Call for proposals
pre-selection phase / Project acronym
Financial data
Pre-selection phase
Key data and financial programming
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Table 1: Proportion of faculty and students involved in the Initiative
Tab 1-a: Share of academics concerned by the Initiative actionsNumber of permanent academics concerned by PIA 1 projects from the 1st of January to the 31st of December 2015 (SATT must not be taken into account) / (1)
Expected number of permanent academics concerned by the PIA 1&2 projects and Initiative actions from the 1st of January to the 31st of December 2019 (SATT must not be taken into account) / (2)
Number of permanent academics employed by the members of the Initiative from the 1st of January to the 31st of December 2015 / (3)
Ratio 1
Ratio 2
Tab 1-b: Share of students concerned by the Initiative actions
Expected number of students enrolled in a course or program funded by PIA 1&2 in college year 2018-19 / (1)
Expected number of students enrolled at the members of the Initiative in college year 2018-19 / (2)
Table 2-a: Summary of PIA 1&2 endowments
Non-consumable endowment(in M€)" / Yearly average of remaining consumable funding (in k€) / Yearly interest
(in k€)"
Endowment requested for the Initiative
(rate = 2,496 %)" / (α)
Endowment obtained for the Labexes
(rate = 3,413 %)"
Endowment obtained for the IDEFIs
and IDEFI-Ns (rate = 3,413 %)"
Tableau 2-b:Summary of the non-consumable endowments of the Labexes managed by the Initiative
Name of the Labex / Non-consumable endowment in M€ / Yearly average of remaining consumable funding (in k€) / Annual amount of the interests received in k€(rate = 3.413 %)
Tableau 2-c:Summary of the non-consumable endowments[1] of the Idefis managed by the Initiative
Name of the IDEFI of IDEFI-N / Yearly average of remaining consumable funding (in k€)Total
Table 3: Total budget over 4 years – resources and spending (in millions of euros)
For presentation purposes, table 3 is divided into several sub-tables. Indications on the elements to be specified will be found thereafter.
The 4 year budget programming must be presented in consumable funding amounts. For instance, the amount (a) is equivalent to the sum of the interests of the requested grant for the Initiative from 2016 to 2019 inclusive.
Mobilized resources for the Initiative project over four years (in M€) / Consolidated budget of the members of the Initiative over four years(in M€)
Total / (i)=(a)+(b1)+(b2)+(c)+(d)+(e)+(f)+(g)+(h)
PIA 1&2 funding / IDEX/I-SITE funding / (a)=4x(α)[2] / (a)+(b1)+(b2)
Share of the projects funded by the PIA (exc. IDEX/I-SITE) that will be managed by the Initiative and contributing to its budget / (b1)
Share of the projects funded by the PIA (exc. IDEX/I-SITE) that will not be managed by the Initiative but contributing to its budget / (b2)
Contribution of the members of the Initiative / Contribution of the higher education institutions members of the Initiative / (c) / (c)+(d)+(e) / (c’) / (c’)+(e’)+(d’)
Contribution of the research bodies members of the Initiative / (d) / (e’)
Contribution of the others members of the Initiative / (e) / (d’)
Contribution of the external partners of the Initiative / Contribution of the territorial authorities / (f) / (f)+(g)+(h)
Contribution of the socio-economic external partners / (g)
Contribution of the others external partners and other resources / (h)
Share of the projects funded by the PIA (exc. IDEX/I-SITE) that will be managed by the Initiative and contributing to its budget
Name of the project / Action code / Mobilized resources for the Initiative project over four years (in M€)
Share of the projects funded by the PIA (exc. IDEX/I-SITE) that will not be managed by the Initiative but contributing to its budget
Name of the project / Action code / Mobilized resources for the Initiative project over four years (in M€)
Resources mobilized for the actions of the Initiative project over 4 years / Total of the resources of the Initiative partners
Contributions of the higher education institutions within the consortium (C)
Total / (c) / (c’)
Contributions of the research bodies within the consortium (D)
Total / (d) / (d’)
Contributions of the other partners (E)
Total / (e) / (e’)
Contributions of the territorial authorities (F)
xx / NA
xx / NA
Total / (f) / NA
Contributions of the private sector (G)
Xx / NA
Xx / NA
Total / (g) / NA
Other contributions (H)
xx / NA
xx / NA
Total / (h) / NA
TOTAL of the resources mobilized for the actions of the Initiative project / (i) = (a)+(b)+(c)+(d)+(e)+(f)+(g)+(h) / NA
Parts (C), (D) and (E) of the table:
- (C), (D), (E): the objective of parts (C), (D) and (E) is to analyze the means targeted on the Initiative by partners in the consortium compared to their total resources. Assessment of the total means of the higher education institutions (C)corresponds to theconsolidated budget not including PIA resources. For the research bodies (D) and other partners (E), only funds related to member institutions of the Initiative consortium (share of the consolidated project of the body, not including PIA resources, attached to the research units related to the consortium) should be accounted for. For the region of Paris, partners should evaluate as precisely as possible the means allocated given the numerous interweavings.
Parts (F), (G), (H), (I) of the table:
The objective of parts (F), (G), (H) and (I) is to evaluate the means brought by organizations outside of the consortium per se.
Table 4: Distribution of the expenses by activity of the 4-year budget (in millions of euros)
The table is destined to illustrate the distribution of the resources dedicated to the Initiative for each major activity branch (expenditure by intended purpose). The amounts correspond to funding consumable over 4 years, from 2016 to 2019 inclusive. They comprise funding for Labexes and Idefis as well as other PIA projects managed by the Initiative which appear distinctly in table 3.
Assigned PIA funding (including IDEX/I-SITE, Labexes, Idefis and other projects managed by the Initiative) / Resources mobilized for the actions of the Initiative projectStructuring andgovernance
Result exploitation and relations to the economic sphere
Student life
Total / (a’) / (i’)
We should have (a’)=(a)+(b1)+(b2) and (i’)=(i)[3]
[1] The amounts of the endowments may be claimed from the ANR.
[2](α) see table 2-a
[3]See table 3