September 12, 2014
Dear Parents,
Next week, we will study apples. We will learn different names and characteristics of apples, taste and graph our personal favorite apple, make caramel apples, observe the changes that occur during the cooking process, and compare and weigh apples.We have learned the letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm and Nn. We have also learned what sound each of these letters make. We will work on Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr and Ssnext week. We will continue to study numbers, how to compare groups of numbers (equal, greater than, less than), and how to identify and describe shapes. Continue to review birthdays, addresses, and telephone numbers, numbers 0-5, reciting the days of the week and months of the year, counting to at least 25, writing first names, naming the five senses, and naming body parts (ankles, heels, waist and wrist are tough ones!).
____Have your child cutout the apple pattern found in the folder. After it is cut out, let your child review the five senses (see, hear, smell, touch, taste.) Talk about how one can use their five senses to look, feel, smell, and taste an apple. Ask your child about “hearing” an apple. Does he/she hear something when he/she bites into one? Have your child dictate (or write) sentences describing how the apple looks, feels, smells, sounds, and tastes. You write what your child says on the apple pattern. Have your child draw a picture (using lots of color) to go with the dictated sentences. Using descriptive language and cutting on lines are kindergarten skills. Return the apple pattern to me. Make sure your child signs the back of the apple pattern.
____MATH FOCUS: We have been comparing groups and learning to determine if two groups are equal, and if not, which group is greater and which group is less. I have enclosed some math papers that will give your child some practice with this skill. Please read the bottom of the pages for directions and have your child complete pages 53, 54, 59, and 60. Send these papers back to school with your child. Remind your child to write his/her name. (The first letter is capitalized and all other letters in the name are lowercase.)
Thank you to the parent (actually the child) who caught the shape description mistake last week. A hexagon has six sides and six vertices. I am so happy that “my child” remembered the way I actually taught him!!!
____Remember to read to your child. The single most important indicator of student success in school is how much a child is read to. Write down the books you read with your child in the spaces below. I hope every child will have read at least25 books by the end of thefirst nine weeks.
____I read the following books with my child:
____As parents, you can reinforce our letter work by having your child locate the letters in the books you read to him/her and on signs as you run errands. Talk informally about the sounds each letter makes. For instance, you might say, “With what letter does dog begin?” Or you could say, “What is another word that begins like cookie?” I am working on helping your child understand that letters close together make up words and words spaced apart make up sentences.
___ New word and book: Our new word is “like.” I have enclosed the lyrics to the song that will help your children learn this word. It is also available on my classroom website for you to listen to. The book, I Like,is enclosed for your child to read to you. It highlights the word “like.” Keep this book in a safe place. Let your child read all of the books that I send home. This helps your child with recognizing high frequency words, as well as, using good reader strategies.
____I am enclosing a “fluency” paper with the words “I” and “like.” It also has numbers on it. Have your child read the words and numbers in order. Practice until your child can read the words and numbers quickly.
____Here is a fun song that is sung to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”
Apple, apple on the tree,
I know you are good for me.
You are fun to munch and crunch
For a snack or in my lunch.
Apple, apple on the tree,
I know you are good for me!
____Communication Connection: Please remember to ask your child what he/she thought about his/her work and then you write what he/she said in the middle section under “Child’s Observations.” Don’t forget to send this back to school!
____Please review your address with your child. I am sending home a song that will help him/her learn this important emergency information. This can be placed in your child’s “Songs to Learn By” folder. I am also sending a song for learning the days of the week and the months of the year.
Important Dates
Photo ID card-Sometime next week I will be sending home a Photo ID envelope with your child. If you want your child to participate in the Photo ID program, please fill out the envelopeand return it to school. There will be no make-up sessions.
Monday, September 29-Staff development-Children do not attend school.
Your Partner in Education,
Ginger Carter
Parent signature:
Child’s name: