1996 Mother Teresa receives honorary U.S. citizenship; Yasser Arafat is elected president of the Palestinian Authority; One of the worst blizzards in American history hits the eastern states; Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be successfully cloned from an adult cell, is born; Tennessee celebrates its bicentennial; Suspected “Unabomber” Theodore Kaczynski is arrested at his Montana cabin; The Watsons Go to Birmingham, 1963 is named a Newbery Honor Book; The University of Kentucky wins the NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Championship….
Pax Christi begins its Third Year….
July •We begin our third year with 280 family units and 506 “baptized and confirmed ministers.”
•Kroger and Winn Dixie Certificates have generated, to date, $12,063 for the parish.
•We celebrated our 2nd birthday (and the beginning of our 3rd year) with a Mass and Parish Picnic on the grounds of our future church building.
•Baptism: Cory Nicholas Reinert
August •283 families or 511 baptized, confirmed adults…
•The “Hehman Schuler Golf Open” cleared $6,761.33. 75% of this went to Pax Christi’s Building Fund.
§Brown-Roa, publisher of our Sunday School curriculum holds a Sunday School Workshop for our catechists.
§Baptism: Kaitlyn Marie Waggoner
September •288 families or 520 baptized, confirmed adults…
•Some of our parishioners took a “Journey to the Holy Places of Kentucky”, a bus trip to the Nazareth Motherhouse; St. Joseph Proto-Cathedral; the Abbey of Gethsemane; and the Loretto Motherhouse.
•Fr.Jay Von Handorf visited the parish to preach about Hispanic Ministry.
•The Book Club begins reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
• Senior High Religious Education begins.
§ Adult Sunday School is held in the main room of the church (Hardware Store) . Children’s classes are held in the Bingo Hall. Arrangements are later made to hold K-8th grade in the classrooms of Lexington Electronic Institute around the corner in the shopping center.
§There is currently $400,000 in the building fund
§The decision is made to employ a part time secretary for the church.
•Baptisms: Austin Mark Rogers.
October •292 families or 524 baptized, confirmed adults…
•We hold a Kick-Off Dinner for the Capital Campaign.
•Our parishioners join in the Walk for Hunger to benefit God’s Pantry.
•Masses to pray for the success of the Capital Campaign are held during the week of Kirby-Smith (fundraisers) visits to our parishioners.
•Our parishioners volunteer at Christ the King’s Oktoberfest. We receive 8% of the $6,000 profit.
•The Youth attend a Diocesan Youth Rally at Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary.
§ Benedictus Catholic Bookstore opens in Lakeview Plaza on Richmond Rd.
November •300 families and 533 baptized and confirmed adults…
•A suggestion box is started.
• Coffee and Doughnuts in between the Sunday masses begins.
§The Book Club “goes high tech” as they begin to watch and discuss Genesis, a 10 part PBS video series.
•The Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service is held at Pax Christi with the participation of Pax Christi,
Providence Christian, The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, and Gethsemane Lutheran Church.
§Family Advent activity: making ornaments for a Jesse Tree.
§Kirby-Smith provides our parishioners with a free will and estate planning seminar.
December •307 families or 544 baptized, confirmed adults…
•Baptism: Nicholas Anthony Rolfes, Sarah Denise Rougeux, Alexandra Hope Foley.
•We hold the first meeting of our Formation Committee (Religious Education)
•Fr. Hehman hosts a Christmas Open House at his home on Viley Road.
•The Intermediate Sunday School class sponsors a family of 7 for Christmas. They hold a candy sale fundraiser.
•Catholic Extension Calendars are provided to parishioners.
•The Junior High group went Christmas Caroling.
•The Rosary is prayed every morning at 8:30 a.m. on Power 1250 AM radio. (predates the current Catholic station)
§Through the Giving Tree 122 children from Monticello, Kentucky receive Christmas gifts
January •307 families or 544 baptized, confirmed adults…
•Kroger/Winn Dixie Certificates to date have made $14,890.
•An announcement addresses seniors (50+) who might be “interested in forming a group for fun and fellowship…”
•There are 70 children nursery through senior high age and 30 to 50 adults in our religious education programs.
§Guest preachers for the Masses for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity include (5pm) Rev. Arthur Kentop from Gethsemane Lutheran; (9am) Rev. Claire Brooks from Hunter Presbyterian; (11am) Rev. Robert Insko, retired Episcopal priest.
§Baptisms: Jordan Charles Nicoulin and Evan Joseph Nicoulin
February •308 families or 538 baptized, confirmed adults…
•The diocesan “New Faces in Ministry” program is announced.
•Low impact aerobics begin during the week.
•Scout Sunday is celebrated in the Diocese. Tyler Schnieders receives the Parvuli Dei Medal (Youth of God award) and his father, Dennis Schnieders receives the Bronze Pelican Medal for outstanding service in scouting.
•One of the Lenten activities announced is silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament 8pm to 12am each Friday.
§ The Book Club begins reading and discussing How Good Do We Have To Be? by Harold Kushner.
March •318 families or 556 baptized, confirmed adults…
•The Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner is held at the Campbell House.
•Pax Christi and Christ the King hold a Mass of Reconciliation with Liturgy and Penance Service.
•The bulletin announces that the new Catholic School at SEAS will probably open in 2001.
•Baptized: Jessa Adrienne DeLuca
April •324 families. No count is given for the number of baptized, confirmed adults.
•At the Easter Vigil we welcome into full communion Kent Carroll, Nancy Clayton, Vicki Fahmy, Ed Sies, Walter “Buddy” Williams, Danny Johnson, Jeff Spivey and David Foley, who was also baptized. Rob Charles and
Simon Peter receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Vigil.
•The first organizational meeting for a “new senior group” is held.
•Bishop Williams Confirms Amanda Baesler, Katherine Freedman, Debbie Kosieniak, Stephanie Schnieders,
Marc Smith, and Joey Tucci.
§There is an interest meeting for a men’s fellowship/prayer group.
§11 Men from Pax Christi join 9,000 other men at Answer the Call in Cincinnati.
§The Book Club begins reading A Retreat with St. Therese of Lisieux by Elizabeth Ruth Ubbard, O.D.C.
§The senior group’s first project is “Volunteer Drivers” for Mass, Book Club, etc.
§Eight children receive their First Holy Communion: Justin Blackburn, Mary Kate Fields, Linton Hauss, Tyler Anne Hauss, Steven Johnson, Steven Middleton, Allison Scott, Heather Sutton.
§With the loss of Lexington Technical Institute for Sunday School, classes are held upstairs in the rooms of Lexington Christian Academy and in Pax Christi.
§The second Parish Council Elections bring Don Cooney and Diane Hart into the council.
May •329 families. No figure is reported for baptized, confirmed adults.
•Baptisms Lauren Elizabeth Mehanna, Claire Anne Head.
•The first Spaghetti Supper is held.
§Seniors 50+ names itself “SeniorYouth” and holds its first social event, a potluck.
§ A cooperative VBS with the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection is announced: “SonRise Balloon Adventure”.
§The Book Club ends for the summer and the Mission 2000 prayer/discussion group begins.
§Men’s fellowship/prayer group begins meeting.
June •335 families. No figures for baptized, confirmed adults.
•Aerobics is discontinued for the summer.
§McAlpins agrees to pay our parish 10% of face value for selling their gift cards.
•We secure Jessie Clark Middle School for Sunday School classes.
•Kroger/Winn Dixie had made, to date, $17,891,90.
July •We end our 3nd Year with 329 families.
Pax Christi Catholic Church
Peace of Christ