height into which permanent physical obstacles may not protrude;

·  Traffic clearance consists of the cross-section of the standard relevant vehicle and the space needed for vehicular movement and for maintaining safe distances between vehicles;

·  Traffic load is the number of vehicles that drive through an individual measurement cross-section within a specific time interval;

·  Bicycle surfaces are: a marked lane for bicycles along the edge of the road, a split level bicycle lane or an independent bicycle lane that runs separately from the road;

·  Bridging structures are structures that span spatial obstacles and are classified according to the type of construction: viaducts, bridges, overpasses, underpasses, pedestrian over- and underpasses and culverts;

·  Supporting and retaining structures ensure the stability of the road structure or roadside slopes and reduce interruptions into the roadside area;

·  A covered cut is a road structure in deep cuts of rectangular or arched shape constructed for the purpose of preserving the land, for noise reduction and for passage of wildlife;

·  The lateral dividing belt serves for separately conducting traffic along the carriageway or for the physical separation of motorised traffic on the road and bicycle and pedestrian lanes;

·  The central reserve allows separate conducting of traffic flow directions, drainage along the inner edge of the carriageway, for positioning traffic signs and equipment and road lighting poles;

·  Illuminated traffic signs are traffic lights, signs changing in light intensity and illuminated signs for managing motorised, bicycle and pedestrian traffic in crossroads, junctions, road crossings, railway crossings, city transport lines, driving limitations, emergency vehicle exits and similar;

·  Type-specific cross-sections are cross-sections characteristic for use on specific types of roads;

·  Comfortable driving is driving at an even speed with lateral and longitudinal accelerations below that permitted;

·  Screwing is the changing of the crossfall of the carriageway;

·  The driving lane is the basic traffic lane intended for vehicles;

·  The carriageway is the part of the roadway that consists of one or more driving lanes and special lanes;

·  The carriageway construction is the paved surface for motorised and other road traffic composed of one or more bearing and wearing courses;

·  The stopping distance is the shortest average distance for safe stopping of a motor vehicle on a wet and clean road surface.

(2) Those terms used in this regulation that have not been defined in the preceding paragraph shall bear the same meanings as those prescribed in the regulations for ensuring road safety and the regulations concerning spatial planning, building construction, construction products and geodetic activities.


Article 4

(transport and technical conditions)

(1) Modern technological procedures in design, construction and maintenance shall be used in designing roads and road structures, in order to find rational project solutions adapted to spatial and environmental management.

(2) Geometrical and constructional road elements must ensure safe use of the roads and are prescribed according to the traffic function and type of road.

(3) Geometrical and constructional elements shall be prescribed on the basis of their traffic function, the type of road, the category of the terrain and the traffic load.

(4) It will be essential in road design to take into account the difficulty of the terrain, the structure of the spatial arrangement, geotechnical and hydrotechnical road conditions and other special local conditions (wind, snow, protection of the natural and living environment).

Article 5

(alternative design solutions)

(1) A least two alternatives for the route of the new or reconstructed road will have to be made at the level of the preliminary road project or the preliminary road design.

(2) The traffic study must provide an evaluation of the traffic efficiency of each individual alternative solution.

(3) A preliminary calculation of the construction and investment costs with a ± 30% accuracy, itemised according to the list of works, will have to be made for each alternative solution.

(4) The planned alternatives shall be compared in terms of construction technology, transportation economy, environmental impact, spatial management and road safety parameters and conditions.


Article 6

(traffic function)

(1) The transport and technical classification lists roads according to their traffic function as long-distance roads (LDR), connecting roads (CR), collector roads (CLR) and access roads (AR).

(2) Long-distance roads (LDR) connect to other long-distance roads in the country and abroad and to regional centres. They provide a higher level of transport services; junctions and crossings with other roads or with railway lines are always at split levels.

(3) Connecting roads (CR) are linked to long-distance roads (LDR) and to other CR and connect regional centres with other towns and town districts.

(4) Collector roads (CLR) link connecting roads with municipal centres, minor settlements and town quarters and provide links with access roads.

(5) Access roads (AR) link minor settlements and suburbs with municipal or city centres and provide links with collector roads.

(6) Individual types of roads can perform their traffic functions as shown in the table below:

Road function / Abbr. / Type of road / Abbr.
Long-distance road / LDR / motorway, fast road, trunk road / MW, FR, TR
Connecting road / CR / trunk road, regional road / TR, RR
Collector road / CLR / regional road, local road / RR, LR
Access road / AR / local road, public way / LR, PW

(7) The traffic functions of roads in a settlement are defined in accordance with the concept of the settlement, as provided in the spatial acts.