1. Your name, address or nearest cross streets
2. Do you currently travel all or part of your trips to work, shopping, parks, or other destinations by foot or bike?
a) Yes (what percentage _____ foot ______bike)
b) No
3. Are any of the following destinations within 2 miles of your home: workplace, shopping place, school, park, other?
a) Yes (which ones? ____________________________________________________)
b) No
4. What are your most frequent travel (three or more times per week) destinations? (Can select more than one)
a) Work
b) Shopping
c) School
d) Park
e) Relatives house
f) Gym
5. Would you consider traveling more on foot or bike to work, shopping or other trips (compared to driving a car) if you had a better path?
a) Yes
b) No
6. Rank factors (most1-5 least) which discourage you from making more trips on foot or bike.
Insufficient sidewalks
No bike lane
High vehicular traffic areas
Insufficient Safety signage
Not physically able
Other ___________________
7. Do you like to walk or bike for recreation or exercise?
a) Yes (_____ foot ______bike)
b) No
8. If Frankfort had more user friendly pedestrian and bicycling routes would you use them regularly (three or more times per week) ?
a) Yes(_____ foot ______bike)
b) No
9. Please provide the locations where pedestrian facilities are needed (or improved)
10. How do your children get to and from school most often?
a) Bus
b) Car
c) Bike
d) Walk
11. What factors discourage you from letting your children either walk or bike to and from school?
(Can select more than one)
a) Traffic
b) Lack of safety signage
c) Insufficient sidewalks or bike lanes
d) Don’t trust your children
e) Insufficient storage facility at school site