<YOUR CHURCH NAME>African Methodist Episcopal-Nashville Principal Transition Plan
Pastor & Central Office Administrator Transition Plan
Incoming Pastor:The Reverend______
Outgoing Pastor: The Reverend Omaràn D. Lee
Date of Transition Plan Submission:
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<YOUR CHURCH NAME>African Methodist Episcopal-Nashville Principal Transition Plan
<YOUR CHURCH NAME>African Methodist Episcopal-Nashville
PastorCentral Office Administrator Transition Plan
General Responsibilities of Outgoing Pastor
- Communicate the change in writing to the church
- Complete all administrative duties for the remainder of the church year including performance appraisals, budgetary matters, and improvement plan reporting
- Set up the Incoming Pastor for success by:
- Providing them access to all relevant information, files, records, contact, and passwords/security codes
- Sharing any commitments or promises made to the church or parent community
- Partnering with them on key decisions impacting the transition year
- Making them aware of high-priority issues
- Maintaining a positive dialogue with all stakeholders
General Responsibilities of Incoming Pastor
- Visit the church retrieve keys and Access
- Meet with key stakeholders (see Page 7-10for specific expectations)
- Conduct a thorough review of all relevant information, files, records, reports, and data (Page 5)
- Work with Outgoing Pastor and central office administration to develop a thorough Pastor Transition Plan using the planning checklist on Page 3as a guide.
Gather and Analyze Information
Quarterly Reports (1-4)
See attached
Key Contacts
Name and Role / Contact InformationThe Rt. Rev. Jeffrey N. Leath, Presiding Prelate
The Rev. Troy T. Merritt, Jr. Presiding Elder
The Rev. Omaràn D. Lee Pastor
The Rev. Eric T. Dickerson Associate Pastor
Willa Dean Langford Steward Pro-Temp
Melvin Brown Trustee Vice Chair
Deborah Woodard Finance Officer
Lida P. Holmes WMS President
Planning Checklist (Environmental Scan)
Church PerformanceChurch Improvement Plan (SIP) & Other Internal Goals
Members of Church Improvement Team (SIT)
Current and Historical Data
Climate Data & Issues
Know Community Matters
Special Church Awards and Distinctions / Notes:
See: Statement of Vision, Goals, and Accomplishments
Makeup by sub-group
/ Notes:
Church Membership Report
Church History
Traditions / Notes:See Steward Pro-Temp and Vice Chair Trustee
Contractors and vendors
Volunteers (Work Study, Community Partners) / Notes:
See Church Membership Report
See contract and insurance Dec page for lawncare
Community partner contacts
Master Schedule
Church Official Board Members
Central Office Liaison
Professional Network (Mentor, Colleagues)
Community Partnerships
State Incorporation Papers
Property and Vehicle Insurance / Notes:
Worship 11 am Sunday, Wed 6:30 pm Sunday School10:00 am
Music lessons Tues and Friday 3pm-7pm
See Transportation waiver, Policies Procedures
Credit Cards/Bank Accounts
Donations / Notes:See
Speak with the Finance team for Paypal information and Regions Bank information
Key Contacts
Welcome Letters
Back to Church Night
Email Distribution Lists/List Serves
Church Web Site
Church Newsletter
Church Press Releases / Notes:
See contact at the top
See church letter templates and communications
Receive passwords from church officers
Building, Support Services & Technology
Floor Plan/Map
Known Building Issues/Renovations Planned or In Progress
Cafeteria Nutrition
Technology Inventory and Infrastructure
Media Services
Telephone/Cell/Fax Services
Building Rental Considerations / Notes:
see the web card on file
Bathrooms need hot water and new toilets in the front. We added doors and new a/c units
The kitchen could use updated appliances
Wifi,cable, and VOIP service with comcast agreement (attached)
The television is a smart tv
Church Start up with Justin Hogg
Children’s Choir
Paula Holmes Music School
Room in the Inn
Acolytes / Paula Holmes is working with children on second and fourth Sunday after worship they sing one song each Sunday
Every Sunday the young men alternate serving
SWOT Analysis
Strengths- Our strengths are: Proper execution of all programs this conference year. The Core membership relates to one another well.
- Our challenges and areas needing improvement are: We need better planning and promoting to get to the next level. There is a perception that leadership is guarded and unwelcoming to new comers.
- Change our challenges into strengths by: Being more inviting of the new members offer opportunity to work and give direction to them to gain buy-in of membership and not just the pastor.
- Areas of improvement that remain unaddressed are: Meeting support and effective attendance.
- Our barriers to progress are: Waiting on the Pastor to direct programming and apathetic and cynical approaches to change and growth.
- The challenge we foresee in the future is: The church having to relocate or merge with another congregation because of gentrification and or continued decline in membership.
My Church’s Key Communicators – People who influence Opinion
The people who are community leaders, who have strong opinions (positive OR negative) about your church, who are “always in the know”, who possess resources or means to provide information to others, whose opinion is respected and repeated, who may be your harshest critic or “most difficult” naysayer, who are seen as leaders or who can sway others. These are people you should be sharing information with first.
Internal (within your church) / External (in your community)Willa Dean Langford Steward Pro-Temp / Michael ANext Door Neighbor
Melvin Brown Trustee Vice Chair / Phillip B Neighbor four doors down on the right
Deborah Woodard Finance Officer / Craig -owner at the Street Custom auto shop on the corner
Lida P. Holmes WMS President
The Rev. Eric Dickerson Associate Pastor
Roscoe Wilson
Robert J Spears, Sr.
Margaret Bowman
Shirley Perry
Esther Gardner
Places of Influence in My Community
Places in your immediate attendance area that are “community spots”, such as municipal buildings, waiting rooms of doctor’s offices, auto shops, libraries, senior citizen centers, grocery stores, nursery schools or child care centers, etc. These places should be part of your communications efforts as they are an opportunity for people in your community to learn more about your church.
Place / LocationBeene’s Barbershop
Street Custom Auto Shop
Restaurant Catering Systems
See list of other community Partners at large
Develop and Implement Plan
Communications Plan
To build a shared vision for your church, it is important to proactively implement a plan for communication and collaboration. Pastors entering a new church are expected to:
Message(WHAT?) / Stakeholder Group (WHO?) / Method
(HOW?) / Date
”Building Community” meeting with every staff member / Church faculty and staff / Small groups of no more than 10 / Within the first 90 days of the church year
”Building Community” meeting with at least 10% of partners / At least 10% of parents from a cross-section of the student body / Small groups of no more than 10 / Within the first 90 days of the church year
“Building Community”
Meeting with at least 10% of the membership(representing a cross-section of the laity) / At least 10% of the membership (representing a cross-section of the laity) / Small groups of no more than 10 / Within the first 90 days of the church year
Plus/Delta Report Conduct a plus/delta of the meetings and summarize a report to the community. / Entire church community / Church announcements, newsletter, web site / Within the first 90 days of the church year.
Building Community
Use the following as guiding questions for Building Community:
- At our church, I am especially proud of:willingness to serve the neighborhood and the community at large.
- I wish more people knew the following about our church:small in number but growing exponentially.
- The most misunderstood items about our church are:dynamics of church polity and business savviness
- What do you perceive as barriers to improving communication at our church?Reading and following the discipline and meeting regularly
- How can these be overcome?Have teaching sessions on the discipline and maintain the scheduled meetings with accountability checks.
Professional Network (Mentor, Colleagues)
- The Rev. Harold Lee Chapel AME
- The Rev. W. Antoni Payne Chapel AME
- The Rev. Troy T. Presiding Elder see above
- The Rev. Eric T. see above
Community Partners
- Emmanuel-Minority Health Faith Based IntiativesTennessee DepartmentHealth (TDH)
- Dr. Monty - Director-,Department Of Mental Health and Substance Abuse (DMHSA)
- Jaqueline Favours- Assoc. Program Coordinator,Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance
- Rev. Harold - President, Interdenominational Ministerial Fellowship (IMF)
- Rev. Edward L. Board Chairperson, Nashville Organized for Action and Hope (NOAH)
- Marva-Director of Work study-Tennessee State University (TSU) Work Study
- Lamont Nashville District Prince Hall Masons
- Stan- Executive Director-, Operation Andrew United for Hope
- Aspen Construction
- ReMax Reality
- Mike, Restaurant Catering Systems (Business Owner)
- Urban Juicer(garden compost)
- Shawn - Business Development Manager-,American Red Cross
- Church Start up with Justin
Use the following table to document the details of your two-way communications plan.
Message(WHAT?) / Password / Login / Access
Computer Windows Account
/ Finance office and Pastor
Gmail Account: / Finance office and Pastor
PayPal / Finance office and Pastor
Comcast WIFI
Straightway 2.4 / Pastor and Trustee
Comcast website
account no. / Finance office and Pastor
Key Timeline Activities
Use the following table to document the key activities of your overall transition plan.
Key Activity(WHAT?) / Purpose/Rationale
(WHY?) / Date/Timeframe
Friends and Family / The spring celebration during regular service / March 2nd Sunday
Evening in White / WMS / TBD
South Inglewood Male Chorus / An afternoon of song that is promoted by Sis Lankford / 3rd Sunday in July
Women’s Day / This is hosted be the Usher board / 4th Sunday in June
Homecoming / The church is celebrating 150 years / August and September, several events
Sister Bowman’s Birthday / This is her celebration to bring out all of the family and friends / Every year on the last Sunday of April
Eucharistic Meal / This happens in the fellowship hall for a meal once a quarter on first Sundays / Communion and a meal with combined with worship service
First Friday Food Fun and Fellowship / An initiative to feed the community / first Friday of the summer months through November
Thankful Tuesday / This event is to feed the community / November, Tuesday before Thanksgiving
Room in the Inn / This is where the WMS and other auxiliaries house homeless women once a month / Thursday, January 18
Thursday,February 22
Thursday,March 22
Pastor’s Appreciation / End of the conference year celebration of the man or woman of God / Sunday before annual conference in October
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