Teacher: Kelly Rozelle Subject: ELA Grade: 7 Dates: 2/13/17 -- 2/17/17
MONDAY / Lesson Title: Speculative Literature/Dystopian Genre Study / Standards: SL.7.1, SL.7.4, SL.7.5, SL.7.6Objectives:
- Present a summary of a nonfiction article, and lead the class in a discussion.
- Participate in discussions about various issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing your own thinking clearly.
- Sacred Reading Time (SRT) and conferences
- Return and discuss “Harrison Bergeron” critical reading test.
- Students finish creating their presentations.
- Time permitting, begin group presentations.
Resources & Materials: / Assessments: Participation and Presentations
TUESDAY / Lesson Title: Speculative Fiction/Dystopian Genre Study / Standards: SL.7.1, SL.7.4, SL.7.5, SL.7.6
- Present a summary of a nonfiction article, and lead the class in a discussion.
- Participate in discussions about various issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing your own thinking clearly.
- SRT and conferences
- Continue group presentations.
Resources & Materials: / Assessments: Participation and Presentations
WEDNESDAY / Lesson Title: Speculative Literature/Dystopian Genre Study / Standards: SL.7.1, L.7.4
- Collaborate with classmates to create concept maps in preparation for viewing a film.
- The Truman Show previewing activity—
- Privacy--the quality or state of being out of the sight and hearing of other people; freedom from being intruded upon
- Reality—the quality or state of being real
- Manipulation--to manage especially with intent to deceive
Resources & Materials: / Assessments: Participation
Comments: Spring Picture Day/Substitute—Beth Meank
THURSDAY / Lesson Title: Speculative Fiction/Dystopian Genre Study / Standards: SL.7.1, SL.7.2, L.7.4, RL.7.3
- Create concept maps in preparation for viewing a film.
- Participate in discussions about various issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing your own thinking clearly.
- Make inferences about a film.
- Analyze the thematic ideas and supporting details in a film and explain how the ideas clarify a topic under study.
- SRT and Conferences
- The Truman Show previewing activity—Compile the small group work on the concept maps (from yesterday).
- Tell students: This week we will watch The Truman Show. It is about a man named Truman Burbank who lives in the seemingly ideal town of Seahaven. As you watch today, look for clues that things are not quite “right.”
- Model how to create a double-entry journal—
- View the first 30 minutes of the film.
- Scored discussion
Resources & Materials: / Assessments: Participation, Presentations, Journals, and Discussion
FRIDAY / Lesson Title: Speculative Literature/Dystopian Genre Study / Standards: SL.7.1, SL.7.2, RL.7.3
- Make inferences about a film.
- Analyze the thematic ideas and supporting details in a film and explain how the ideas clarify a topic under study.
- Participate in discussions about various issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing your own thinking clearly.
- SRT + informal book talks—Students meet with a “clock” partner and give a short book talk on the book they are currently reading.
- View the next 30 minutes of the film.
- Scored discussion
Resources & Materials: / Assessments: Participation, Journals, and Discussion