Dear Friends,
First, I would like to begin by saying that my trip to the US this June and especially the AJL in Cambridge was lovely, productive and successful. Boston was very nice in June and I want to repeat a warm thanks to all the AJL participants and the many friends who expressed support and praise for the work done by the fine staff at Jerusalem Books ltd.
Second, once again we here in Israel and facing difficult times. We are thankful for your support and the solidarity of the US, the UK, Australia and many the many people around the world.
Despite the barrage of Katyushot from Gaza and the deadly missiles from Lebanon life continues here in Israel. Both my daughter and Wendy’s attended a summer camp in Ashkelon, while others are stuck in bomb shelters in the north. The business relevancy of all this is to mention that we heard that the port in Haifa is temporarily closed and that cannot be good for the economy or postal, surface shipping.
These are hard times for Israel and we all hope for real peace and safety.
In the area of Hebrew Literature let’s mention, ‘Pirkhei Afela,’ ‘Blooms of Darkness,’ by Aharon Apppelfeld, a story set in WWII Europe in the midst of Holocaust which weaves together emotions, characters and a love story with the rich writing of this great author. Published by Keter, Jerusalem 2006, ISBN 965-07-1416-2,Cat. #58201, $19.00
Miskal – Yediot Ahronot has published the latest novel by Eyal Megged, ‘Eretz Isha,’ ‘Woman Country,’ which is touted as an autobiography of both the author and the country, Israel. ISBN 965-511-488-0, Cat. #59876, price: $22.00
Professor Penina Meizlish has published a (full sized A4+) soft cover scholarly work on ‘Rabbanim She-Nispu Ba’ Sho’ah,’ ‘Rabbis Who Perished in the Holocaust,’ It is an important work with copious footnotes, documentation and bibliography. 60305 $28.00
An important work which should be viewed as scholarly resource in Jewish History is entitled, ‘Kalkala ve-Hinukh Moderni..’ Economic and Moden Education in Yemen and includes documents and significant poetry, piyyutim, Judeo Arabic as well as Ottoman Turkish. The work is by Dr. Yosef Zuriely and although self published, is of the highest level of scholarship recognized and assisted by Yad ben Zvi.
Cat. #59712 $45.00
For all those interested in the new Henkind Talmud Text Databank CD and the equally important Index (of Talmud), please contact us for the VERY BEST PRICE AVAILABLE. This work is by the Leiberman Institute, located at Machon Schechter in Jerusalem and part of JTS.
Another important work also from the respected scholar, Professor Schama Friedman is ‘Me’ematai Korin et Shma,’ the Talmud Ha’Igud, BT Berakhot, Chapter I, with comprehensive commentary by Moshe Benovitz. The 655 page work, which is the first of what is expected to be a series on Talmud, is edited by Prof. Friedman and includes a 40 page English summary which explains much on the critical scholarly approach employed in the analysis of the hundreds of Sugiyot, ‘issues,’ of halakha, Rabbinic Law and logic and philosophy. This text is published by the Society for the Interpretation of Talmud, Jerusalem 2006. Cat. #60467 $44.00
We look forward to hearing from you if you find this newsletter useful and of course if you are interested in ordering any of these books or anything for that matter from Israel Wishing you all and all of Am Yisrael and easy time on Tisha B'Av.