
6:00pm EST, 7:00pm CST

Sunday, August 14th, 2016


1.Call to Order (President) – Sunday, August 14, 2016

  1. Roll Call President
  2. President - Joseph Masciana, St. George’s University
  3. VP - Erin Gibson, University of California-Davis. (absent)
  4. Secretary - Rebecca Bishop, Cummings SVM at Tufts University
  5. Education Director - Anastasia Lucignani, St. George’s University
  6. Communications Director - Jennifer Kobylanski, University of Minnesota (absent)
  7. Webmaster - Brittani Sexton, Ross University (absent)
  8. Advisor - Dr. Stamp DVM, MS, DACVECC
  9. Incoming Communications Director - Ally Chen
  10. Incoming Vice President - Daisy Spear
  11. Incoming Secretary - Erica Iturraran (absent)

2.Officer Reports

  1. Advisor – Dr. Stamp
  2. IVECCS: planning in final stages going well, registration strong (not as high as last year)
  3. More volunteers are needed for IVECCS!! All students are eligible for free registration when they volunteer for one day. Reminder that this is a great opportunity for networking and job applications
  4. Currently have 49 student volunteers, and 40 additional registered students
  5. Board members: all should be registered with travel plans set
  6. VIN sponsoring student lunch meeting on Saturday - board should put together an agenda
  7. Board breakfast or lunch meeting on Friday
  8. Most of board arriving Wed
  9. Job fair Wednesday evening, international reception
  10. Friday - blackwell king sponsored student reception
  11. Club travel stipends will remain the same as previous years and the senior proficiency award will continue thanks to generous sponsors.
  12. President – Joe
  13. Western U: Need to clarify active vs probationary status
  14. From May meeting: Proficiency award - Western is techinically inelligible since they were on probation last year; do we want to make an exception?
  15. Vote: unanimous yes
  16. Joe to email Donna and clarify that we had decided to make an exception
  17. School assignments - we will divide up schools when meeting in person at IVECCS
  18. Crossover names will be sent to Donna at IVECCS
  19. Send reminder to schools about IVECCS registration and volunteer benefits - everyone can follow up with their own schools in a week or so.
  20. Vice President – Erin
  21. No updates
  22. Secretary – Rebecca
  23. Made a new spreadsheet for 2016-2017
  24. No other updates :)
  25. Communications Director – Jennifer
  26. No updates
  27. Webmaster – Brittani
  28. No updates
  29. Educational Director – Anastasia
  30. VetGirl confirmed webinar for this winter (Jan or Feb, date TBD)
  31. Oklahoma State - looking for “educational brochures or promotional materials”. We don’t have any such materials at the moment, should we make some? Also looking for a list of speakers willing to come travel - maybe we can coordinate something like this. - Anastasia will contact him to follow up.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by President.

Motion seconded by Secretary.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm