Shalimar Elementary School / Student Handbook


Home of the Dolphins

1350 Joe Martin Circle

Shalimar, FL 32579

PH 850-833-4339 FAX 850-833-4357

Kim McSparren, Principal

K Armstrong, Assistant Principal

Attendance...... 2

Book Fees...... 3

Bullying and Harassment...... 3

Cafeteria...... 3

Campus Traffic...... 4

Celebrations...... 5

Change of Address/Phone Number...... 5

Checking Students Out...... 5

Classroom Reassignment...... 5

Code of Conduct...... 5

Communication...... 5

Conferences-Parent/Teacher...... 6

Daycare Providers for Shalimar Elementary...... 6

Discipline Plan...... …..6

DressCode for Students...... 7

Family Rights and Privacy Act...... 7

Field Trips...... 7

Gifted Services...... 7

Head Lice……………………………………...... 7

Internet Access……………….………………………….…………………………...... 8

Lost and Found...... 8

Media Center...... ……8

Medical/Medications………………………………………………………………………………………………….………...... …8

Music Education...... 9

Newsletters...... 9

Parent Teacher Organization...... 9

Personal Property…………………………………...... …………………..9

Physical Education...... 9

Program Exemption...... 10

Promotion and Retention...... 10

Recess...... 10

Safety...... 10

School Advisory Council...... 10

School Pictures...... 11

Student Insurance...... 11

Student Progress…………………………………………………..……………...... 11

Telephone...... 11

Transportation...... 11

Visitors...... 12

Volunteers...... 12

Volunteer Affidavits...... 12

Withdrawals...... 12

Zoning Waivers………………………………...... 12

School Financial Statemen...... 13

School Map...... 14

School District of Okaloosa County


  • We inspire a lifelong passion for learning.


  • We prepare all students to achieve excellence by providing the highest quality education while empowering each individual to positively impact their families, communities, and the world.


  • Accountability: We, working in conjunction with students’ families, accept responsibility to ensure student learning, to pursue excellence, and to hold high standards for all.


  • We prepare all students to exercise the duties, rights, and privileges of being a citizen in a local community and global society.


  • We pursue the highest academic, extracurricular, and personal/professional standards through continuous reflection and improvement.


  • We embrace a culture in which individuals adhere to exemplary standards and act honorably.

Personal Growth:

  • We promote the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and experience to develop individuals with the aspiration, perseverance, and resilience to be lifelong learners.


  • We show regard and consideration for all through a culture of dignity, diversity, and empathy.


  • We provide guidance and direction to accomplish tasks while being a moral compass to others.


7:20 a.m. / Office opens
7:25a.m. / Students admitted to breakfast
7:35 a.m. / Students admitted to classrooms
7:50 a.m. / School begins
10:30 a.m. – 12:35 p.m. / Lunch periods (to be posted)
2:17 p m. / Car riders dismissed
2:20 p.m. / Daycare and bus riders dismissed
2:25p.m. / Walkers and bikers dismissed
2:50 p.m. / End of teacher work day / Office closes

Students may arrive on campus no earlier than 7:20 a.m. NO STUDENT SUPERVISION WILL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO 7:20 a.m.The breakfast program is held in the cafeteria from 7:25 a.m. – 7:50 a.m. Students must complete breakfast by 7:50 a.m. Students arriving to breakfast after 7:50 a.m. will be considered tardy for class. Classroom instruction begins at 7:50a.m.Students not on campus by 7:50 a.m. need to report to the office to obtain a tardy pass.Supervision is provided for students upon dismissal at 2:20 p.m. until 2:50 p.m. at which time all students should have departed the campus.


To insure the safety of your child, please carefully review the following guidelines for supervision.

Supervision of students by school personnel is provided:

  • During the time the student is being transported to or from school at public expense;
  • During the time the student is attending school;
  • During the time the student is on the school premises participating, with authorization, in a school-sponsored activity;
  • During a reasonable time –thirty minutes before and after a student is on the school premises for attendance at school or for authorized participation in a school-sponsored activity –and only on the school premises;
  • In accordance with Florida law, parents should not rely on the school to provide any additional supervision.


(per ODSD Pupil Progression Plan)


Regular attendance provides students the opportunity to master required skills at each grade level. Many integral activities, including class discussions, group experiences, field trips, guest speakers, and direct instruction, cannot be simulated or replicated with written work. “Each public K-12 student must remain in attendance throughout the school year, unless excused by the school for illness or other Good Cause…” Types of absences listed as excused absences are considered to be “good cause.” Therefore, with the goal of promoting student success, the School District of Okaloosa County has adopted a uniform attendance policy. It is our intent to encourage honest, accurate, and consistent adherence to this policy by all students, parents, teachers, and administrators.

F.S. 1003.04; 1003.21; 1003.24; 1003.26


Excused absences are absences resulting from the following:

  • Death in the family or any other bona fide family emergency;
  • Illness or injury requiring medical or dental attention (physician’s statement required);
  • Illness, injury, or circumstances not requiring medical attention will require a parent note explaining the absences, up to 9 absences per semester;
  • Appointments for medical or dental care (physician’s statement required);
  • Religious holidays- Pupils are permitted to be absent in observance of established religious holidays, but they must be counted absent on all school records. Absences of a religious nature, preceded by prior parent notice, will not require written notification on the student’s return to school. Religious holidays considered excused absences include Good Friday, Yom Kippur, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, and Hanukkah (Review Board policy). Students may be excused for other religious holidays if a parent makes a request in writing five (5) days prior to the absence.

Unexcused Absences are absences resulting from:

  • An absence not designated as excused
  • Unverified absence
  • Truancy
  • Suspension: absences accrued through suspension do not impact driver’s license suspension
  • Expulsion
  • Participation in private lessons, activities, or classes sponsored by outside agencies


When a student accumulates a total of nine (9) excused or unexcused absences within a semester, the student must have an excuse from a doctor or an official agency (i.e., Department of Juvenile Justice, Department of Children and Families), for each subsequent absence. For purposes of make-up work only, a partial day’s absence may be calculated in the limit of 9 days per semester.

a. After the third (3rd) unexcused absence or absences for which the reasons are unknown the parents or legal guardian of the student will be notified. The contact will include a review of the current attendance/truancy policies.

b. After the fifth (5th), but before the eighth (8th), absence (excused or unexcused) per semester, the parents or legal guardian will be notified of the absences in writing.

c. After the ninth (9th) absences (excused or unexcused) per semester, a letter will be sent to the parents or legal guardian notifying them of the necessity for a doctor’s excuse or an excuse from an official agency in order for the make-up work to be provided. In addition, this letter will notify parents of the consequences of any additional absences.

d. Prior to the fifteenth (15th) absence, the principal may review any absence caused by some insurmountable or extraordinary situation or event that places an undue hardship on the student and notify the teachers that this student may make up all work.

e. After the fifteenth (15th) absence per semester, no make-up work will be allowed. A parent/teacher conference should be scheduled before the student returns to school.

f. After the fifteenth (15th) absence per semester, the student’s parent or legal guardian can appeal to the school’s attendance review committee for permission to make up missed work. Pending approval of the appeal and the submission of a doctor’s excuse, absences after the fifteenth (15th) may be entered as an excused absence in the AS400 system.


Students will be allotted 5 school days to complete assignments following an excused absence; the 5-day period begins the day the student returns to school. However, the teacher and/or principal may grant additional time for the make-up work if the individual situation warrants that action.

  1. All students (Elementary, Middle, and High): For excused absences (up to 15), the student is expected to request and make up the work missed. Upon the student’s return, the teacher is responsible for providing the make-up assignments for all excused absences.
  2. During multi-day excused absences, students who are absent are expected to seek and work on make-up assignments, to the extent medically appropriate and practical. To promote and maintain academic progress during such absences, principals will ensure that teachers provide make-up assignments upon parental or student request. As a general rule, make-up assignments will be provided no later than 24 hours following a parental or student request.
  3. Unexcused Absence: Students with an unexcused absence will receive a grade of 0 (zero) for any classwork/test assignment by the teacher on the day of the absence.
  4. Students who produce and place on file with the district medical and legal documentation of permanent and total disability, as defined by the U.S. Social Security Act and eligible to make up any and all work for absences from medical care or medical conditions related to their permanent and total disabilities.


Elementary: The parents or legal guardian will be notified when a student accumulates five (5) unexcused early checkouts and/or late arrivals within a semester. When the number of early checkouts and/or late arrivals reaches seven (7) within a semester, the parents will be requested in writing to have a conference with the principal or his/her designee.


There is no fee for the use of library books or textbooks. However, students are responsible for exercising use of care in the use of all library and textbooks loaned to them. FS 1006.28(3) (b)The school shall collect from each student or the student's parent the purchase price of any instructional material the student has lost, destroyed, or unnecessarily damaged and to report and transmit the money collected to the district school superintendent. The failure to collect such sum upon reasonable effort by the school principal may result in the suspension of the student from participation in extracurricular activities or satisfaction of the debt by the student through community service activities at the school site as determined by the school principal, pursuant to policies adopted by district school board rule.


The Okaloosa County School District is committed to encouraging and assisting each student in developing his/her individual talents. In order to accomplish these purposes, it is necessary that the school climate be free of disruptions that interfere with teaching and learning activities. All students and employees are entitled to a safe, secure, and equitable environment free from harassment and bullying of any kind.

Bullying or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be just cause for disciplinary action. This policy shall be interpreted and applied consistently with all applicable State and Federal laws and the Board’s collective bargaining agreements. Conduct that constitutes bullying or harassment, as defined in the OCSD Bullying Policy, is prohibited.The entire Bullying Policy can be found on the Okaloosa County School District website at


The price for a student lunch is $2.55 per day and an adult lunchis $3.75.Parents are encouraged to pre-pay for student meals with cash, check, or online (link available on our webpage or go to However, you may pay for your child’s lunch each day. Please send all pre-paid monies in a sealed envelope with the name of your child/children, date, amount, grade, teacher’s name and if paid by check or cash. Please make checks payable to Shalimar Elementary School. If your child is absent during the week, his pre-paid lunch may be used when he returns to school.Extra milk is available for students at $ .65 per half-pint. The price of breakfast is $.1.80 per day and adult breakfasts will be $2.25.Reduced breakfast is available for $.30 and reduced lunch is $.40. Applications for free or reduced meals must be completed for each school year. (Information may be obtained in the front office as to the procedure and website.) It is the parents’ responsibility to submit an application. Parents are reminded when applying for the free/reduced meals at the beginning of the school year, that until the applications are approved, they are responsible for the full cost of student meals.

Cafeteria Policies:

  • We strive to maintain a positive lunchroom environment. Please talk to your child about manners and behavior in the cafeteria. Students are expected to act like young ladies and young gentlemen while in the cafeteria. Cafeteria monitors will supervise the cafeteria during lunch. If the cafeteria gets too loud during lunch, talking will be prohibited in the cafeteria until order is well established. There will be a time-out table in the cafeteria for students having difficulty with lunchroom behavior; talking will not be allowed while assigned to the time out table.
  • Parents are welcomed to have lunch with their child on any day. The student(s) must be checked out, the parent must sign in as a visitor and I.D. must be provided. Parents are not allowed to remove other students from class unless they are on the other student’s checkout list.A designated eating area is provided in the hallways and for family-friendly dining.
  • Soft drinks of any kind orbottled beverages (except water) may not be brought to school or on the bus.


It is essential that all persons who drive on our campus drivecarefully.Understand that children often do the unexpected. Drive slowly and with great caution. If you are parking, please park in designated areas only. Please do not park in grassy areas as you may damage sprinklers. A traffic flow pattern has been implemented to reduce congestion.Parking in designated Handicapped spaces is prohibited by law, violators will be prosecuted.


For the safety of your child, car riders must enter our campus by way of Eglin Parkway to load or unload students. The bus entrance (off 12th Avenue) may not be used for personal vehicles during the school day. Parents who wish to escort their child into the school building should enter the campus by way of Eglin Parkway and proceed to the front of the school to park in the designated parking spaces only. Please caution your children to watch for buses when walking to and from school. If bus transportation is available, it is suggested that students ride the bus rather than be transported by car. Car congestion is a reality and patience is required especially during inclement weather.

CAR RIDERS SAFETY PROCEDURES: The two lanes of cars must merge into one lane before entering the ramp.

A.M. Drop Off (7:20 – 7:50)

  • Pull your car forward to the FAR END OF OUR RAMP and have your child ready to unload on the passenger side.
  • Do not drive off until your child steps onto the sidewalk.
  • If you need to park your car please park in the designated parking spaces.
  • Arrive early to avoid traffic delays (Students arriving between 7:20 and 7:35 are to go directly to the cafeteria.)

P.M. Dismissal (2:17)

  • All car riders will be held in the cafeteria until his or her parent arrives in the car line.
  • Each family will receive 2 adult pick-up tags to show to the ramp attendant.
  • Students will have a matching tag and go to the ramp once his or her tag is called.
  • Cars will pull forward in groups so loading can occur simultaneously.
  • Children must remain on the sidewalk until the vehicle is completely stopped and pick-up tags matched.
  • Please watch for directions from a faculty or staff members on duty.
  • Load children from the right side of the vehicle only.
  • Remain in your vehicle – your child may not load until your car is completely stopped.
  • The car ramp is a NO PARKING zone.
  • Please encourage your child not to loiter in the building and to come directly to the cafeteria at dismissal.
  • If you park in the parking lot area, you must walk up the pick up your children.
  • Walk-up parents will be met in the foyer. Please have your pick-up tags ready. (parents without pick up tags will have to go into the office and show identification to pick up students)
  • Students will be called to the foyer and matched to parent pick-up tags prior to release.

All parties, celebrations, and other such events are coordinated and managed by the classroom teacher. Please contact the classroom teacher regarding any such planned activities. Parents who do not wish for their child to participate in these activities should notify the teacher early in the year. Parents should also take care to ensure the teacher is familiar with any food allergies. “Ballooning, costuming, flower vases,” etc. are not permitted. Parties involving food should not be planned to supplant lunch and should be scheduled 1 hour before or after the lunch period ends. No pizza parties allowed. If you wish your child to have a birthday celebration during the school day, it should be coordinated with the teacher and scheduled for a break time in the class during the day and not held in the lunchroom.


It is of extreme importance for emergency and administrative reasons that every parent maintains an up-to-date address/telephone number at the school office. Please notify the school immediately if you have an address/telephone number change during the year.


If it is necessary for a student to leave school during the day, a parent or the parent’s authorized representative must come to the office and sign the student out; students will not be released from the classroom. All authorized adults must show a picture I.D. and be listed on the checkoutcard in order to check out a student. Office staff will follow check out procedures, which will minimize the interruption to the classroom. Early check out is acceptable only for situations such as doctor/dental appointments and illness. Students will not be allowed to be checked out between 2:00 p.m. and dismissal (2:17 p.m.) except for extreme emergencies. Please review the Attendance Policy regarding unexcused removal of students before the official dismissal time.