
Origin of word Computer – Latin Word – ‘Computerac’ which means to compute and to calculate.

Five Generations:

Generation / Period / Main Electronic Components / Main Computers / Operating System
I / 1940-56 / Vacuum Tubes, Flip Flops / UNIVAC, ENIAC / Mainly Batch
II / 1956-63 / Transistors / IBM-700, IBM-1401 / Time Sharing
III / 1963-71 / Integrated Circuits / IBM-1620, ATLAS / Real Time Sharing
IV / 1971-Present / uProcessors, LSI / NCR-395, APPLE / Time sharing nw
V / Present and Beyond / Optical Fibre, Artificial Intelligence, VLSI, VVLSI / NA / NA

British Scientist – Charles Babbage is father of Modern Computer by conceived an automatic calculator of computer in 1833.

Types of Computer:

1. Micro Computer – Used by Individuals. Otherwise called as PC, Laptops, Tablets and Desktops

2. Mini Computer – Comparatively larger and 5 to 50 times powerful than micro computer

3. Main Frame Computer – Large sized computers. Time Sharing and Multi Tasking even more than 100 people can work together. Used in Scientific and Research based Projects

4. Super Computer – More powerful in terms of Their Storage capacity, efficiency and output ratio. Most efficient and fastest computer

5. Quantum Computer – Computer binary bits will be replaced with Q-bit and efficiency comparable to the human brain

1 2

3 4

Components of Computer:

1. Input Unit

Instructions and Data to a computer. Eg: Keyboard, Mouse, Light Pen, Joy Stick, Bar Code Reader, Smart Card Reader, Touch Screen, Microphone, Digital Camera, Scanner

2. Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Instructions and Data manipulated and processed inside CPU

Parts of CPU:

ALU: ALU performs all arithmetic and Logic Operations. It consists of no. of small location termed as registers.

Control Unit: command to transfer data from the input devices to memory and memory to ALU. It transfers the results from memory to output devices.

Memory: It holds all the raw and processed data, set of instruction and information inside the CPU.

Random Access Memory – Volatile memory that holds data and code

Read only Memory – Non Volatile Memory it means it can keep data even without a power source

Cache Memory – accessed much faster than conventional RAM

3. Output Unit

Result of processing and displays results to user

Eg: Monitors, Printers, Speakers, Pen drives, etc.,


Set of instructions that directs computer to process information.

Types of Software:

1. System Software – coordinates the operation of the various hardware components of the computer such as Operating system. Eg: DOS, Windows, UNIX and LINUX

2. Application Software – Set of program designed for specific uses of applications.

3. Utility Software – debug the software errors; correct the data through the editor and sort data eg: pkzip, Anti-virus software, Tune Up.

Some units with size

Hardware – seen by eyes and felt by touching

Firmware – combination of both Hardware and software eg: BIOS (Basic Input and output System)

Liveware – users working on the systems

Operating System

Is a software or series of programme, which performs various types of functions in order to manage and organize files

OS can be classified as

Multi User – two or more users to run programs

Multi Tasking – more than one programme

Multi Processing – running a programme on more than one CPU

Multi Threading – allows different users to operate single programme concurrently

Multi Time – real time based applications like satellite launch, weather-forecasting

Programming Language:

Computer can directly execute its machine language.


Assembler is a computer program which is used to translate program written in Assembly Language into machine language. The translated program is called as object program.


A compiler is a program that translates a programme written in High Level Language to executable machine language. The process of transferring HKK source program in to object code is a lengthy and complex process as compared to assembling.


The basic purpose of interpreter is same as that of complier. In compiler, the program is translated completely and directly executable version is generated. Whereas interpreter translates each instruction, executes it and then the next instruction is translated and this goes on until end of the program.


1st Generation – Fortran (Formula Translator)

2nd Generation – Fortran ii, Algol – 60, Cobol (Algol- Algorithmic Language, Cobol – Common Business oriented Language)

3rd Generation – Pascal, Basic, C (Basic – Beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code)

4th Generation – oracle, EDA

5th Generation – Artificial Intelligence

Some programming languages Abbreviations

1 . HLL – High level Language

2. Prolog – Programming in Logic

Low Level programming language – little or no abstraction from a computer’s microprocessor. Reduced amount of abstraction between the language and itself and closer to hardware

High Level Programming language – more user friendly, platform independent and abstract from low-level computer processor

Very high level Programming language – very high level of abstraction, profession programmer productivity tool.

abstraction - a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance

Microsoft Office

MS Word – Word processing applications

MS Excel – Spreadsheet application

MS Powerpoint – presentation graphics software

MS Access – relational database management system

Internet and Networking

Internet or NET – Worldwide, Publicly accessible system of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using standard Internet Protocol (IP)

Network of Network

Important Protocols used over internet

Hypertext Transfer Protocol – simple text which can be written, edited and modified

Transmission control Protocol/Internet Protocol – Networking protocol to connect the computer on remote locations and makes exchanges of information

Point to point protocol – dial account puts your computer directly on the internet (has its own name and IP address)

File Transfer Protocol – exchanging files over any network

Internet Protocol suit – set of communication protocols

Internet Service provider – Business firm or organization that offers users access to the internet and related services

Network Service provider - Business firm or organization that sells bandwidth or network access

IPv4 – Internet Protocol Version 4 – 32 Bit address

IPv6 – Internet Protocol Version 6 – 128 Bit address


WWW – World Wide Web – aims to provide universal access to a large universe of documents

Web Server – programme that using the client/server model

Client Server – network architecture which separates the client from the server

Proxy Server – offers a computer network service to allow clients to make indirect network connections to other network services

Website – collection of web pages

Webpage –resource on WWW, usually in HTML/XHTML format – which enable to navigation from one page to another

Web browser – application package to run over the client computer to connect it with the server. Eg. Internet explorer, chrome

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) – another name of web address

Android – Operating System for mobile – version of Linus kernel

Wireless Application protocol (WAP)- web browser for small devices such as cell phones

E-mail – messages are an electronic medium – E-mail are usually encoded in American Standard code for Information Interchange (ASCII) – Used Simple mail transfer Protocol


Communication between groups of systems.

LAN (Local Area Network), MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network)

Types of LAN

Types of WAN

Security Threats:

Phishing – form of criminal activity using social engineering techniques – getting information such as passwords, credit card details etc

Computer worm – self replicating computer programme that allocates more space in system

Spam – abuse of messaging systems – bulk emails.

Mobile Phone Spam – Text messaging service – irritate the consumers

Computer Virus – attaches itself to and becomes part of another executable programme

Eg: Creeper, Mellissa, I Love you, Code Red, Nimade


Malware – superset of computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, rootkits and other malicious and unwanted software

Adware- advertising supported software

Spyware – spying your information which installed on system

Anti Virus – opposite function of Virus

Firewall – Software of hardware based device to permit or deny network transmissions based on a set of rules.

Questions and Answers

1. In a computer system ...... device is functionally opposite of a keyboard
Ans: Printer

2. CGI stands for?
Ans: common gateway interface

3. How far do u know ?
¤ 1 Bit = Binary Digit
¤ 8 Bits = 1 Byte
¤ 1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte
¤ 1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte
¤ 1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte
¤ 1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte
¤ 1024 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte
¤ 1024 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte
¤ 1024 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte
¤ 1024 Zettabytes = 1 Yottabyte
¤ 1024 Yottabytes = 1 Brontobyte
¤ 1024 Brontobytes = 1 Geopbyte
¤ 1024 Geopbyte=1 Saganbyte
¤ 1024 Saganbyte=1 Pijabyte

4. C is a Structured Programming Language.

Pascal is a procedural Programming Language.

C++,Java, Small-talk, Objective-C,C#.. is a Object Oriented Programming..

Prolog, Datalog is a Logic Programming.

Spreadsheet like that is End user Programming.

5. A...... is the term used when a search engine returns a web page that matches the search criteria.

Ans: hit

6. Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment?
Ans: Mouse

7. What is the name given to the organized collection of software that controls the overall operation of a computer?
Ans: Operating system

8. Data or information used to run the computer is called?

Ans: Software

9. To memories the e- mail address one should use?

Ans: Add book

10. A Hardware device that converts data into meaningful information

Ans: Processor

11. What from the following refers to the people, related to computing process?

Ans: Human ware

12. Which of the following is not an example of storage device?

Ans: RAM

13. Today, the common form of RAM is built from?

Ans: Semiconductors IC's

14. Benefit of DRAM is ___

Ans: It is cheaper than SRAM

15. Which element is appropriate for the set of instructions, by which computer performs more than one task?

Ans: Software

16. Which of the following is both output and input?

Ans: monitor


01. Access:To store or retrieve data

02. Add-on:Circuits, systems, or hardware devices that can be attached to a computer to increase its memory or improve itsperformance

03. Application: A system, such as a payroll, that has been defined to be suitable for electronic data processing techniques

04. Archived file: A file that has been transferred to a lower level in the memory hierarchy, usually from magnetic disc to magnetic tape, may be as a result of operations of appropriate resource management

05. Array: A group of two or more logically related elements identified by a single name; generally stored in consecutivestorage locationsin main memory

06.Audit trail: A permanent record of every transaction taken by a computer system, indicating for example, when users log in and out, what transaction they perform, when files are accessed and the type of access. Examination of this record provides a way of observing patterns of security violation and/or serves as a deterrent to violations

07. Availability:The ratio of time a device is operating correctly to the total scheduled time for operating

08. Back office operations: Operation that does not involve direct interaction with customers

09. Back up:A resource that is, or can be used as a substitute when a primary resource fails or when a file has been corrupted

10. Bar code:A printed machine readable code that consists ofparallel barsof varied width and spacing. The application most commonly observed is the coding on food and goods that is read at the checkout and translated into a line of print on the bill showing product and cost

11. Batch processing: A method of organizing work for a computer system, designed to reduce overheads by grouping together similar jobs

12. Bit: Contraction of binary digit

13. Bug: An error or mistake in a programme

14. Byte:A group of consecutive bits forming a unit of storage in the computer and used to represent one alphanumeric character; a byte usually consists of 8 bits but may contain more a fewer bits depending on the model of computer

15. Character: An alphabetic letter, a digit or a special symbol

16. Chip: A small section of a single crystal of semiconductor usually silicon, that forms thesubstrate upon which is fabricated a single semiconductor device or all the individual devices comprising an integrated circuit

17. Configuration: The particular hardware elements and their interconnection in a computer system for a particular period of operation

18. Debug: To trace and correct errors in programming code or hardware malfunctions in a computer system

19. Downtime: The percentage of time that a computer system is not available for use

20. Dummy: An artificial instruction, address etc. used only to fulfill specification in a programme but not actually performing a function

21. Duplex channel: A communication channel that allows data to be transmitted in both directions simultaneously

22, Encoder: A small table-top electronic machine which is a combination of electronic typewriter and calculator – functions: encode numeric data in the MICR in desired font; print a listing of amounts of all instructions with batch/grand totals; zero-proofing place clearing endorsement, stamp on the reverse of instruments

23. Image: A copy in memory of data that exists elsewhere

24. Interface: A common boundary between two systems, devices or programmes

25. Lock: A key or other group of characters that allows access to specifiedstorage locationsor software systems

26. Log-in: To enter the necessary information like personalidentification number– PIN and/or password to begin a session on a terminal

27. Menu: The list of options may be displayed with a sign code opposite each. The selection may then be made by keying the single code. The method provides simple way of guiding a user through a complex situation by presenting a sequence of simpler decisions