Hunks and Chunks

Sh - Say, "s-h, sh,sh,sh,. S-h, sh, sh, sh." (Put your finger to your lips and make the sh sound as you say the sh sound three times.)
Ch - (It's time to do the chicken cha cha dance!) Say, "c-h,ch,ch,ch. C-h, ch,ch,ch." Flap your arms like chicken wings.
Th - Say, "t-h, th,th, th. T-h, th,th, th. This is a thorn and that is a thistle.”
Ow - Make the letters o and w with your fingers. Hit them together and say, "o-w, ow. Going down, going down, d-o-w-n down." (Pretend to slide your arms down the slide as you say d-o-w-n.)
Ou - Make the letters o and u with your fingers. Hit them together and say, "o-u, ou. O-u-t, o-u-t get out of here you bumble bee."
Ing - Say, "i-n-g, ing, ing,ing. I-n-g, ing, ing, ing." (Jump up and down three times as you chant "ing, ing, ing".

All - Say, "a-l-l, a-l-l, all, all, all. March three times as you say, "a-l-l, a-l-l.

Ar - Say, "car,car,c-a-r, you stick your hand in a jar of stars. A-r, ar,ar,ar."
Or - (Pretend you are a seal.) Say, "o-r, or,or,or. O-r, or, or, or. I want more fish!" (Put your hands in the air and clap three times as you say, "or,or,or". Then point to yourself and chant, "I want more fish!)

Ir, ur and er - Say,"I-r r-r-r-r (rev your motorcycle) and u-r r-r-r-r (rev your motorcycle) in the middle of the word, but it's e-r r-r-r-r er r-r-r- at the end of a word."

Oo (book) - say "O-O ooo" like you are picking up something heavy. (These are the bully brothers.)

Oo (boot) - Say, "O-O, ooooooooo." Make the letter o on each hand. Pull your hands apart as you chant the oo sound. (These are the nice twins.)

Ui- Point to someone in the class and say “U”. Point to yourself and say “I”. Grab your heart as you say “OOOO”.

Ew- Say, “At the end of a word its E-W, ooooooooooo.” (Theyare so in love. Place one hand over your heart and then the other as you say each letter.)

Oi- Say “O-I, oi, oi, oi in the middle of a word.” (While you chant oi, oi, oi point to your mouth because your noisy voice is in the middle of your face just like the oi sound is in the middle of the word.)

Oy- Say, “O-Y, oy, oy, oy. O-Y, boy, boy, boy! At the end of a word!” (Point to the boys in the class as you say, “O

y oy oy and boy boy boy”)

Ea - Say, you take a scaredy cat e and a scaredy cat a. You put them together and what do they say? EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" (Pretend like you are so scared when you say, "EEEEE!"

Ee - Say, "when you see the double e you say ee,ee. It's a bumblebee party! When you see the double e you say ee, ee. It's a bumblebee party!"

Igh - Say, "i-g-h, igh,igh, I-I-I. (Gently pull your eyes out of the sides of your face three times.)

Oa - Say, "o said to a, Oh, I love you (grab your heart) and a said absolutely nothing." Say, "So when you see o and a you say O-O! (Make the long strong sound and show your muscles because this is a long strong vowel.)

Ow (at the end of a word)- Say, “Sometimes you say “ow” but sometimes you say “o” when you see o-w at the end of a word. Repeat twice. Make a big letter O with your arms joined together above your head. Don’t forget to show your long, strong muscles when you say O.”

Ay - Say, "Some letters ay- a-a-a...hey do you want to play? Swish, score, hooray! But that’s at the end of a word and don't you forget it."
Ai - Say, "A said to i 'Get out of my way. I'm saying a today." So when you see ai you say a, a!
Eigh - Say, "eigh a-a. eigh a-a."
Ice- say “I-c-e, i-c-e, ice, ice! I-c-e, i-c-e, ice, ice!” Pretend like you are freezing cold each time you say the word ice.

Ace- say “A-c-e, a-c-e, ace, ace! A-c-e, a-c-e, ace, ace!” As you say the letter show your strong muscles. When you say the word “ace” blow on your fingernails and shine them on your shirt. Then say, “I’m so good!”

Aw- Say “a-w, aw.” (Show your right paw, and then your left paw as you as A and then W. Pretend you are a monster trying to scare someone with your paws.”

Au- Say, “A-u, au. A-u, au. A-u, au,au. BEEP!” (As you say the letters “a-u au” the first two times, point to kids in the class you would like to invite on an automobile ride. The third time you say, “au,au,au.” Drive your car before you say, “BEEP!”)

Aught- Say, “A-u-g-h-t, aught. Daughters…” All the daughters in the room say, “That’s me!”

Ought- Say, “O-u-g-h-t, ought. O-u-g-h-t, ought.” As you say o-u, you are pointing at kids in the room as if you are scolding them. As you say T, you are making the letter T with your arms extended.

Tion - Say, "T-i-o-n shun, shun, shun t-i-o-n shun, shun, shun." Clap above your head each time you say shun, shun, shun.
Sion - Say, "S-i-o-n shun, shun, shun s-i-o-n shun, shun, shun." Clap down by your ankles each time you say shun, shun, shun.
Ph - Say, "When you see p-h, you don't say p h you say f-f-f."
Kn - Say, "When you see k-n, you don't say the k you say n-n-n.” Pretend that you’re talking on a phone.
Wr- Say, “Shhh, don’t wake the w. Shhh, don’t wake the w. RRRRRRRRRRRRR.”

Ed - Say, "When you see ed at the end of a root word, you say d, t, you also say ed."

Wh- Say, “W-h, w-h, wh, wh, wh. It’s a question word- who, what, when, where, why and which.”

Ion- Say, “I-o-n, i-o-n, ion ion. I-o-n, i-o-n, ion ion.” (Be a mime and pretend you are pulling an onion out of the ground.)