Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to study the composition, properties, and changes associated with matter and their applications.For Chemistry I Honors, the same topics are covered at a faster pace and a greater level of complexity.

Content Overview:

1st Semester

  1. Lab skills and Safety
  2. Matter
  3. Changes in Matter and Energy
  4. Atomic Structure
  5. Nuclear Chemistry
  6. The Periodic Table

2nd Semester

  1. Types of Chemical Bonds
  2. Molar Calculations
  3. Chemical Reactions
  4. Acids and Bases
  5. Gas Laws

Required Textbook:

Modern Chemistry, 2009Davis, et al.


Student’s overall grades will be determined based upon the following calculations:






Course Policies:

The following policies are a summary of rules for the course. Additional rules and expectations will be outlined during the first week of school.

  1. All students will be expected to follow Broward County Safety Rules in all laboratory activities.
  2. Be in the classroom when the bell rings.
  3. Have all necessary equipment with you at the start of class.
  4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  5. Treat everyone with respect.

Disciplinary Action:

This should never be needed. If a student chooses to break a specific rule, the following consequences will apply:

FIRST TIME: Verbal warning. A weekly behavior grade may be used to track student’s choice of rule compliance.

SECOND TIME: Parents will be contacted.

THIRD TIME: Student sent to other teacher’s class for the period.

FOURTH TIME: A referral will be sent to school administration.

Additional actions may include:

a) Advice from teacher to student to re-enforce acceptable behavior

b) Student-teacher conference

c) Parent-teacher conference

Pass to leave the room:

You must always have a pass to leave the room. A student agenda, or a “golden pass”, is required for this process.School policy does not allow passes to be issued during the first/last 10 minutes of class. You are responsible for all work missed while you are out of the room for any reason.


Late arrivals will not be allowed into the classroom without an appropriate pass. Detention or other administrative action will be taken for tardiness.

Late or Makeup Work

  • Homework is due at the beginning of the class. Late work will be penalized at a rate of 10 points per day.
  • Make up work will be allowed only for excused absences. You are responsible for collecting your missed assignments from the designated area as soon as you return to class.
  • Make-up tests will only be given if it is an excused absence (in Pinnacle) and may be administered during class and after school.
  • For more information, please refer to the Student Code of Conduct.


You will receive you own textbook during the first week of school. Books not returned must be paid for at the end of the year. Damaged books will be assessed a damage fee.

Cellular Phones and Electronic Devices

As outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, students may have an electronic device on their person provided the device is turned off and kept out of sight. Devices that are seen or heard can be confiscated.

What Chemistry Is Not

Chemistry is not a pyrofest or demolition competition. We are not going to go around blowing stuff up, setting things on fire, or dissectingspecimens. All labs and demos will be done in a controlled and safe setting.

Useful Internet Sites

  • Student Portal:
  • Pinnacle Internet Viewer: This site allows students and parents to access up-to-date grade information.
  • HollywoodHillsHigh School:

If internet access is not readily available to you outside school, all BrowardCounty libraries have free access to the internet with several computers available. You may need a library card, which is also available free of charge. The closest library to the school is the Stirling Road Branch, 3151 Stirling Road, Hollywood, FL33312. Their phone number is 954-985-2689.

Materials Needed:

Students are required to have:

  1. Blue/Black pen and #2 pencil
  2. College-Ruled Filler paper (for handing in assignments)
  3. Highlighter
  4. Scientific Calculator (no cellular phones will be used)

Classrooms are equipped with staplers, clear tape, and hole punchers. Any additional materials are the responsibility of the student.

Chemistry I

Instructor: Ms. Deb Houts Planning Period: 4

Email: () Phone: (754-323-1050)


I, ______and ______

(Student’s name printed) (Parent(s)/ guardian(s) name(s) printed}

have read the Course description for Chemistry I, including the policies regarding grading, rules, attendance, and make-up policy. I agree that these policies are reasonable and will help maintain an appropriate learning environment, and I agree to abide by these rules or suffer the consequences for not following them.


Parent(s)/ guardian(s) signature(s) Contact NumberDate


Student signature Contact NumberDate