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2017 Annual Conference

The largest yearly gathering of Kentucky Criminal Defense Advocates.

Open Only to Criminal Defense Advocates

Conference Information

Choose from Many Learning Opportunities

This Conference offers the greatest variety of criminal defense education opportunities of any Kentucky criminal justice CLE program. There are many diverse presentations from the pragmatic to the cutting edge to choose from based on your individual needs! Our presenters are prominent Kentucky and distinguished national professionals.

Sessions and Presenters include (subject to change):

o  Simmie Baer

o  Jennifer Sellitti

o  Andre Vitale

o  Juval Scott

o  David Singleton

o  Monica Foster

o  Alison Connelly

o  Evidence

o  Police Misconduct

o  Sex Offenses

o  Investigation

o  Trial Skills

o  Multiple Ethics sessions

o  Juvenile

o  Reviews of latest SCOTUS and Kentucky caselaw


The deadline for registration is June 1, 2017. There is a late registration fee of $25. There is also a $25 cancellation charge. On-site registration is Monday, June 19 from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., on the First Floor Exhibit Hall Lobby outside of Exhibit Hall 2 of the Owensboro Convention Center, 591 W. 2nd Street, Owensboro, KY.

Our program begins at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 19 and ends Tuesday, June 20, at 5:30 pm.

A box lunch is provided on Monday, June 19, at 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

If you wish to attend the Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, there is an additional charge of $25.00. Please check the appropriate box on the registration form.

KBA CLE Credits Including Ethics Credits

We will be applying for at least 9.00 hours of CLE credits from the KBA CLE Commission with up to 5.00 hours of legal ethics. CLE approval will also be sought from Ohio and Indiana. If you require CLE’s from any other state, you will need to apply individually.


Deadline for registration is June 1, 2017. Make checks payable to the “Kentucky State Treasurer” and mailed to:

Lisa Blevins, DPA Training, 5 Mill Creek Park, Frankfort, KY 40601; (502) 782-3509; E-mail:



YOU ARE A (Check one) : contract public defender; of-counsel public defender; private defense attorney;

out-of-state public defender; mitigation specialist; investigator; paralegal; other ______

NOTE: DPA Employees must register online, do not use this form


ADDRESS: ______CITY: ______

STATE: ______ZIP: ______TEL: (______) ______CELL PHONE: (_____) ______

FAX: (______) ______EMAIL ADDRESS: ______

REGISTRATION (Check the appropriate box)- Hotel not included

Kentucky Public Defenders*:

(includes materials)

Free Attorney

Free Investigator, Social Worker or Paralegal

Criminal Defense Attorneys & Out-of-State Public Defenders (fee includes materials)

$275, Attorney

$175, Investigator, Social Worker or Paralegal

*You are entitled to the Kentucky public defender rate if you are doing one or more conflict public defender cases in Kentucky. Appellate of counsel public defenders should contact the Post Trials Division of the Department of Public Advocacy to determine rates.

Lunch Monday – Box Lunch (included with Registration) Meal Preference

Awards Banquet @ $25.00

(Tuesday, June 20, Noon)

$25 Late Fee (After June 1)

Regular Vegan Vegetarian

Other ______

TOTAL DUE: ______

* * *

Overnight Rooms ARE NOT included in the registration.

* * *

Other than Kentucky, we will be applying for CLE’s in Ohio and Indiana.

For other states, you will need to apply individually.