between the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Educationandthe UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs, operating in the field of ICTs in education, and the Universities, with a plan to establish new UNESCO chairs, operating in the field of ICTs in education

onthe establishing of a network of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs, operating in the field of ICTs in education

(June5, 2013, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation)

The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education and the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs, operating in the field of ICTs in education and innovative pedagogy, and the Universities, with a plan to establish new UNESCO chairs, operating in the field of ICTs in educationand innovative pedagogy (hereinafter referred to as the Parties) in accordance with the multilateral Memorandum of Understanding about the establishing of a network of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs, operating in the field of ICTs in education (hereinafter referred to as the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding), signed on June 2nd, 2011 in Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation by Parties, have agreed to make the following additions to the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding:

1. Following the item 3 of the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding new members - the concerned educational establishments which voiced their agreement with goals and tasks laid down in the Memorandum - joined the network as it is a structure open for participation.

2. The real Amendment is an integral part of the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding.Provisions of the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding will keep the force in a part, notchanged by the real Amendment.

3. This Amendmentshall take effects as of the date of its signature.

4. This Amendmentdoesn’t endorse any juridicalobligations. It has been signed in Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation in 14original copies in English, all of them being equally authentic.

For the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education

For the UNESCO Chair in Global Learning with applications to multiple domains, University of Tampere, Finland
Mr. Tapio VARIS

For the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Teacher Education, York University, Canada
Mr. Charles HOPKINS

For the Consortium of Aerospace Universities of the Russian Federation,
Mr.Andrey KIBZUN

For the UNESCO Chair in International Education and Integration of Migrants at School, Moscow Institute of Open Education, Russian Federation

For the Academy MUBINT, Russian Federation
Ms. Tatiana RITSKOVA

For the Astrakhan State University, Russian Federation

For the Udmurt State University, Russian Federation
Ms. Nadezhda VYTOVTOVA

For the Modern TRIZ Academy International, Germany
Mr. Michael A. ORLOFF

For the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics,
Russian Federation
Ms. Tatiana SHUBINA

For the Baltic International Academy, Latvia
Ms. Inta BUKA,

For the National Research Nuclear University «MIFI», Russian Federation

For the Institute on Quality of High Education, Russian Federation
Ms. Victoria PUGACH

For the Riga Technical University, Latvia
Mr. Janis Lelis

Signed in Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation on June5, 2013