27th November 2014
Dear Parents/Carers,
Vintage White Christmas Fair: This Sunday 30th November from 12-4pm at Ecclesall CE Junior School raising funds for both Ecclesall Infant School and Ecclesall CE Junior School. I think you will be very impressed by the quality and variety of stalls and games on offer. Please share this information with family and friends.
EPTFA Reindeer dust
We have lots of reindeer dust for £1 a bag at school for sale. This will continue to be on sale up until Christmas. The special dust shows the way for the reindeers so they can land safely with Father Christmas. This will also be on sale during the Christmas concerts.
Bug Club
Thanks to all those of you who were able to come to our “How you can help your child at home” parents meeting on Tuesday 18th November re Bug Club and My Maths. The parent presentation has been put on our school website under “Policies and Curriculum”: Literacy: Bug Club presentation.
To access Bug Club: Only use the website www.activelearnprimary.co.uk
Username: First 4 letters of first name e.g emma followed by first 4 letters of surname e.g hard
e.g emmahard (all lower case letters only)
Password: changeme (all lower case letters only)
School code: 9lck
My Maths
If you would like to take a look at another home/school learning resource- Go to www.mymaths.co.uk and use the following:
Username: Ecclesall
Password: circles
Look at Level 1, 2 or 3 and click on any activity to take a look.
Ecclesall CE Juniors currently use My Maths and Ecclesall Infants are going to start a trial of this resource too. Thanks.
Book Week/ Book Fair (Mon 20th Oct-Fri 24th Oct)
We had a really enjoyable book. Thanks very much for purchasing from our book fair. We received £500.42 commission to spend on books in school for all our children.
INTERNATIONAL WEEK (Mon 3rd Nov-Fri 7th Nov)
This was a great success with children developing a greater awareness and understanding of many other faiths, cultures, religions and how people live across the world. We have displayed some of the work that was produced by the children on a display in the entrance area. Please come and take a look. Mrs Harrison has also put information and photographs on our school website www.ecclesall-inf.sheffield.sch.uk
Remembrance day
Thank you to those who contributed to the Poppy Appeal. Our children took part in the 2 minute silence at 11am on Tuesday 11th November in assembly.
Children In Need
We raised £190 for this wonderful charity. The children really enjoyed bringing their teddies into school and understood how important it is to think of others that are less fortunate than ourselves.
Reminder: Office
Please continue to use the school red post box outside the school office for payments. It is a very safe place to keep your envelopes. Encourage your child to put them in the post box too. Thanks.
Kids Club Deputy Co-ordinator Job advertised.
This is to start January 2015. See info below if you are interested in applying. Thanks.
To work at the After School Club located at Ecclesall Junior School, OFSTED reg. no. 300799
Minimum hours Monday - Friday term time 3.15 – 5.55pm daily plus 1 hour weekly staff meeting. In addition some breakfast and holiday working may be required.
NVQ level 3 Playwork or NVQ level 2 and committed to obtaining level 3. Current Paediatric First Aid qualification or commitment to obtaining one.
£9.56 per hour from 1 January 2015
This post is subject to an enhanced DBS disclosure.
The Deputy Coordinator will support the Coordinator and Playwork team to deliver a high quality, safe, caring and stimulating play environment in our busy after school club with up to 60 children each day.
For further information and an application form please email
Closing date for applications is Friday 12 December 2014. Interviews week commencing 15 December 2014
Important Dates for your diary
Tues 2nd Dec / Y1 Christmas workshop (in hall 9-10am) for Y1 Parents and Carers/Families and Y1 childrenWed 3rd Dec / Reception Christmas workshop (in hall 9-10am) for Reception Parents and Carers/Families and Reception children
Thurs 4thDec / Y2 Christmas workshop (in hall 9-10am) for Y2 Parents and Carers/Families and Y2 children
Mon 8th Dec-Wed 17th Dec / Christmas Post Box in entrance area: Please put first names and surnames plus class on envelopes for Christmas cards. Please do not include sweets etc as we have a number of children in school with severe nut allergies. Thanks.
Tues 9thDec / Christmas Concert 2p.m
Wed 10thDec / Christmas Concert 2p.m
Thurs 11thDec / Christmas Concert 2p.m
Tues 16th Dec / Y2 singing to Highcliffe Club eldery group a.m
Tues 16thDec / Christmas Christingle carol service at Ecclesall Parish Church 2pm (All parents/carers welcome): If you also have a child in Y3, please ensure you attend the Monday 15th Dec Y3 Nativity 2pm at Ecclesall Junior School if you want to also attend the Ecclesall Infant school Christingle on Tues 16th Dec at 2pm.
Wed 17thDec / Whole school PANTOMIME “Dick Whittington” at The Lyceum
(free packed lunch provided for all children by Taylor Shaw when back in school. Please wear school uniform as usual).
Thurs 18thDec / Christmas school lunch
Christmas Party in the afternoon and Father Christmas visiting on his sleigh
Children can come to school in party clothes for the day
Fri 19th Dec / EPTFA Dress as you please day(Party Break up for holidays
(Bring £1 for EPTFA fundraising).
Mon 5thJan 2015 / Literacy INSET DAY for teachers/TAs from both EIS and EJS
Tues 6thJan / Children return to school
Kind Regards
Emma Hardy Nicole Ramsey
Executive Head Teacher Head of School