‘Civil Society Dialogue - EU-Turkish Chambers Forum (ETCF)’ is a project of EUROCHAMBRES, the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in co-operation with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and fully financed by the European Union. The project, which started in December 2007, runs for 24 months.
The overall aim of ETCF is to strengthen the dialogue and co-operation between the TurkishChambers and their counterparts in the EU as members of civil society; thus promoting the integration of EU and Turkish business communities.
One of the project components is strengthening Chambers’ capacity via the free-of-charge participation in EUROCHAMBRES Academies, top level training programmes for senior and middle Chamber officials. This year, EUROCHAMBRES is organising two Academies: Trade Forum (Belgium), and the SummerAcademy. If you are interested in attending the first of these events please complete the application form below, indicating your motivation in participating as well as the selected courses. Should your application be successful, we will do our best fulfil your preference.
Please note that the scholarship provided under this project will cover the following costs (related to the Academy participation only): travel (ECONOMY CLASS ticket), accommodation, meals, tuition fees and the course material.
In order to be able to reimburse the cost of your travel,you must send a copy of your ticket (ECONOMY CLASS)+ boarding passes + travel agent invoice to EUROCHAMBRES (Attn. Micol Martinelli, EUROCHAMBRES, Avenue des Arts 19 A/D, 1000 Brussels, Belgium) soon after returning from the Academy
Application Form
To be returned to Werner Gruber, TOBB, fax: +90 312 413 82 90 no later thanMonday, 17 December.
Trade Forum in La Hulpe (Brussels), 27-30 January 2008
Please print legibly
Mr/Ms ______
Family Name ______
First Name ______
Position ______
E-mail______Web site______
Please also attach (or preferably, send electronically) a clear passport-size photo and a summary C.V. (not more than 60 words) describing your background in Chambers. Based on your reply, we will publish a directory of participants for distribution at the Academy.
Optional Courses: Select optional courses of most interest to you, in order of preference. We will do our best to match your top optional courses. However, if too few participants choose a course, we may have to omit it from the programme. In such cases, it is very important that we know the other courses which appeal to you, to make the Academy as useful as possible for you.
Preferred optional courses (course numbers and/or titles in order of preference):
Questions below will be used as a reference in the selection process. EUROCHAMBRES may ask for additional information when required.
- Your Organisation
Please describe the main features of your Chamber: memberships, internal
Structure and activities, main objectives.
- Your Role in the Organisation
Please describe your responsibilities in the Chamber. Be as concrete as possible.
- Main Achievements
Please outline which has been your main achievement while working for the Chamber (e.g. introducing a new service, reorganising the organisation, increasing the membership, etc).
- Your Motivation
Please explain in detail why you wish to participate in the EUROCHAMBRESAcademy.