Lake Serene Fisheries

Welcome Fishermen. As a biologist, I am excited to begin enhancing the fisheries in all Lake Serene Lakes. I believe that with a unified, dedicated effort, we can create an enjoyable fishery for all user groups. Fisheries takes good management, planning, observation, and of course, money. Although we may not agree on every issue, we should be unified in our goals, both short and long term. There are several management tools that we can implement to improve fisheries. I do think it is important to lay out a plan for improvement. I have spent a lot of time thinking of the highest, immediate priority for fisheries in the lakes. I also want us to be fair with efforts towards all lakes, regardless of how much time we spend on them. It’s about Fisheries, not me, you, or any other bias. Again, we will be most effective as a unified voice. For now, please take a look at a proposed plan. This management plan is a dynamic document and can be modified, altered, discussed by all of us.

Short term- time Sensitive:

1)Stocking of the Stump Lake. Both the MDWF&P report, as well as 6 samples that I conducted suggest that this lake should be treated as a new lake and deserves a complete stocking of fish. I shared some figures at the February presentation (available on request), and recently, I’ve pleased to report that the price for stocking bluegill and bass combination in acceptable numbers is reduced almost in Half. Slade’s Hatchery has worked with us well, and has given us as good of deal on pricing as we will ever find. So, what’s the price tag? $12, 675. That gets us 500 (combination Bluegill/shellcracker combination per acre 500 x 130 acres = 65,000 bream, and 50 bass per acres, 50 x 130 acres= 6,500 bass. Typically, lake stockings begin in the Fall with bluegill and bass followed in the Spring (June). In my opinion, I encourage us to get fish in the lake as soon as possible. Additionally, lakes are usually given two years of no fishing pressure after stocking to let populations develop. We realize this might not be popular with landowners, but we should limit or close fishing pressure for best results. Furthermore, I realize that some people will question the need of this or best use of funds. My response is simple. Give this lake every opportunity to be a great fishery, and let’s not ever second guess our decision. The lake needs fish.

2) One of the best fundamental management tools for increased production and overall water quality and fish health is the addition of dolomitic lime to increase alkalinity and stabilize pH. The measured alkalinity of all the lakes is 7 milligrams/liter (mg/L). A good reading for water quality and fisheries is 30 mg/l. Liming also has value in acting as a binding agent for turbidity coming into lakes. I would like to suggest beginning with the North Lake at 2/tons per acre. Applying lime is difficult. One option is to have someone like Slade’s apply the lime. They have quoted us $50/ton applied, which is significantly lower than a previous estimate from another vendor. Long term, I would encourage us to purchase an old beat up pontoon (the longer the better) strip it and dedicate this as our lime barge for future. For example, let’s look for an old pontoon boat with motor that we could purchase for 2K or less or maybe even receive a donation.

Ultimately, I would like to see us lime all the lakes. Considering flow regimes, North lake first, then ??? Oak grove (after repairs) then Ski lake, and Stump. This order would be plenty negotiable. The take home point is that liming is the most fundamental and important step in managing for a healthier fishery.

Longer term or continued efforts:

Tweak with management of all lakes with possible addition of threadfin shad. Improve lakes when they are drawn down by adding spawning habitat for bluegill. Encourage waterfront owners to establish feeders for fish. Constructing brush tops for increased cover where needed. Fertilizing after lime is added to encourage algae growth, the foundation of the food chain.

KIDS, KIDS, KIDS! Let’s get our children, grandchildren involved in fisheries.

Removal of large Grass Carp. We could have a fun rodeo, even a Calcutta. At the end of the day, with the talent, and generosity of our good neighborhood, there is no reason why we can’t have and maintain an excellent fishery.

Propose establishment of Fisheries Endowment for the Lakes:

This would be funded by donations and fund raisers as a separate budget/money item.

In an effort to prove my passion for Fisheries, I would like to begin the endowment fund for Fisheries with a donation of $1000 establishing the fund. We are appreciative to all who share an interest in Fisheries, and we appreciate any donations of funds, time or assistance.


Barry Pessoney

Lakes, Dams, Spillways