10% GiveBackPartnership Application
Due July 31, 2015
Point of Contact
Endangered Species Chocolate (ESC) uses natural, ethically traded, shade-grown chocolate as a medium to spread awareness about the growing number of species and habitats disappearing from our planet. 10% of our net profits are donated to two partner organizations involved in the preservationof species. We are honored to have given over $1Millionover the past 3 years to support conservation programs.
In addition to annual donations of 10% of our net profits (or $10,000/year, whichever is greater), ESC supports each 10% GiveBack Partner in the following ways:
- Organization’s logo, web address and mission statement featured inside every 3oz. Endangered Species Chocolate bar wrapper
- Annual in-kind donation of 144 chocolate bars to use at fundraising events
- Spotlight feature on home page of ESC’s website (including logo, mission statement, and link)
- Minimum of 1 article/year highlighting each 10% Partner in our e-newsletter and/or e-card
- Inclusion in our annual 10% GiveBack Report, spotlighting Partner’s current programs, and campaigns
We are currently seeking applications for our 2016-201810% GiveBack Partnerships. All applications are due by July 31, 2015. Announcements regarding the 10% GiveBackPartnerships will be made by October 30, 2015.
All organizations must be designated tax exempt under the IRS code 501(c )(3) and have proof of this status. In addition to answering the following questions all applications MUST include the organizations EIN number, board of directors list, and a copy of IRS designation letter.
Detail your organization’s history and mission (250 word limit).
How does your organizationbenefit the preservation of species and habitats (300 word limit)?
Specify thegeographic region(s) that is/are impacted by your organizations work. List animal species, lands and/or communities that benefit(100 word limit).
It is important for us to share with our customers how their purchase supports conservation. Provide a specific plan of howESC's donation would be used to support your organization and its programs(1 page limit).
Please indicate opportunities that your organization would be interested in participating in during the 2016-2018 partnership period to promote the 10% GiveBack Partnership (check all that apply):
Publish feature about ESC 10% GiveBack Partnership in your newsletter
Mention of ESC’s 10% GiveBack donation in your annual report
Host a chocolate bar giveaway on your Facebook (ESC will provide prize)
Post about ESC 10% GiveBack Partnership on your Facebook and/or Twitter accounts (min 3x/yr)
Provide article(s) about your organization for ESC to publish on our blog
Include ESC’s logo on supporting partnership page of your website
Offer ESC chocolate samples at trade shows (ESC will provide)
Please provide any additional recognition opportunities thatyour organization is willing to provide to promote Endangered Species Chocolate as a contributing donor(150 word limit).
To honor our values of conservation, please electronically send all applications and required documentationabove to: .
If an organization does not have electronic capability, one (1) hard copy of the application along with the required documentationabove may be mailed to:
Endangered Species Chocolate
10% Partnership Application
5846 W. 73rd St.
Indianapolis, IN. 46278