Board of Governors Meeting
President: Charlie Marino
President Elect: Jose R. Rodriguez
Vice President: Frank Rivera
Secretary: Anthony Montalto
Treasurer: Gene Geyer
Distribution / Present / Distribution / PresentCharlie Marino (CM) / Yes / Manalee Nabar (MN) / Yes
Jose Rodriguez (JR) / Yes / Cassie Dudar (CD) / Yes
Frank Rivera (FR) / Yes / Brian Borghoff (BB) / Yes
Anthony Montalto (AM) / Yes / Brian Marman (BMA)
Gene Geyer (GG) / Hao Luo (HL) / Yes
Lorey Flick Roberts (LFR) / call / Jorge Rivera (JR)
Michelle Decarlo (MD) / Yes / Meraj Ramnarine (MR) / Yes
Tony Tsang (TT) / Yes / Jin Jin Huang (JJH) / Yes
Mitchel Castell (MC) / Yes / Natalie Kovac (NK)
Brian Menz (BM) / Yes / Lee Feigenbaum (LF) / Yes
Ramez Afify (RA) / Mina Agarabi (MA)
Gaspar Cabrera (GC) / Yes / Jack Conway
Davis Uzoma (DU) / Yes / Sana Aziz (SA) / Yes
New person??????
Date: August 11, 2015
Time: 6:00pm
Location: AKF, 1 Liberty Plaza, 22nd FL, "Times Square" Conf Rm
Meeting called to order: 6:15pm
a. Motion - to approve the minutes – Motion Approved
a. No update
a. CRC conference is scheduled for August 20th and approx. 7 BOG from this chapter will be attending. (MC) 2 Motions were discussed that will be presented at the CRC.
b. LF was contacted by the NY media about the recent Legionnaires outbreak occurring in NYC. LF had recommended that we set up a lecture at an upcoming dinner meeting regarding this issue and the recently published ASHRAE standard 188. CM had mentioned that we should potentially join efforts with BOMA.
c. Programs (JJH) - The following was the yearly programs as presented by JJH: August, Ice storage – September, BIM for field – October, Legionaries outbreak – November, Natural Ventilation design (AIA credit) – January, Residential code & IAQ (potentially include a discussion on wellness) – February, Passive House & net zero design – March, Data Center Design – April, Indoor Health & Hospital or maybe Smoke control combined with LI chapter – May, Mega tall building design
d. Star chapter web hosting – There was a webinar the first week of August where some members from BOG attended to review this product. CD and CM presented the topics that was reviewed on the webinar. This is a comprehensive software package which can eliminate using separate tools and platforms i.e. survey monkey. The platform also helps with tracking dues and providing reminders, surveys, member and non-member profiles, blogs, forum, etc. CD to provide costs for this new software versus paying all of the separate websites and programs for our needs. CD to send an email out for BOG motion.
e. Newsletter (BM) – First newsletter going out the first week of September. Discussed two newsletters a month; one being technical and one with all events coming up.
f. Community Projects (AM) – AM presented the volunteer effort for this October and next year with Habitat for Humanity. The fundraising letter and sponsor forms were emailed to the group on 8/10. BOG members to review and pass on to their peers. The hope is to raise the funds by the end of October for both the October 2015 & 2016 build date.
g. Gala (SA) – Intrepid is out of our price range. SA is looking into other places, but 583 Park Avenue is the backup location due to fare costs. Two potential dates May 13 or may 20th. Museum of natural history and 1 World Trade are potential locations. Next steps – finalize a place, pick an award recipient and submit a budget for two places for approval to the board.
h. Membership Promotion (LF/AM) – LF presented the MBO which includes the 5- “C’s” to better grow the strength of this committee – communication, committees, combine, cultivate and calculate. LF presented a simple dashboard to present to the board each month which will track membership. AM reviewed the sponsorship approach for reaching out to the community leaders and growing the membership in the company. AM to draft an email to be sent to the leaders.
i. YEA (HL) – HL reviewed the schedule and the budget to the group. The budget presented for the 2015/2016 calendar year was $3,000.00.
i. Motion – to approve a budget of $3,000
Second, unanimous vote. Motion Approved
j. WiE (MD) – MD to set up a WiE mass user email account for better communication between the WiE members. This group is also analysing the maternity leave policies at engineering and construction companies. The goal is to put together a comparative analysis to share with the industry and set goals for the industry. MD to set up a poll to the ASHRAE NY community and include other survey questions not related to maternity like the 5-“C’s” in MP. Look into a raffle for participants who fill out the survey. First event is targeting by the end of September.
k. Student Activities (MC) – A draft letter to be sent out in the next month to entice students. MC reached out to ACE for a future meeting for scholarship.
l. Grassroots government activities (CM) – CM is presenting on 8/12 for the 80 by 2050 with the mayors office. ASHRAE NY is getting more involved with society and government officials. ASHRAE society reached out to a few BOG members about members from the Chinese government visiting the area.
Next meeting to be held on September 8, 2015
Meeting adjourned 8:01