Alliteration / A pattern of sound that includes the repetition of a consonant. / -Alice’s aunt ate apples and acorns.
- Carrie’s cat clawed her carpet.
- Perry and Pauly patted the penguin
- The baby bear bounced towards its brother.
- Cam carries kangaroos carefully. / ______
Allusion / Pointing to something from literature or history to express your point. / - He was a real Romeo with the ladies.
- I thought the information was useful, but it was a Trojan horse.
- Her house is like the Garden of Eden. / ______
Idiom / Popular expressions that do not make literal sense. / - I am sick as a dog.
- He has a chip on his shoulder.
- The ending was out of the blue.
- It is raining cats and dogs! / ______
Hyperbole / Exaggeration. / - I am starving, I have not eaten since ten o’clock
- His arms are as thin as toothpicks!
- I have a ton of chores to do.
- I am so hungry, I could eat a horse. / ______
Metaphor / Comparison without using like or as. / - Her emotions are wild animals.
- He is an angel.
- You are my sunshine.
- She has a heart of gold.
- The world is a stage. / ______
Onomatopoeia / Words that describe sound. / - Pop poppop! The corn kernels jumped in the pan.
- Achoo! The boy sneezed all over his papers.
- Bring bring! The phone shook and rang on its cradle. / ______
Personification / Giving ideas, animals, or objects human characteristics. / - The flowers beamed under the sun’s golden rays.
- The sun climbed the sky and smiled down at the earth below.
- The trees cowered at the sight of her. / ______
Simile / Comparison using like or as. / - Her eyes were clear like glass.
- The ripples in the lake were like miniature mountain ranges.
- Her fingers were as thin as twigs.
- Her feet were as big as boulders. / ______
Literary Terms Practice Worksheet
Literary Terms Practice Worksheet
Alliteration / Idiom / Metaphor / PersonificationAllusion / Hyperbole / Onomatopoeia / Simile
Use the word bank to correctly label the examples below. Words can be reused.
______1. Those twins were two peas in a pod.
______2. His hands were lion paws.
______3. I am so hungry; I could eat an elephant.
______4. The rollercoaster was like a tornado.
______5. The water gurgled as it continued down the stream.
______6. The moon sat silently, watching the children play in the night.
______7. Her hungry hippo hoards hamburgers.
______8. She is such a Scrooge!
______9. Boom! The books hit the table.
______10. Sadly, Sally sat in silence.
______11. He is as slow as a snail!
______12. The table stood above the carpet.
______13. She is so fast; she is a tiger!
______14. Clap! The rain hit the sidewalk.
______15. He was a Romeo with the ladies.
______16. She rubbed her the wrong way.