Plan For Success (Syllabus) 2015-16
Trevor Browne Comprehensive High School
Social Studies Department
Course: World History 1-2 Honors
Course Code: 5811600/ 5812600 ½ Credit Grade 9+Prerequisite(s) None
Ms. Colleen Fitzpatrick
Bachelor of Science American Political Studies, Northern Arizona University 2004
Master of Arts Secondary History Education, Northern Arizona University 2005
Contact: 602-764-8870
KKIS: Monday-Friday 2:40-3:30 unless noted on weekly agenda. Mornings by appointment.
World History/Geography is the first course in the Social Studies Program. This course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge to understand the major concepts, characteristics, events and people of world history. The course will include an overview of Western Civilization. Economic and political developments, geographic concepts, belief systems and cultural contributions are integrated into the curriculum. The course is based on the Arizona State Social Studies Standards for World History.
Composition Notebook, 10 Pens/Pencils. TGB Student Planner Book
District Approved Textbook: McDougal Little World History Patterns of Interaction
Formative: 50% of Grade
10% Class Notebook/ 30% Class work/Homework/ 10% Participation: Student Notebooks and Homework/Project Portfolios will be evaluated periodically according to checklists. Bell work is due daily or upon class return. Unexcused missing/late work from formative assessments will be accepted until the end of the following unit or sub-unit for a maximum of 50%. Incomplete assessments will result in a 0%.
Summative: 50% of Grade
District Tests=10% Final Exam
Honors Capstone Project=10% of Grade
Teacher Unit Tests/Quizzes=30% of grade.
Tests/Quizzes: Students will be assessed in a variety of ways. Unexcused missing/late work from summative assessments will be accepted until 5 school days after returning to class. Incomplete assessments will result in a 0%. Students wishing to retake unit tests or outside the makeup timeframe must do so within 5 class days after return of the test, for a maximum retake score of 70%. No Mid-Term or Final Exam retakes.
Projects: Unexcused missing/late work from project assessments will be accepted until the end of the following unit or sub-unit for a maximum of 50%. Incomplete assessments will result in a 0%.
Extra Credit=up to 2% of grade
Occasional Opportunities: Supplementary Reading, Writing, Tutoring and Group Facilitation
Extra Credit points may not be made up and must be available to all students.
GRADES:How student learning will be reported
A=100-90B= 89-80 C=79-70D=69-60F=59-0INC equals a zero.
Accommodations and modifications will be included per IEP or 504 Plan
A record will be kept by the teacher to show the progress of each student in the class. Reports on student progress will be conveyed to the parent/guardian via mail, Parentvue Portal and or hand carried grade reports per district policy. A student/teacher conference may occur if the student’s performance, participation or attendance endangers the student’s credit/grade. Parents/guardians will be notified regularly of course academic progress through grade reports at every three weeks. If a student receives an incomplete, they must complete all relevant work to receive credit.
Title 1 Program__ “Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: Math, Reading and English. If interested, please contact the Principal Dr. Gabriel Trujillo, or Assistant Principal for Instruction Ms. Stephanie Streeter for additional information at (602)764-8517.
Students/parents retain primary responsibility for the student’s academic performance and attendance. Teacher initiated interventions if necessary will include 1) student-teacher conference or 2) student-parent-teacher conference to develop a remediation plan (KKIS, tutoring, etc.)
(Attendance Clerk--602-764-8504 or 602-764-8507)
“Phoenix Union High School District believes that daily participation in classroom instruction activities is essential to earning credit in every course. Students may fail the class for the semester in any course when reaching a total of 12 excused/unexcused absences and after school documented interventions have been exhausted. (Student Procedures Handbook pg 22)”
“Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
“Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
I have read this World History Plan for Success and understand what is expected of me/my child to succeed this school year.
Student Name(print)______Period______
Student Signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Preferred Contact (Phone, Email)______
Trevor G. Browne Community Commitments
Parent/Guardian Commitment
1)I will work with and support the faculty, staff and students of Trevor Browne High School.
2)I will support classroom and school rules, district rules and state laws on education.
3)I will make sure my student misses no more than 12 days in a semester and is on time for classes.
4)I will make sure my student regularly completes school work to 70% or higher mastery and attends tutoring as needed to reach this benchmark.
5)I will make sure my student is physically and academically prepared for state and national testing
6)I will attend Open House, parent conferences, award assemblies, school events and parent meetings.
7)I understand I am the most important supervisor of my student’s academic and behavioral performance.
Parent/Guardian Name______Date______
P/G Email______
P/G Phone______
Student Commitment
1)I will work with and support the faculty, staff and parents/guardians of Trevor Browne High School.
2)I will follow classroom and school rules, district and state laws, including ID, dress and behavior codes.
3)I will miss fewer than 12 days in a semester and be on time for all classes.
4)I will actively engage in course study, though building skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
5)I will complete all class assignments, tests and projects to a semester average of 70% or higher mastery.
6)I will seek tutoring through KKIS and advisory as necessary to achieve 70% or higher mastery.
7)I will prepare physically and academically for state and national testing.
8)I understand my life will be powerfully influenced by the academic and social skills learned in high school.
Student Name______Period______
School and Teacher Commitment
1)I will work with and support the parents/guardians and students of Trevor Browne High School.
2)I will follow classroom and school rules, district and state laws, including attendance and grading.
3)I will clearly communicate course standards and expectations by providing a Plan for Success.
4)I will regularly communicate student progress to parents/guardians and students (ParentVue, StudentVue)
5)I will uphold standards of equal opportunity, high academic and behavior achievement for all.
6)I will encourage student mastery of course to 70% or higher, and offer tutoring and extra assistance opportunity so students can reach that benchmark.
7)I will use data from classwork, district, state and national testing to reduce obstacles to student success.