March2015 Newsletter
What a busy but satisfying month we have had (and I’m not talking about the weather)! Our 6th Annual Wine Tasting event was a great success thanks to all of our members who volunteered their time where they were able. Co-chairs Diane Faile and Kathy Kazaroff deserve a round of applause for organizing this wonderful evening. Helen Davis and Carol McAlonis, Silent Auction co-chairs, were assisted by many of our members who donated or solicited items on behalf of the Club. Food co-chairs Paula Deal, Kathy Rosol and Theresa Zarnoski handed out recipes and most of our members were able to assist with making appetizers and desserts as well. We also had several impromptu meetings where members helped Cathy Collings with decorations or helped to stuff the bags for the Wine Tasting. Members invited friends and relatives, purchased tables, provided sound systems, helped with setup and helped with cleanup. Many members also helped with a variety of duties during the event. Thanks to everyone in the Club for making this event such a success.
We had a light turnout for the February meeting, but those who attended were treated to a wonderful program about the First Wives of Ohio. Eight women from different churches in the area came on a cold evening to chronologically, and in period costume, portray these women beginning with Anne Tuthill Symmes Harrison to Florence Kling Harding. One of these delightful women was 91 years old! Thanks for braving the cold for us! They perform this program for donations to their missions.
Amy Roman will return for our March program to instruct us in the art of making paper. Come prepared to roll up your sleeves and have some fun!
Included with the March newsletter will be the Interest Sheets. Please take some time between now and our April meeting to fill these out. The information is invaluable to our Club and to our new Board of Directors to help them plan for the coming year.
What good is warmth of summer without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?
Author Unknown
Attached to the March newsletter is the auditor’s report for the 2013-2014 audit. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks!
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If you are in need of any stamps or stationery for your particular committee, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
An article for the Scholarships, Continuing Education Grant and Disbursement request has been submitted to the Sun News and WestLife. We will also get the information to City Hall to be put on the City calendar.
If there are any changes that need to be taken care of in this newsletter, please let me know.
Because of deadlines for some of our events, please send me your articles no later than the Monday after our general meeting.
We are having our Spring Plant Sale again this year through Dean’s Greenhouse. FYI: The prices are very competitive and set by us!! The sale will be done, once again, online via To make it easier, we are attaching a Product and Pricing form to the newsletter for you to print so that you can see everything at a glance. You can then place your order through the website and pay with a credit card or e-check anytime! Due to the fact that orders are placed online, the deadline can be pushed a little bit later so it will be Saturday, April 25th. Delivery will be on Saturday, May 9th (FYI – the day before Mothers’ Day)at the Bain Park Gazebo from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Think sunshine and spring!
Anyone interested in purchasing a FPJW cookbook, please give me a call at 779-1417. I am more than happy to drop it off at your home. They are great wedding shower gifts, as well as, welcome to the
neighborhood and “just thinking about you” gifts. The cost of a cookbook is $6.00. Great recipes at a wonderful price.
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We have a total for the Lunch with Santa profits, and, congrats to Lynn and Sally for setting another record! We made $1,628.30! Well done, everyone!
The wrap-up for the Wine Tasting is below, but in this cold and bitter weather, we need to think Spring! We can start by checking out our Plant Sale, thanks to Nancy S. and Ellen.
First and foremost, thanks to Nancy Cause and Sally Liskowski for creating the formula for this event over the years and for all of their great help this year.
We would like to recognize and thank the hard-working committee chairs of the Wine Tasting. Cathy Collings headed up the Decorations, with much assistance from Christy George and Cathy’s mother. And, Girl Scout Troop 700786 was a big help, especially with set-up. The Food Committee, headed up by Theresa Zarnoski, Kathy Rosol and Paula Deal, organized and created many delicious items. They were ably assisted in the dessert room on Saturday by Linda Hamoui. We heard many wonderful comments about the décor and food. Finally, Carol McAlonis and Helen Davis did another fabulous job with the Silent Auction. This is a huge job and the monies earned there are proof of its (their) success.
The success of the event was also due to all members in small and big ways. Thank you to Lizz and Eric Dregne for the sound system – didn’t it sound great? Thanks to all who helped with setup on Friday evening and Saturday day, who took shifts during the event with check-in, food, raffle, auction or 50-50’s; this list includes some husbands and one son. And, finally, the all-important clean up. Thanks, also, to those who donated food and/or auction items.
Please remember to support the people and businesses that supported us with donations of food or auction items. And, please give us feedback on the event: what was good, what can be improved, etc.
So, how did we do? Preliminary numbers look like we profited almost $7,000. So pat yourselves on the back, Ladies. It was a wonderful event all around. And, as the wineries often closed their correspondence with: Cheers!
I would like to thank all the ladies that baked and volunteered for the Wine Tasting event. We could not have done it without all the generous helping hands. A big thank you to Kathy and Paula, my co-chairs.
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FROM LINDA HAMOUI – DESSERT ROOM: Thank you to Jane Ball, Mary Jo Campbell, Nancy Cause, Lizz Dregne, Barb Kadleck and Kathy Kazaroff who helped with the desserts and to Barb who brought the
lights. Thanks to Sally Liskowski, Lynn Coletto and Cathy & Chuck Collings and family who helped make the decorations for the dessert room. Thank you to everyone who brought desserts –they were wonderful. Thank you to all and anyone I might have missed. Your help was greatly appreciated.
We meet at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 26, at Lizz Dregne’s home. In March we will play at former member, Claire Seeholzer’s home. All are welcome and we will be glad to teach you if you are a newbie.
We will meet again at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 30, to discuss Matt Richtel’s book, “A Deadly
Wandering.” All members and guests are free to join us in Conference Room C at the Fairview Park Library. Thanks to Nancy Shucofsky for recommending the book, which should be required reading for all drivers!
No report.
Please feel free to request or suggest fun things for us to do together!
If you have any changes in phone numbers or email addresses, please let us know.
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Due to various circumstances, I have missed some meetings and impromptu events. If you have taken any pictures at these events, please either email them to me or give me a copy. I would love to add them to the scrapbook. Thank you!
Thanks to Rosanne for coming right from work and helping us set up. Thanks to Lynn for dropping off fruit, even though she couldn’t stay, and to Linda for beverage. With sweets and crackers from the Wine Tasting and some cheese spread, we had plenty of snacks for that cold night!
In March, we will pass around a signup sheet for our May 18th Installation Dinner. The number attending will determine where we will have our dinner. Thanks to all!
Friday, April 17, is the deadline for submitting applications for the high school scholarships, the Marion Cook Continuing Education Grant and for organizations that are requesting donations from the FPJWC. Last year we were able to provide financial assistance to all organizations who requested help. (These were included in last month’s newsletter.) If you know of an organization in need of financial help for a special project, please refer them to the FPJWC website for the application information. Donations have generally ranged from $50 to $300, depending upon our fundraising income and community service budget.
Thank you to the Nominations Committee for helping to form the slate for the 2015-2016 Board of Directors.
President:Diane Faile
Co-Vice Presidents:Barb Kadleck and Nancy Cause
Treasurer:Mary Jo Campbell
Recording Secretary:Carol McAlonis
Corresponding Secretary:Kathy Rosol
We will take nominations from the floor at the General Meeting in March and April and have our elections in April. We will also take nominations for Board Member-at-Large at the April General Meeting and vote for that position as well.
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We had one proposal for a by-law change. Take a look at how it is written in the Black Book and see below how the proposal reads. We will vote on this change at the April General Meeting; however, it is up for discussion in March and April prior to the voting.
“Marion Cook Education Grant: This committee awards a grant to one or more FairviewPark women at least 21 years of age who are pursuing training or higher education. Preference is given to women with stated financial need.”
This includes a name change in addition to a change in qualifications.
It was great seeing our new members lending a helping hand and enjoying the Wine Tasting! We are always looking for new friends to join our Club! March’s meeting is a great night to invite friends; it will be a fun program! If you have anyone who is interested in becoming a member, please let me know. Thank you!
Here is a list of some upcoming events:
City of Fairview Park – Mayor Patton’s State of the City – March 11
FP Youth Association – Night at the Races – March 14
FP Community Council next meeting – April 15
FP Garden Club – Spring Luncheon – April 18
FP Community Council – Citizen of the Year Dinner – May 6
Summerfest Dates – July 9-12
If you would like any further information on these events, please contact me by phone or email.
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Please help us in finding candidates for this Grant, which was named after the first president of the FPJWC. We did not have any applicants last year and added those funds to this year’s available resources. The Grant is for FairviewPark female residents 21 years or older who are pursuing educational training. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 17th with more information on the FPJWC website. Thanks for your help!
No report.
The Fairview Park Youth Association is holding their annual Night at the Races on Saturday, March 14th. If anyone wants to bake for their event, buy horses or wants to go, please let Nancy Cause know. Attached to the newsletter is their flyer with all of the information.
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March 4, 11, 18, 25 – Ladies Bowling – Fairview Lanes – 9:00 a.m.
March 12 – Executive Board Meeting – 7:30 p.m.
Hostess – Ellen Papadimoulis
March 16 – General Meeting – 7:30 p.m.
Art with Amy
March 26 – FunBridge – 7:30 p.m.
Hostess – Claire Seeholzer
March 30 – Book Beat – 7:00 p.m.
FairviewPark Library Conf. Room C