6:00pm EST, 7:00pm CST
Sunday, August 14th, 2016
1.Call to Order (President) – Sunday, August 14, 2016
- Roll Call President
- President - Joseph Masciana, St. George’s University
- VP - Erin Gibson, University of California-Davis. (absent)
- Secretary - Rebecca Bishop, Cummings SVM at Tufts University
- Education Director - Anastasia Lucignani, St. George’s University
- Communications Director - Jennifer Kobylanski, University of Minnesota (absent)
- Webmaster - Brittani Sexton, Ross University (absent)
- Advisor - Dr. Stamp DVM, MS, DACVECC
- Incoming Communications Director - Ally Chen
- Incoming Vice President - Daisy Spear
- Incoming Secretary - Erica Iturraran (absent)
2.Officer Reports
- Advisor – Dr. Stamp
- IVECCS: planning in final stages going well, registration strong (not as high as last year)
- More volunteers are needed for IVECCS!! All students are eligible for free registration when they volunteer for one day. Reminder that this is a great opportunity for networking and job applications
- Currently have 49 student volunteers, and 40 additional registered students
- Board members: all should be registered with travel plans set
- VIN sponsoring student lunch meeting on Saturday - board should put together an agenda
- Board breakfast or lunch meeting on Friday
- Most of board arriving Wed
- Job fair Wednesday evening, international reception
- Friday - blackwell king sponsored student reception
- Club travel stipends will remain the same as previous years and the senior proficiency award will continue thanks to generous sponsors.
- President – Joe
- Western U: Need to clarify active vs probationary status
- From May meeting: Proficiency award - Western is techinically inelligible since they were on probation last year; do we want to make an exception?
- Vote: unanimous yes
- Joe to email Donna and clarify that we had decided to make an exception
- School assignments - we will divide up schools when meeting in person at IVECCS
- Crossover names will be sent to Donna at IVECCS
- Send reminder to schools about IVECCS registration and volunteer benefits - everyone can follow up with their own schools in a week or so.
- Vice President – Erin
- No updates
- Secretary – Rebecca
- Made a new spreadsheet for 2016-2017
- No other updates :)
- Communications Director – Jennifer
- No updates
- Webmaster – Brittani
- No updates
- Educational Director – Anastasia
- VetGirl confirmed webinar for this winter (Jan or Feb, date TBD)
- Oklahoma State - looking for “educational brochures or promotional materials”. We don’t have any such materials at the moment, should we make some? Also looking for a list of speakers willing to come travel - maybe we can coordinate something like this. - Anastasia will contact him to follow up.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by President.
Motion seconded by Secretary.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm