Telehealth Alliance of Oklahoma (TAO) Meeting Minutes 7/10/2013
Attendance:Scott Bumgarner, Steve Casady, Melinda Davis, Pam Forducey, Lane Hooton, Samantha Mohr, Mickie Post, Jack Sappenfield, Candace Shaw, Reji Varghese, Terri White,Regina Wilson,Cynthia Scheideman-Miller
Welcome/Opening Remarks–Candace Shaw welcomed all those in attendance. The meeting began at 10:05 am.
Review of minutes: Minutes from the June 12, 2013 meeting were distributed to all members in an email. Motion made by Mr. Hooton to accept the minutes, seconded by Ms. Davis, motion carried unanimously.
Establishment of TAO:Ms. Scheideman-Miller advised the group that TAO was certified as an incorporation and had an EIN. Ms. Forducey asked if invoices could be sent. Ms. Scheideman-Miller asked if people might request an invoice and let her know if they wanted to be a charter member or not. Mr. Varghese noted that several organizations, including his, would require TAO to register as a vendor. Ms. Scheideman-Miller indicated that they would be starting a bank account next.
1023: Ms. Scheideman-Miller said that she is working with Jeri Towler, JD with the paperwork to become a tax-free entity. Ms. Towler mentioned in an earlier meeting that this was a bit complicated and she wanted to work closely with TAO as anything wrong with the application could set it back several months.
Ratification Certification of Incorporation – Ms. Shaw called for a vote to ratify the Certificate of Incorporation. Ms. Scheideman-Miller reminded the group that the group had voted at the June 12, 2013 meeting to go ahead and file, then they would ratify the certification of incorporation at this meeting. Roll call was taken
Passed Unanimously. Absent Robert Rader and Sherri Snyder.
Healthcare Connect Fund: Ms. Scheideman-Miller advised the group the request for proposals were sent to all organizations that had participated in the development of TAO. She had been asking around to see if there were other public avenues to advertise as TAO does not have a website yet. She could not find another way to distribute the RFP. There was discussion and the group decided that as 22 organizations had been contacted that this should be sufficient, especially given the July 24, 2013 deadline and the fact that this is a highly specialized and limited field. Ms. Scheideman-Miller advised the group that the review committee would meet before the August 14, 2013 meeting and give their suggestions in Executive Committee.
Membership Drive Update: Ms. Shaw advised the group that she had been receiving calls about the group and handing out the flyers. Once marketing materials are developed, additional organizations are anticipated to join.
Brochures/ logo: Ms. Scheideman-Miller asked for feedback on the logo samples. After discussion, two versions were decided as the favorites and the designer would be contacted to make suggested changes. Once the changes are made, the logos will be distributed to the board for electronic vote.
Survey: No update as the workgroup chair was absent.
Website: Ms. Davis indicated that some samples have been distributed, but still much to be done. Ms. Scheideman-Miller said that they were needing suggestions for hosting it. The University of Missouri did not work out. Please forward vendor suggestions to Ms. Davis. The URL has not yet been decided either – Ms. Davis started the process to see what was available. It was hoped to have something functional by August 9.
Legislative Summit– Ms. Shaw indicated that she has spoken to the policy director and staff at the American Telemedicine Association that hosted the legislative summit at the Annual ATA Conference. It will probably be a half-day agenda with educational sessions as well as work sessions to have outcomes and draft legislation. She asked for suggestions on key stakeholders in the state that should be included. Ms. Shaw is also exploring different places that the summit could be held close to the capitol.
Directors insurance – Paperwork is being filled out. Carolina Casualty Insurance Company is the one Ms. Towler suggested.
Business Board Member position – This position will remain open for the time being until potential conflict of interest can be addressed.
Miscellaneous: Ms Shaw shared with the group that HTRC was moving forward as renewal funding is expected, even if official confirmation has not yet been received. HTRC plans on having exhibits at the Oklahoma Health Care Summit, the Oklahoma Hospital Association Conference. TAO information will be distributed along with HTRC information. Fees have gone up at other conferences HTRC has exhibited at in the past, so they are unable to attend this year. Ms. Thompson noted that the Oklahoma Nurse Practitioner Association Conference was mid-October. She will send the information to Ms. Shaw for consideration.
Ms. Scheideman-Miller told the group that individual physicians indicated they might be interested in a product similar to the Health Care Connect Fund. She requested feedback from the group as to whether they would like to see if such a product. The group wanted further information for future consideration.
Meeting dates: The group confirmed they would like to continue meeting the second Wednesday of every month. ODHMSAS is not available next time. St. Anthony’s volunteered to host the meeting.
A motion was made by Mr. Lane moved to adjourn, Mr. Sappenfield seconded, the motion carried unanimously.
Next meeting:August 14, 2013, 10:00 to noon at St. Anthony’s Hospital,
Minutes signed by Steve Casady, Secretary