English Lacrosse Association Ltd. – Board Meeting

Minutes 28th March 2013


Minutes of a Board meeting held on Thursday 28th March 2013 at the S&RA Office,

Burwood House, 14 -16 Caxton Street, London SW1H 0QT commencing at 2.00pm.

Present: David Marsden (DM) - Acting Chair

Ron Balls (RB) Sallie Barker (SB) Hamish McInnes (HM) Clare Stoot (CS) David Shuttleworth (DS) Mark Coups (MC)

Apologies for absence: Sue Redfern, Lynne Potts and Jenny Haynes

1. Conflict of Interests declaration

None additional

2. Confirm Agenda

Agenda OK.

3. Minutes of last meeting (21st February 2013)

Minutes agreed.

4. Matters arising not covered by agenda items

UK Patrons: Centurion details - ongoing with RB

Events SLA : ongoing with CS

Proposed revisions to the Articles sent to the membership - done

Board structure chart update – done, with SR to consider

Sport England Governance Plan – updated and sent to SE

Marketing Committee clarification – proposals distributed and later on the agenda

Draft AGM agenda and Board nomination request to membership – done

S&ID terms of reference template document to be sent to the Board – done

5. Finance

Reference was made to the reports distributed noting that:

Report formats met the need and represented a step forward

AASE still a major concern with monies outstanding, programme to be wound down and a different approach adopted.

Staff meeting in April to re-inforce the need to finance stringency.

Cash flow affected by draw downs and web site expenditure.

Bank facility for support to be extended until September

Sport England reports will require some re-coding.

Recommendation from Finance, Governance and HR (F,G&HR) committee that Beever & Struthers be appointed as auditors agreed.

Terms of reference, composition and meeting frequency document agreed noting that comments still to be received from LP (now done) and SR.

Subscription details were agreed noting that WPC still to confirm individual team fees.

The current draft of the 2013 14 budget was reviewed noting that this was “work in progress” and would be presented to the April meeting. Work needed on Elite Performance and actions on both MPC and WPC (from the F,G&HR meeting on 26th March) to provide information regarding Elite / National Squads finances.

Enterprise Lacrosse

Noting the implications on the budget process the paper prepared by RB (Enterprise Lacrosse Ltd. v2 27th March) was agreed and would now be put into action.

It was noted that Events would be operated by Enterprise Lacrosse Ltd. and that Sponsor Partnership arrangements would be with English Lacrosse Association Ltd.

6. Elite Performance

HM advised the meeting of the need to agree the terms of reference of the EPC, composition, posts required and the need for a Communications plan. Draft terms of reference had endured a long gestation period and continued to attract comment from both MPC and WPC.

SB presented a document from the Women’s Elite Committee chair making the point strongly that the Board position was fully supported by herself but as WPC chair considered that it was necessary to air these views.

DM as chair was concerned about having no prior distribution of a document such as this, to allow effective consideration, but permitted discussion to continue.

RB advised of points raised at the last MPC meeting with a prime concern (that of volunteer numbers v staff numbers) having been addressed in the revised TOR draft and that the “Task / Finish” would provide a structure below the EPC.

CS thought that many of the issues related to issues of culture, resistance to change and old hierarchies.

HM was concerned about disaggregation through too many tiers of management.

Following extensive discussion it was agreed that:

The direction of travel was the right course of action and had full Board approval

There is a need to meet WSP targets

Draft terms of reference agreed

HM to progress the draft JD for the Talent Manager

EPC to meet in April and CEO (MC) to attend and reinforce the need to move forward.

Brigit to be thanked for her e-mail with SB telephoning to convey points raised at this meeting and MC to follow up with an e-mail.

HM to respond to those that had sent e-mails in on this subject.

EPC Finance, ring fencing matters from MPC and WPC to be discussed RB – HM.

7. WC2018

DS advised on the draft and key points relating to this bid including:

Facility allows for almost whatever since event needed by FIL

Strong partnership with Manchester City Council (logo on the bid submission, underwriting the bid)

Enhance relationship with Manchester University

Development opportunities / Development Conference

8. Centex

In discussion noted that:

TCS expected to continue with Centex during 2013/14

Previous communications to players / members had covered the on-going position

Contract calls for three-months’ notice either way

U19 Open Trials scheduled for August.

Centex finances having an adverse impact related to previous experience and budget projection.

EPC to address the role of TCS / Centex in delivery quality and CEO management / contractual matters.

9. Marketing

Draft TOR’s reviewed noting that in the longer term there was a need to separate out Membership Services. Following discussion it was agreed:

There is need to identify brands (e.g. Team England, INTO) and focus on these

There is a need to assess market value of the brands

Focus on major events

Discontinue the current Marketing Committee

Support / mentoring to assist staff (possibly in conjunction with comparable people in other ngb’s – SB to assist)

Marketing Strategy group to be set up – MC

10. CEO Report

DS reviewed the major points in the report noting that:

WSP Contract availability and signature imminent (now completed)

Rathbones was a one year deal but now considering longer term options. MC to consider cost / benefit implications and with Rathbones advising the Board on ball park costings.

Noting that this was the last Board meeting that David would attend in the capacity of CEO the meeting broke for cake, drinks and expressions of appreciation. Thanks to SB for organizing.

11. Dashboard / Web site

Included in the draft budget proposals and to be considered during the budget review at the April meeting.

12. Committee Reports

Strategy Implementation and Development (SID)

No report


RB advised of the main points from the meeting on 19th March:

Listing of Officials (Referees) needed on the web site

ELA to hold a listing of Qualified Officials

Subscription increases (team fees) agreed

EPC points of concern

North West Region in place from 10th April 2013, Constitution /Bye Laws awaited

Rules changes – briefing document to go on web site and Shooting Strings


100th Centenary lunch plans well advanced. 100 tickets sold, would like to reach 150. Problems will mails shots from the office, delays and distribution concerns.

Cancelled events due to poor weather conditions causing some calendar issues that were being dealt with.

Calendar preparation for 2013/14 almost complete

13. Other Business

Eye Protection Questionnaire

Noted as being biased, divisive, an agenda being followed and unlikely to have been agreed by the University. CS to politely decline to participate in the survey.

Board Meeting 18th April 2013

Agreed that the location for this meeting would stay at the ELA Office as scheduled.

Meeting concluded at 6.10pm with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Sue Redfern - Chair Lynne Potts - Treasurer

Ron Balls - Secretary Eddie Owen - MPC

David Marsden - Co-President Sallie Barker - WPC

Clare Stoot - Co-President Hamish McInnes - Co-opted

Jenny Haynes - SI&D David Shuttleworth - Former CEO

Mark Coups - CEO

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