PDSW Joie de Vivre 2016 Open call for Short Dance Films featuring Older Dancers
A chance to celebrate dance on film and recognise works performed by older dancers.
“Where maturity is perceived as an asset”
Thanks to Judith Mackrell’s Guardian article 5/7/15 “Keep Dancing” for this misquoted quote!
Deadline : 12noon Tuesday 21 June 2016 (Midsummer’s Day)
Send to Zannah Doan, Regional Producer e:
Please read the Criteria, Competition Details and Background Information before completing and returning your Application.
Length of film : under 5 minutes
Subject of film : Dance films featuring dancers aged over 50.
Age of film : the film should have been created in the last 3 years.
Intention : We are looking for dance films. The works should be creative works made especially for film rather than being edited films of workshops or performances.
Categories : There are 2 categories (1) creative films (2) documentary films
Format : MP4
Number of entries : Only 1 film can be submitted per company.
Judging : The judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into about it.
Deadline : 12noon Tuesday 21 June 2016 (Midsummer’s Day)
Application process : send the film to along with the completed application form. Use We Transfer or email to send your email and film.
Enquiries : contact Zannah Doan at Tel 07443 583046
Competition Details
Awards : PDSW Joie de Vivre Gold Award 2015 ; PDSW Joie de Vivre Silver Award 2015 ; PDSW Joie de Vivre Bronze Award 2015 ; PDSW Joie de Vivre Runner Up Award 2015
Judging : The judges will be : Bob Lockyer, Diane Amans, Fergus Early, Zannah Doan (Chair of the panel).
Brief biographies of the judges :
Bob Lockyer : Bob Lockyer's 40 year career producing dance films for the BBC led him to being described by the Critics' Circle as "one of the great heroes of British dance".
Diane Amans : a dance artist with over forty years experience.She has a particular interest in older dancers and recently published her second book Age and Dancing: Older People and Community Dance.Diane delivers training and mentoring for dance artists and other practitioners working with seniors in a range of settings.
Fergus Early OBE : one-time ballet dancer, New Dance pioneer, choreographer in dance, theatre and community contexts and, for the last 29 years, Artistic Director of the ground-breaking Green Candle Dance Company.
Chair : Zannah Doan, Regional Producer of PDSW.
What we are looking for : short dance films under 5 minutes long which are either creative or documentary. You will need to specify which category you are entering.
We do not want films of performances or workshops or those created for evaluation but are specifically looking at work created for film.
The judges will be looking for a film that conveys a story or emotion or is beautiful or thought-provoking. It must work well in its entirety and demonstrate the potential for work created by or with older dancers. We recognize that there will be a mix of work by trained and untrained dancers and are looking at the overall film rather than at technique.
Timeline and screenings: The winning films will be announced on 1 August 2016 and featured on the PDSW website. They will be shown at the Joie de Vivre Dance in Time event on 9 October at Pavilion Dance, Bournemouth and at a range of events and venues over the next 3 years. We will add details of where they will be shown to the website as and when we have arrangements in place. Screenings will use your credits and they will be shared freely to celebrate older people dancing.
Purpose: to celebrate dance film, older people dancing and to share amazing work from across the globe.
Ownership of the film : the film is owned by the creators. PDSW ask to be able to disseminate and show it and will always acknowledge the creators. PDSW will not make any money from showing the film but will use it to demonstrate high quality dance films and to promote work created by or with older dancers.
Background Information
The umbrella title for our work with older dancers is Joie de Vivre – in recognition of the art, friendship and joy of dancing in later years.
Since 2012 PDSW has run an annual celebration of dance by, with and for older people. In 2016 we shall be hosting a platform of performances by older dance companies on 9 October at our venue, Pavilion Dance in Bournemouth.
Film enables us to break down national boundaries, to create a community of shared practice, to celebrate the quality of work created and to begin to change the perception of older bodies dancing and of what it means to be old.
Pavilion Dance South West is the National Dance Development Organisation for the South West of England, supporting regional dance strategy development and representing the South West Dance sector nationally. In our Bournemouth-based venue, Pavilion Dance, we present dance performances, live screenings, art house films, exhibitions and more than 40 dance classes every week.
Joie de Vivre Short Film Competition Application
Please give the link to your film here :
NB we can only accept films as mp3s and which have formal permission to use the music and show the choreography and performers.
Title of film :
Country of origin :
Date the film was completed :
Short description of the film :
Are you entering your film into the Creative or Documentary category? (Please circle the one that’s relevant)
Creative Documentary
Why did you make this film?
Length of film (must be less than 5 minutes) :
Names of the Company/Performers featured in the film :
Age span of dancers featured in the film :
Music featured in the film : (Title of piece and composer and performers)
Choreographer :
Other credits :
Anything else we should know about the film? :
Please sign below to confirm that you have the relevant permissions for us to share the film with the public.
Music / Sound Track
I confirm that I have the permission of the musician to use the soundtrack for the film and for PDSW to screen it.
Details of soundtrack (title of music and name of musician who has given consent)
I confirm that I have permission from the dancers to submit the film and for PDSW to screen it.
Signature ...... Date ......
Details of applicant :
Your name :
Your company (if appropriate) :
Your email address :
Your postal address :
Your mobile phone number
Your landline number :
Website :
Facebook :
Please confirm that you have read the Competition Criteria, Competition Details and Background Information and are happy to allow PDSW to share the film under the conditions stated :
Your signature……………………………………………………………………
Your printed name …………………………………………………………..
Date ……………………………………………………………