MEETING DATE: February 21, 2013


Susan Hoyne Tricia Noreus*

Gillian Lewis* Betty Peace-Gladstone

Alicia Zwiefach* Anna Sterner*

Claire Murata Amar Yahiaoui*

Don Christensen* Vacant (Science)

Kristen Marra Tram Dang*

(*Members Present)


Vacant, Dean, Prof-Tech Edu

RESOURCE: Sharon Wines*

Guest: Christine Shafner, Lori Stephens

Co-Chair Gillian Lewis opened the meeting. Anna Sterner introduced Professor Lori Stephens who may decide to become a Curriculum Committee member in 2013-2014.

1. Approval of Minutes

The February 7, 2013 minutes were approved.

2. Status of Follow-up Items


3. Faculty Senate Update

James Jansen, VPASA met with the Faculty Senate on February 13 about two proposed models for the reorganization of Academic & Student Affairs. Members were encouraged to write to Dr. Jansen directly or go through their faculty representative with any thoughts, concerns, issues or comments they may have.

4. MCO Completion Status

Sharon reported a slight movement downward from 61.67% to 61.37%. We now have 885 completed MCOs, 292 not started, and edited MCOs went up to 265. Sharon will provide the MCO Status Workbook to members after today’s meeting.

5. SECOND READING BUSTC 114 Human Relations in the Office

Gillian Lewis confirmed that the MCO for BUSTC 114 as presented during the first reading is the version that needs to be approved. There will be no changes to the MCO.

CONSENSUS was reached to accept for second reading revised course BUSTC 114 to be in effect Summer 2013.

6. SECOND READING VCT 101 Graphic Design 1

VCT 102 Graphic Design 2

VCT 103 Graphic Design 3


VCT 112 Visual Communications Survey

VCT 128 Adobe CS: Page Layout w/InDesign

VCT 134 Adobe SC: Illustrator (Vector Graphics)

VCT 135 Adobe CS: Motion Graphics

VCT 136 Adobe CS: Raster Graphics w/Photoshop

VCT 170 Interactive Design for Web and Multimedia

VCT 176 Introduction to 3D Modeling and Animation

VCT 155 Digital Production

VCT 156 Creative Project Management

VCT 204 Graphic Design 4: Packaging & Event Graphics

8. SECOND READING VCT 230 History of Visual Media

9. SECOND READING VCT 251 Introduction to Game Design Theory

VCT 252 Introduction to Game Art

VCT 253 Introduction to Game Development

10. SECOND READING VCT 276 3D Modeling & Animation with Maya

11. SECOND READING VCT 205 Specialization: Design Studio/Portfolio 5

VCT 206 Specialization: Design Studio/Portfolio 6

VCT 207 Specialization: Design Studio/Portfolio 7

12. SECOND READING VCT 215 Specialization: Adobe Studio/Portfolio 1

VCT 216 Specialization: Adobe Studio/Portfolio 2

VCT 217 Specialization: Adobe Studio/Portfolio 3

13. SECOND READING VCT 225 Specialization: Interactive Web/Studio 1

VCT 226 Specialization: Interactive Web/Studio 2

VCT 227 Specialization: Interactive Web/Studio 3

14, 15 SECOND READING VCT 236 Specialization: Autodesk/3D Studio/Game Design 2

VCT 237 Specialization: Autodesk/3D Studio/Game Design 3

16. SECOND READING VCT 245 Specialization: Video/Visual Effects Studio 1

VCT 246 Specialization: Video/Visual Effects Studio 2

VCT 247 Specialization: Video/Visual Effects Studio 3

Christine Shafner revised all VCT MCOs as a result of suggestions made during the time of the first reading. The committee congratulated Christine for all her work.

CONSENSUS was reached to accept agenda items 10 through 20 for second reading to be in effect Fall 2013.

17. SECOND READING Planning Guide:

VCT: Game Art and Design (AAAS)

CONSENSUS was reached to accept for second reading the new planning guide for Game Art and Design to be in effect Fall 2013.

18. SECOND READING Planning Guides:

VCT: Creative Project Management (AAAS or AAS-T)

(f/k/a Marketing)

VCT: Animation/Video for Multimedia (AAAS or AAS-T)

(f/k/a Animation and Video for Multimedia)

VCT: Graphic Design (AAAS or AAS-T)

(f/k/a Graphic Design and Production Art)

CONSENSUS was reached to accept for second reading the revised planning guides listed above to be in effect Fall 2013.

19. FIRST READING VCT 235 Specialization: Autodesk/3D Studio/Game Design 1

Christine explained this is the class that was missing during the first reading on February 7. This is the correct class with the correct number. The other VCT 235 during the first reading was changed to VCT 230. All of the changes suggested during the first reading have been included in this MCO.

CONSENSUS was reached to accept for first reading VCT 235 to be in effect Fall 2013.

20. FIRST READING Planning Guides

Certificates of Proficiency:

VCT: Visual Communications Foundation

VCT: A Foundation Program w/Customized Specialization

Certificates of Completion:

VCT Web Design

VCT Digital Video

VCT Digital Photography Level II

VCT Digital Illustration/Animation Level II

VCT Computer Graphics Foundation

VCT Computer Foundation

VCT Business Foundation

VCT Art and Design Foundation

Christine explained all the certificates of proficiency and completion will be updated to conform to recent changes in the VCT MCOs. Alicia Zweifach will assist in updating the planning guides to the new format. Christine will create a crosswalk of all old and new classes to make it easier.

CONSENSUS was reached to accept for first reading the revised VCT planning guides listed above to be in effect Fall 2013.

21. FIRST READING VCT Prepress and Print Production

This planning guide will be deleted from the system.

CONSENSUS was reached to accept for first reading the deletion of Prepress and Print Production to be in effect Fall 2013.

22. FIRST READING Planning Guide

Biotechnology Lab Specialist (AAAS, AAS-T)

Biotechnology Lab Specialist (Cert of Completion)

Amar Yahiaoui presented the first reading of the revised AAAS and Certificate of Completion for Biotechnology Lab Specialist. BIOL 110 is being removed as the content of that class is covered in BIOL 286, 287 and 288. This will reduce the credits by 3 in each case.

CONSENSUS was reached to accept as first reading the revised Biotechnology Lab Specialist planning sheets to be in effect Fall 2013.

23. FIRST READING ART 105 Multicultural Studies through the Visual Arts

Kathie Hunt presented the first reading of this new course. She explained the number 105 is being used because they want to keep a certain sequence in ART and it matches Multicultural Studies 105 class. They took an old course and bumped it to 106 and apprehended the 105 number. It is a new class, not a revised class. Kathie will be taking care of having the 106 class deleted.

This multicultural class was created to have as its context visual imagery. Many times an art student’s art is created as their personal expression without thinking of the concepts of stereotyping, oppression and power. Faculty have been doing their best to deal with these kinds of things. Kathie taught MCU for six years and Art Appreciation. She developed this class after former VPASA John Backes gave her the go ahead. Kathie researched this field and sat through Brooke Zimmers CMST 203 class.

The Multicultural Understanding Core Course Advisors have approved ART 105 for satisfying the Multicultural Understanding general education requirement. The committee noted that creating this course from the ground up is impressive.

Kathie went on to explain the class capacity is slightly lower than other MCU classes because this will include museum trips for example. ART 105 also has a possibility of being an online class because there are so many wonderful art databases that could be set up as an art museum you go through. Don Christensen noted it is great to have more options now for the MCU core requirement. Kathie said because this is a new class they have to put it trough the transfer process so they don’t know yet how it will transfer.

CONSENSUS was reached to accept as first reading the new course ART 105 to be in effect Fall 2013. Consensus was further reached to accept for first reading the ART 105 as a MCU general education course.

24. Criteria for Math/Science Distribution.


Meeting adjourned 3:12 pm

Minutes by Kerry Fondren

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